16 min under water

Started by busumark, April 04, 2008, 14:28:00 CET

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EMIC did you see the guy yesterday on tv he made the world record under water holding his breath. he did 16 min something seconds


No, but does he was breading pure air? Normally that guys do that times


He was breathing pure Oxygen for 30 minutes before immersion as per the rules allowed for that particular record. Obviously by saturing his blood for 30 minutes and using all the apnea techniques it helps a long way but 16 minutes was still super impressive and pretty unreal to watch!


Sure it is, but personally i don t like that kind of sport. Maybe because I don t know a lot about breading pure oxygen technic, but that as i can se is to measure the limit of the apneast. For me apnea gives me sadisfaction wen I do some nice aspetoes with some nice fish, ad at the moment I pull  my trigger and feel my body lifting from the groung relaxed, fining up, there isn t any thing nicer. EYs this is a word record but in the sentence there is the word BUT and this for me doesn t gives me sadisfaction.

I see it like when you fishing with thin lines, its harder to get the result landed but at the end when you see that you took up a nice fish with your only technic there isn t nicer


i agree with you emic but you have to give credit to the man who did it. some people have different ways on how to enjoy the sea.
it is no joke to hold your breath for such a long time with many of the risks involved(as you already know).
just to let you know, there was a french women who lost her life while trying to beat a world record. it was pinpin's wife( pinpin is one of the greatest apneaist of all time) who lost her life as she experienced sincope(samba) at 120metres. There is a rai documentary called 'sfide' who described the fashion and history of apnea, including this incident.
i had a link of life straming on pc, when i find it i post it to you
Good season so far.....


i don t agree not for these records but only when they breath pure oxygen. Pipins wife wasend doing it with pure oxygen.  The fault as I don t get wrong she had problems as the cylinder to lift up the lifting bag was empty.

Simon G

if you had to calculate the ratios of pure oxygen in air is about 10% so by some odd calculation if one can do 1min with air i would assume that if they where to breath pure oxygen this would allow them 10mins
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


True but you're taking it as straight 1:1 absorption levels which the body doesn't do! You can super saturate all the blood cells with Oxygen but there's still a limit hence I guess the equation of 1 min to 10 doesn't equate. Aside from super saturation, pure oxygen causes a slight euphoric state helps with relaxation essential for apnea.


yes emic true but in the documentary pinpin mentioned that at some time in the decent she experienced a partial sincope. these are just rumors yet it is true too that she wasted 30 seconds to switch on the lever... it is been a while since i watched the documentary
Good season so far.....


Quote from: Simon G on April 05, 2008, 08:53:16 CET
if you had to calculate the ratios of pure oxygen in air is about 10% so by some odd calculation if one can do 1min with air i would assume that if they where to breath pure oxygen this would allow them 10mins

just a small correction ...There is approximately 21% (by volume) or 23% (by mass) of pure oxygen (O2) in air! So that makes the calculation a bit far off...

I agree with emic... because he has the same line of thought as mine (and many more), there is nothing nicer when you use your apnea with the scope of getting a fish....

but for the people who practice the sport of apnea diving... it's just amazing seeing a guy underwater for around 16minutes!! (He must have gills or something like that lol)

Why do fish make men go crazy?


I agree its amazing thing to watch,although i didnt actually see this attempt,i recently watched a discovery documentary about another attempt,which was really cool as it went into the details of the ammount of training they do to prepare for an attempt on the world record,for example running/training at high altitude to get the body/lungs used to performing at athletic standards in a low oxygen enviroment etc & it strikes me that whilst the ability to hold your breath as long as possible is a pre-requsite for spear fishing in apnea,they are two different things and two seperate skill sets...both equally amazing! especially to a guy like me who everytime i dive over 5m it feels like my ears have been driven 1ft into my skull (ma nafx infaqa widneja)  :D


To make that training for us is early impossible. I like when I see this records but for us what will go to give us? It isn t a joke of doing a record, but whats about for us this doesn t work. If we have let say for example 8 mins cos mainelly to fin down we spend half of our energy and have to see also the weather and everything, so in 8min in a good place we can fish and shoot and go home after the first dive. So wouldn t be nice as now, go for 2 mins and do your best to atract or find the fish.


Quote from: Granitu on April 04, 2008, 20:30:26 CET
i agree with you emic but you have to give credit to the man who did it. some people have different ways on how to enjoy the sea.
it is no joke to hold your breath for such a long time with many of the risks involved(as you already know).
just to let you know, there was a french women who lost her life while trying to beat a world record. it was pinpin's wife( pinpin is one of the greatest apneaist of all time) who lost her life as she experienced sincope(samba) at 120metres. There is a rai documentary called 'sfide' who described the fashion and history of apnea, including this incident.
i had a link of life straming on pc, when i find it i post it to you

If you want I have this documentry on divx format ... including another 40 divx of spearfishing and apnea.
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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Quote from: EmicMalta on April 04, 2008, 21:46:51 CET
i don t agree not for these records but only when they breath pure oxygen. Pipins wife wasend doing it with pure oxygen.  The fault as I don t get wrong she had problems as the cylinder to lift up the lifting bag was empty.

The problem with Audrey Mestre death was that Pipen (or shall I say Pipens team) didnt check that the cylinder containted air ...... in fact it was empty.
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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