Would Like to buy an Alonga

Started by Buddhagrass, July 24, 2008, 07:40:25 CET

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pictures i can get from internet busu but i will post ta whether a buzulieqa jew mazzun xi haga naqbdu ta.Jien ukoll it tlieta qied nahseb ukoll.


Quote from: shanook on July 24, 2008, 18:13:20 CET
emic its a good idea but i have a slight modification to it. See we are on a boat far out at sea and if something happens the most important thing the body needs is water. So I fill in plastic bottles with fresh drinking water i freeze them and when i place them in the ice box with the sea water i leave them closed. they chill the sea water and if there is an emergency i have about 6 bottles filled with cool fresh drinking water. See we Maltese are wiser than the Ities.

its a bit different. They told me that the fresh water needs to be mixed with sea water in the cooler and for this reason they told me to open the tap of the bottle so it dissolve more slowely. Infact they told me to do as with a ratio of 1:2


The way I know it is to mix ice with salt water, this brings the temperature of the water below 0 deg. I also heard that fresh water doesn't do good to salt water fish, so I recomand that you keep water botles closed. With the ice/salt water mixture I can tell you that you will not keep hands in it. Bringing out lampuki to gut from the cooler with this metode, I had to take a break every so often cause my hands couldn't take it.
Can't wait to go fishing


Thats what I heard as well Ramio, not sure why they are mixing frozen fresh with salt? I would also imagine that you could fill your bottles with sea water and then freeze them for use the next time around and then apply Emics method of opening the bottles to mix?


One should never put fish in contact with fresh water, especially if one intends to freeze the fish. This is because the salt found in sea water is actually an impurity in the water. All impurities in the water will reduce its freezing point. Thus, sea water, being loaded with "impurities" will not freeze at 0 deg C but at a much lower temperature. On freezing, water will expand - given that sea water freezes at a lower temperature, it will expand less than fresh water at any given temperature. The less the water expands, the less damage it causes to the fish's tissues.
Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.


I know what you are saying but I will ask the guys what they call this methode and write it down. Your right robert but this is what they told me


this is what they told me about this method:

bellissimi i colori del dentice...avete fatto la baiatura?

scusa Emic ...forse non mi sono spiegato bene: la baiatura ? un trattamento del pescato, del tutto naturale, che consente di rendere i colori dei pesci pi? vivi e brillanti...e c'? che dice che il pesce "baiato" si conservi pi? a lungo...

si ottiene la baiatura mettendo il pesce per una mezz'oretta in acqua di mare e ghiaccio nel rapporto di 1 a 2...

deve essere di acqua dolce...meglio se si riempiono delle bottiglie di plastica da mettere nella borsa frigorifero...poi appena si mette il pesce, si mette una quantit? di acqua di mare che all'incirca ? la mett? della quantit? di acqua dolce ghiacciata...si tolgono i tappi alle bottiglie ...in modo tale che il ghiaccio cominci a sciogliersi e mescolarsi con l'aqua marina...

quindi per esempio...: pesce + 2l di acqua di mare + 4l di acqua dolce ghiacciata ....dentro il vano portapesce , ti assicuro che questo trattamento specie per il periodo caldo consente di trasportare il pescato fino in porto e tirarlo fuori che sembra ancora vivo...

I had a mistake. I said that should be 1:2 but here it says 1 salt water and 2 drinking water