Coastal Trolling competition

Started by ganni, October 10, 2008, 23:45:56 CET

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SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


It seems I'm in with ForTuna !!  ;)

Chris  8)

Kaptan Jr

When do You think this competition is going to be held please???? I want to know roughly because of work. Thanks guys
Katpan 15ft, Cuddy cabin and powered with twin 50hp TLDI Tohatsu outboard engines


heq id date lahjar nifthemu bejnietna xtahsbu?? namluwha f'novembru jew?? jien xorta ghalija

Translation: Regarding the date we have to decide between us. Shall we say November? Its the same with me.(ramio)
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Come on guys this is a great opportunity for those who cannot go offshore to compete and have fun in a forum competition.


have you any dates in mind??  which month do you prefer??
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


L aqwa li wahda l hadd u no problema alina !!  ;)

Chris   8)

Translation: For us its better if held on a Sunday (ramio)


sunday would be a great day.

Gann i think end of november - january is the best time


Al dak z zmien imbad namlu ohra !!  ;D

Begining of November  ;)  x tahsbu ?

Chris  8)


9th jew 16th november?? xtahsbu??

ghatu harsa len dan lattachment. xtahsbu kieku namluwha f'larea immarkata bit 3 linji vjola??

ha nkunu nistghu nohorgu 3km il barra u ghanna 4km tul mal kosta

Translation: What you think about the 9th or 16th november. Take a look at the attachment. The area suggested between the violet lines is 3km out from shore, and 4km long. (ramio)
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Jew nkella namluwa lej n naha l ohra, lej Mxlokk x tahsbu ?
Bhala dati nahseb 9th tajjeb !!

Chris  8)

translation: Or we can do it on the Marsaxlokk side, what do you think. The 9th looks like a good date. (ramio)


inkella biex namluha lejn marsaxlokk araw dan lattechment.

pero jien nahseb li dik li amilt lewwel wahda tkun aktar fair ma kulhadd ghax ija laktar centrali bejn dawk li jigu min birzebbuga u mellieha. xtahsbu??

issa dawk iz zewg fishing grounds li ghazilt hemm mien gieli jistad hemm?? huma postijiet tajbin?? ghax jien mandix idea ta dawn in nahat ta!!

hemm kali, lizzijiet, xi dnieci, plamti u kubrit?? insomma l hut li nistghu nimmiraw biex naqbdu u!!

Translation:Take a look at the attachment. It indicates a zone more towards Marsaxlokk. I think the othjer site is more centralised, so it is more fair to all. has anybody fished in these two zones. How is fishing in these areas? Do we get the variety of tralling fish? (ramio)
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Niltaqaw kolla fil port l kbir u nitilqu min hemm e filkas, pero mhux jin u ganni biss irridu niccediedu nahseb, l ohrajn fejnhom ??  Ejja guys qumu minn hemm  :P

Chris  8)

Translation: What do you people think if we were to meet in the grand harbour. I like to hear some more feedback from other members.(ramio)


vera vera qumu naqa haha.

tuna lideat u lopinjonijiet taghkom. ija lahjar niltaqaw f'xi port u nitilqu min hemm.

jien nahseb li jekk ikun ir rih u jkun naqa mqalleb nistghu namluwha fil port il kbir xtahsbu??  halli mux inkunu preparanjna kollox ghal xejn!!

nghamlu xi fee bejnietna u norganizzaw xi trophees??

Translation: Let's hear some more ideas. If we meet in the grand harbour, we can also fish there if its windy. We cam collect a fee and organise some trophies. (ramio)
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Jien imhajjar nidhol ukoll imma tuni naqa ideat dwar x tip ta rixa nista nuza ax adni bidu as sajd bir rixa u sissa bir rixa al lampuki biss mort.
Bhala data laqwa li jkun il hadd.
Alija kwazi kull post tajjeb ax dajsa zghira li andi u inizzell min kullimkien.

Translation: I'm interested in joining the competition, but I need some help regarding what lures I need. So far I have only fished Lampuki. Sunday is good for me. regarding location For me its the same as I have a small boat that can be taken anywhere.(ramio)