Marine Protected Areas around the Maltese archipelago

Started by baghira, August 30, 2010, 12:23:48 CET

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A meeting has been c/o on 11th August 2010 at MEPA, between myself and Mr. Christopher Cousin, and Ms. Nadia Suda lanzon. The purpose of this meeting was to get a better explanation of what regulations exist with Regards to Marine Protected Areas, and what us fisherman can/cannot do.

I was explained that due to EU policies, Malta had to Declare 80% of the Posidonia seabed as protected, thus 4 new Protected areas have been announced. These areas are illustrated in this post and cover over 18,000 hectares of the Maltese marine environment.

The sites are -

* a significant stretch of area along the north east of the islands; and three smaller areas

* Mġarr ix-Xini;

* Dwejra; and

* an area between Għar Lapsi and Fifla.

Until today, all fishing activites can still be c/o as usuall, but without damaging the Posidonia seabed. More studies will follow so that these areas will be separated into different zones, and these will limit the fishing activities allowed in that particular Zone.

During this meeting I was also informed that the Marine Protecteed Area of Rdum Il-Majjiesa to Ras-Ir Raheb, is not being enforced, and that there are several discussion concerning the zoning in this area. Thus fishing activities until further notice can still be c/o normally. The area is illustrated below:
The red area meaning No entry-No take, the yellow area indicates Entry - No Take, The green area indicates Entry- No Take, and the blue area Entry - Take (Subject to buffer provisions)
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Notice to mariners No.5 of 2009.
Conservation areas around Wrecks.

The below illustrated are the areas of conservation.:

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Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Written by Kenneth Busuttil Griffin:

No spearfishing is permitted in zones which are designated to be conservation zones by MEPA* and wherever artificial reefs are built for the purpose of scientific studies or as an attraction to tourist divers.

Spearfishing license: Before the actual purchase of the gun, one obtains license number from Police General Headquarters weapons Offices after a short interview with an officer. One is asked to fill in a form with personal details and speargun specifications.

- For the purchase of any arm which requires a licence and to keep such an arm during the year of its purchase. (reg.1_Police Licences Regulations, CAP. 128) EUR 16.31.
- To keep a speargun during any year following the year of purchase there of, per annum. (reg.6_Police Licences Regulations, CAP. 128) EUR 6.99
- To carry a speargun per annum (reg.7_Police Licences Regulations, CAP. 128) EUR 3.49

Restrictions: Regulation (EC No 1967/2006) which is administered by the Veterinary Affairs and Fisheries Division:

Spear-guns shall be prohibited if used in conjunction with underwater breathing apparatus (aqualung) or at night from sunset to dawn. (reg.4_Art.8_EC No 1967/2006).

Other Restricted areas:

Fishing is strictly prohibited in the proximity of the sewage outfall at Wied Ghammieq within the area demarcated on the land side by two stone pillars painted red situated on the sides of the drainage outlet, one on Xghajra shore in the vicinity of Ras il-gebel and the other under the Ricasoli Bastion and on the sea side by two range buoys. It is also prohibited to collect by any means from the same area any edible marine products. (reg.11_S.L.10.12 Fishery Regulations).

No fishing is permitted in the Dockyard Creek or in the French Creek, that is in those parts of the Grand Harbour to the south east of a line drawn from St.Angelo Point to Isola Point and hence to the northern end of Parlatorio Wharf and Corradino Hill without a special licence issued by the Director with the approval of the Prime Minister. (reg.12_S.L.10.12 Fishery Regulations).

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Thanks to Blabfish we are notified of this other marine conservation area near Merkanti shoals:
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Please note that today I have contacted the maritime squadron of the armed forces of malta, whom directed me to the fisheries control division to collect some information as regards the protected area of filfla:
The following is the notice to mariners issued on 1987:

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This has been repealed by the following govt. notice 173 of 1990.
Attached please find a copy.
This information was sent to me by Mr. Raymod Caruana Fisheries.

So now you all know what can be and what cannot be done around filfla.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Mr. Grixti,

                    Yes, you can and further more you can fish with set bottom lines as well. All types of nets or surface long lines especially targeting highly migratory species, like lampuki swordfish etc. are strictly prohibited for recreational or leisure fisheries as per council Reg. 1967/2006 art. 17. Further more small tuna (tunnagg) caught accidently with surface trolling must not be kept on board. Fish caught by recreational, sport or leisure boats cannot be sold or marketed.



From: Grixti Silvio
Sent: Il-Ġimgħa, 4 ta' Marzu 2011 08:04
To: Caruana Raymond (Control) at MRRA (FCD)
Subject: RE: filfla

Dear Mr. Caruana.

I read several times the Notice to mariners you sent me, and if I understood well, all type of fishing from a boat is permitted within the one mile radius correct.

The only non permissible activities are, swimming and diving, berthing, anchoring and mooring.

So as a recreational fisherman, I mean (MFC or S), I can go bottom trolling, surface trolling, jigging, paternoster as long as I do not anchor!


Silvio Grixti

Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


As far as I know one can fish at Dwejra Area in Gozo but it is proposed for the future to be a protected area.


From: Grixti Silvio
Sent: Il-Ġimgħa, 4 ta' Marzu 2011 08:28
To: Caruana Raymond (Control) at MRRA (FCD)
Subject: RE: filfla

If I may ask one last thing!

Does any similar Notice to mariners exist with regards to the Dwejra Area in Gozo? Is this also a protected area?

We know that it has become a protected area due to the posidonia seabed last year 2010, but all fishing activities can still be c/o without causing damage to the seabed.

But does any other Notice exists beside this?

Thanks in advance.

Silvio Grixti

Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Attached please find coordinate location of the Merkanti shoal protected area, since I was asked this by a member.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Simon G

maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


Hi Silvio, the earlier notices angling for pelagic fish but jigging isn't mentioned. Providing that one isn't directly on the wreck endangering scuba divers, I can't see anywhere that directly indicated one cannot?


You might have a point.
Jigging is a very recent sport that may have got away during the discussion for the mentioned notice, but I can read surface fishing only!!!
N.B. That divers are not only on the wreck, I am pissed of wrecks and prefer diving in the surrounding areas of these artificial reefs.....

But to clear this issue you might ask someone who took part in the decision above, and to tell you the truth I am giving up from start... :-\
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh