Night Fishing at Marsoxlokk

Started by blueskip, April 25, 2009, 17:18:21 CET

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I,ll be back in malta approx 20th august.When will you be over Blueskip?
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


Happy Anniversary indeed >:( Bah Humbug! >:(


Over on 23rd September matey be there by 1100 ready to go fishing by 1200! cant wait to try out my pole at Marsascala pier, whilst drinking cold Cisk! ;D Fancy a trip down to the side of the Freeport during the week, should be good for garfish by then, dont tell Placebo we are going to his spot! ;)


Blue skip I should be in Malta from the 17/09/2009 & leave on the 28/09/2009 so contact me & hopefully we can go fishing as I live in Marsascala , Hopefully we can do some more better fishing than the Pier. I know the feeling as I fish from the Pier most Winter days. You can come too Redbus if you are there , I promised the last get together we had at Marsascala & I do not forget.
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


Should be ok .will get in touch nearer the date
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


Sounds good Tatanka anything that beats the pier is fine by me, although I did enjoy myself catching small stuff down there, I spun, fly fished, legered, paternostered, & float fished, in fact I totally surrounded them.
The highlight of the week was when a Russian woman came down & sat on the wall by the side of me, & took her top off :o I missed a load of bites after that for some reason. It was fine until my wife came down with my daughter-in-law on their way home from shopping >:( How was I supposed to influence this woman to put her tits away? I dont speak Russian  :D


Good One Blueskip , I must go fishing there in summer time too  ;) then because in Winter to only thing that can come next to me on the pier is a wave which is very unplesant if caught in the moment. That is what I really call a cold shower.

Just drop me a PM when you are over & we will get Redbus to come with us & go fishing on the boat.
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


Thanks for the offer Tatanka,much appreciated would love to go on your boat.And blueskip we,ll make arrangements for the Freeport when your over   ;D
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


We will have to be organised, because I wont be there until mid morning Wed 23rd & we are going to Gozo >:( (I assume Saturday afternoon coming back Sunday) & we fly back home on 30th, doesn't give us much time to do the maximum amount of fishing. We will certainly take Tatanka up on his offer of boat fishing if the weather is suitable, I have a load of 50lb class boat stuff over there & quite a few deep divers & surface poppers I would like to try.
The Freeport is a good spot & the gars should be there at that time, plenty of bream & mullet to be caught on the pole there close in, especially if you use groundbait, if you get a chance keep all your stale bread & we can mash it up in a bucket with some fish oil to use as groundbait ;D Wish I didn't have to go to bloody Gozo at the weekend, I hate all that sort of c**p! >:( I'd much rather be fishing, I bought a sign for my Landrover which reads, "If they dont have fishing heaven, I'm not going!"


I will get my local grocer (Tommy) to keep his stale bread for me.I have found that if you mix a few tins of sardiens in oil in with the bread it makes a difference and they are cheap to buy.Buy the way,how far above the water will we be fishing,or can you get right down to the waters edge?
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


if you are going to where fish market is , i recon you are between 1 ft and 2 ft above water, if i remember right from my many walks along there. ;D ;D ;D


No not the fish market Mike,the gulley near the freeport,we are going off the rocks in the day.Marsaxlokk will be night fishing for moray eels.
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


If we go midweek when people are in work, we should be ok for a spot 4/6ft above the water, if you go at the weekend when everybody is off work & its busy, if you dont get there in the dark then we might have to fish from a different spot higher above the water, the early bird gets the worm ;)
I like the idea of the sardines in oil, I do that back here with carp groundbait for bream & triggerfish from the wreck in Oxwich Bay, it really makes a difference. How are we going to be fixed for transport? I might be able to borrow my daughter in laws jeep when she isn't in work,  otherwise I might hire a car for a few days, where are you living? if I get the car I can pick you up on the way. I managed to end up at the gates of the power station last time out when I arranged to meet Placebo outside the church in Marsoxlokk :o so somebody who knows where they are going would be a help! :D


Just seen the result of the Alungi Trolling Comp :o but I couldn't find out how to comment on that page ??? Well done to all the teams some great fish caught there, I wish I lived in Malta & had my old "Pride & Joy" berthed there, then I could give you all a run for your money! ;)
All I have to do is win the Lottery, ::) & my dreams of competing will come true, until then keep on catching quality fish like those


we would sink your boat on your way to fishing grounds...........

mssg me my friend before your next visit to plan some fishing
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing