the great white is back

Started by neville, June 03, 2009, 20:00:00 CET

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"the great white is back"
Yeah...and funnily enough they always come back at the same time of year,just as the summer is about to kick in and the kids are off school..........the blurry pictures with non-discript shadows will start soon  ::) Stephen Spielburg & Peter Benchley have got alot to answer for  ;D


u hit the nail on it's head Martin  ;)


well we have -3 for this summer
silver craft 395


yes this is a shortfin mako that was caught some 30 miles from cirkewwa in june 2005
silver craft 395


Yepp that mako was caught 4 years ago by great friends of mine from msida!!!!

It is the last big shark capture recorded until then.


Great white u pixxiplamtu l istess!!?? jien ma jidirlix li huma l istess jew ghandi zball
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


Ghadni kemm rcivejt email b'xi pics ta' din l-huta...Hsibtu ricenti...L'akbar kelb il-bahar inqabad fl-inhawwi ta' filfla minn sajjied mill-Qrendi . Wied iz-Zurrieq tistghu taraw ir-ritratti tieghu.


minalija l istess gganto by catch mal pixxispad sajjied qalieli

personalment dak li qabad iaz zurrieq kien iffitxhom dawn it tip ta sharkijiet.... ghandi ktieb ta l iscuba diving ghat turisti bl istorja tieghu u jghid car u tond x kien jaghmel

locally he is known as "l iben t alla" jew son of god.... u qabel il bir qabd wiehed ta 5.5m
Good season so far.....


mako is worse than a great white, for the simple reason that mako come out of the water and can grab a person on the boat.


hekk ikun jonqsok tkun ghamilt xi gurnata ma qbadt xejn u tara d dimonju tiela ghalik


Quote from: shanook on June 04, 2009, 08:28:39 CET
mako is worse than a great white, for the simple reason that mako come out of the water and can grab a person on the boat.

I think the great white can do the same thing Shanook. With the difference that it can swallow you whole in mid-air  ;D

If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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I cannot understand which do they public such shitty stories just before the summer season.
I think sharks are comming nearby because they like eating jellyfish, so do not worry guys.... ;D
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


You have better chances of winning the lottery then coming across a great white in the med :p  ..............Let alone being attacked by one.  I've always been fascinated by the creature and hopefully one day I will get the opportunity to swim with them  :P   ..........But I'd prefer if the encounter is not in our waters and behind a cage hehe