Started by fishfinder, July 26, 2008, 20:25:46 CET

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I went to have a look at my registration from UK and the unit was jotted down as a non GPS unit. So i made the necessary corrections and re sent to UK. I have just received an email stating that the the unit's hex id is wrong and depicts a non gps unit.
I will copy and past the email i received so that u guys can check about the unit. Will call Medcomms and write to McMurdo.


Dear Mr Pace

Looking at the Hex Id: 9D0F60661000309 (210-530820), this decodes as a non-GPS beacon. However, given that you state that the model is a 210 type, it is currently wrongly coded and therefore will need to be re-programmed as soon as possible to the correct GPS coding protocol. I suggest that you contact the supplier or if you have a problem, please contact Geoff Sargent, Customer Support Manager, McMurdo Ltd, Tel: +44 23 9262 3900 who will be able to advise further. I have copied him in on this email.

Once reprogrammed, the Hex Id will change to start: 1D....., etc, please advise us of the new Hex Id so we can update our records.

Many thanks, Linda
UK 406MHz Distress & Security Beacon Registry
Tel: +44 (0)1326 211569
Fax: +44 (0)1326 319264
Email: epirb@mcga.gov.uk


Just called Medcomms and I have to take it in for reprogramming......so check our the hex number and if it starts with 9d then it needs reprogramming......


That is annoying, mine is a 9D hex code as well so looks like they have all come out incorrectly coded. Tony can you email me Geoff Sargent's contact email address so that I'll send him an email to double check, but if they need to be 1D I guess I'm in the same boat.


I dont have Geoff Sargent email, the posted email is exactly as I got it. Although Mark from Medcomms was helpful i felt disappointed as when I told him about this he said that someone else had contacted him with the same problem, my disappointment is that he should have consulted the data he collected from us and should have contacted us.
This is a safety measure and it should be taken seriously..........there might be lives at stake.....


Medcomms have confirmed that all 9D units have to be returned for programming.


Went to medcomms and met Visa there, just got a call that they are ready, and that Mark is going to take care of registering them with the new hex ID.


Do you have any new information regarding this topic in regards to registration of PLBs or EPIRBs?  Do we still have to do them online via UK only?


Haven't been informed of any changes, but may be worthwhile giving Mark at Medcomms a call. In an ideal world the MCA would have taken charge of this locally but.....!!


Old topic however just as an update all these years later, I've had the battery changed on my 210 model and as Malta now supports beacon registration , my PLB has been coded to Malta and I will be registering it on https://406registration.com/