Reporting Illegal Fishing Activites

Started by skip, April 25, 2009, 15:55:39 CET

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This will provide a summary of the contact points and procedures for reporting illegal fishing activities in our local waters:

Recommended Procedures

1) Do your best to take a picture of the offending vessel showing the vessel registration (zoom)
2) Do your best to take a wide angle picture so that it's easier to see the vessels location
3) Do your best to capture the illegal activity
4) If your phone support video this tends to be better
5) When calling in the report try and give a precise location and use land marks as references.
6) Indicate the nature of the suspected illegal fishing activity.

Above all, stay safe. Don't jeopardise your personal safety when attempting to get this information.

Contact Points

Main Number Fisheries Control Directorate Control Room Freephone: 80072240

Fisheries Control email:

For Port Related Issues if you can't reach Fisheries Control
Mr Patrick Pollacco
Principal Security Officer
Corporate Office
Malta Maritime Authority
Maritime Trade Centre
Marsa MRS 1917
Tel: (+356) 2291 4130
Fax: (+356) 2291 4139
Mob: (+356) 9942 1575
(Contact 24x7)

Malta Police Depot Headquarters +356 21224001 - Contact 24x7 if you can't get through to Fisheries Control Ask for ALE Section and ask them to send a report to the Fisheries Control Directorate

Malta VTS (Call sign: MALTA VTS)
Ch. 69,16
Telephone: +356 2249 4202/4206/4207
(Contact 24x7)


Contact name and number inserted for Fisheries Control Department - Mark is the recreational fishers contact point.


Please be informed that the Fisheries Control Directorate Control Room can be contacted on the following freephone number 24x7:

Freephone: 80072240