Bubbling oil slick.

Started by Lamacca, March 29, 2011, 14:38:32 CET

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I do not know how common this is but is certainly looks worrying.

After work yesterday I went down to see if there was anybody spinning down near the cement silos in Kordin.  ( Ras hanzir??) . There were some people spinning nobody caught anything but what got my attention was that every minute or so a bubble of oil would appear on the surface and than burst into an oil slick a few meters wide . The slick would be taken away by the current and Plop another one bursts.
Is this normal?
13 Foot Seastar 400 (bahri kind of)
15hp Suzuki
3.5hp Seagull 40+ Longshaft  (Yes it works , yes it leaks oil)
3.0hp Seagull 40  Longshaft 60 years and it's my best one !
1.5hp Seagull 40- extra short shaft
5 hp Gutbrod Short shaft Air cooled.


LOl it's true i've witnessed it many times. Bubbles of oil come up from the bottom and spread in the surface ..the fish must taste good lol


something is leaking oil at the bottom.probably an engine.report it to the authourities and it would be cleaned.(hopefully)


Quiet Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Should we have a look underneath? Maybe we find crude oil......
Ohhh then we would have enough fuel for the Alongi comp.. :o ;D

Joking. Send an e-mail to whom it concerns.
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