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tuna 2015

Started by trampas, March 12, 2015, 08:28:02 CET

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email from Federation....

On 6th February 2015 the Federation had a meeting with High Fisheries Officials regarding the 2015 BFT recreational licence.

Apart from the welcome increase of the quota to 2000 kilos, two proposals were put forward for the Federation to choose one.

The Federation representatives seeing, that in their opinion both proposals were unacceptable informed the Fisheries Officials that the proposals will be brought up in a Federation committee meeting whereby all affiliated associations' representatives could decide.

All Associations' representatives agreed that both proposals were unacceptable. The Federation replied to the Fisheries Department that the proposals put forward by the Fisheries Department were unacceptable and explained why.

Weeks later the Federation secretary was informed that the department was considering a new proposal. The new proposal was that persons can register for the BFT licence at the expense of an administration fee which was negotiated at € 20, without any other conditions.

At this stage the Fisheries Department had to inform us before a press release is issued.

The Fisheries Department sent a draft of the Press Release to the Federation. However in the press release another condition was added, that those persons "having a vessel registered for recreational fishing under national provisions" could apply for a licence.

The Federation once more called on the Fisheries Official, pointing out that there is discrimination between 'S', Valletta and MFC recreational registered boats. The Officer in charge dogmatically said that this was the final decision.

Consequently the Press release was published in the Government Gazette of the 13th March 2015. The Fisheries Department advised the Federation of this publication on the 14th March 2015.

....... Taghna ilkoll!!!! LOL
I'd rather be fishing.....


Benri...ghandha 2 options...nistu naghlqu halqna...u nhallu kollox ghaddej.......
Jew naffrontaw il-problema u niggildulha bil mezzi kollha leggitimi ghad dispozzizjoni taghna.....
F'idejkom, ghiduli xi tridu taghmlu, u nimxu
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Gaffer jiena MFC imma li hemm bzonn naghmlu u nghin biex kulhadd ikun jista igawdi l istess drittijiet bhala sajjied deltettant. 


Gaffer, jien nghid ghalija ma nixtieqx naghlaq halqi u inhalli kollox ghaddej! Naffrontawhom ghax inkella ghall aghar ha mmorru!
I'd rather be fishing.....


Jekk joghgobkom dan il post halluh fuq is sajd tat tonn mhux fuq il kacca! U tuzawx dan il forum biex tattakkaw individwi u lill xulxin...... grazzi :-)
I'd rather be fishing.....


Benri, jekk qieghed tirreferi ghalija, jien ilbierah bghatt PM lil Gaffer fejn iccarajt l-affarijiet mieghu u tlabtu apologija jekk kien hemm xi misunderstanding min-naha tieghi. Hu rrispondini lura u ghalhekk il-kas dwar il-kacca huwa maghluq bejnietna. Biss se nerga' naghmel l-ahhar appell hawnhekk. Nirrispetta jekk ma taqblux mal-kacca izda nitlobkom tivvuta IVA ghax jekk jghaddi r-referendum jista' jkollu konsegwenzi koroh hafna fuq id-delizzji, inkluz dak tas-sajjieda dilettanti. Grazzi.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


Ahna d delattanti ninghaqqdu flimkien u forsi naghmlu hoss :) Jien gimgha ijlu batt email lil fisheries fuq xi haga ohra u qas biss acknowledgement arukaza !!

Din l ewwel tumakka li hadna li l s u l valletta ma jistawx jistadu ghat tonn..... Biss wahda najd, sippost il federation taqbes ghalina kollha pero ghandi d dubji tieghi xtamel :/


Nirringrazzja l-Alla li fl-ahhar rebah is-sens komun! Ghadu kif ikkonfermali is sur Roderick Galdes li kulhadd jista japplika - S u Valletta ukoll!
I'd rather be fishing.....


grazzi benri tax-xoghol li taghmel ghal kemm ma nafx min inti. il kundizjonijiet bhal tas-sena l-ohra baqaw jew?


Jiena,diment li ma nissemmiex b'ismi,ma nirrispondiex,ghax l-etika hekk tmur.............Izda jekk xi hadd isemmieni,imbaghad bi dritt niddefendi lili nnifsi. Grazzi Benri.


Kien hemm hafna interventi minn diversi individwi u fl ahhar is sens komun rebah! Biss din hija it-tieni gaff li ghamel dan id dipartiment wara tac cimi tad dilettanti is sena l-ohra!
I'd rather be fishing.....


Prosit Benri.  Napprezza hafna l-intervent utli tieghek.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: benri on March 17, 2015, 15:13:36 CET
Kien hemm hafna interventi minn diversi individwi u fl ahhar is sens komun rebah! Biss din hija it-tieni gaff li ghamel dan id dipartiment wara tac cimi tad dilettanti is sena l-ohra!

Grazzi Benri
Good season so far.....


Grazzi berni, f isem xi hbieb li mhux membri f dan il forum ukoll.
