
Started by owenbullu, December 08, 2008, 23:29:13 CET

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Kemm hawn minkhom li qabzitilkhom minhabba il pariti...(jien 1 minkhom).....imma issa kemm hawn minkhom li irrapurtaw lil dawn in nies. U tghidulix li ghal ta xejn ghax naf b kaz li gara xi 15 il gurnata ilu li irrapurtaw lil xi KURNUT li tefa parit go port u giet patrol boat ghalieh. Dan it tali li irraporta hu membru f dan il forum pero jien minix sa insemmi min. Ma inkunux ipokriti jekk tarawhom aqbdu il mob (hafna minnhom bil cam issa) u hudu ritratt tan numru u camplu il maritime. Jekk ma jtikhomx sodisfazzjon ergaw cemplu. Imbaghad jekk veru taqbzilkhom ghax ma jkunux ikalkulawk.....ghajn m ghajn sinna b sinna.....imarka fejn tefa u mur qattalu kollox...jerga jitfa erga qattalu kollox...mat tielet darba halli l immaginazzjoni tigri bik u ghamilielu



Good theory owen ;) Pinna tfajthilom


iva owen andek ragun gbin...imma jek tqattalu il floats jew nofs parit iktar tamel hsara ax il parit jibqa fl-ilma u alla biss jaf kem jehel hut mijaw!
15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins


Thanks bullu,

Mala il persuna jin, xi gima gimatejn ilu, kont ed nistad ma sihbi al tal qih ir rinella (fej tal films) - emm kappella zejra bix inkun ezatt. emmek emm bajja / dahla zejra u kinu ed jistadu tnej min nis al tal qih ukoll, u ahna bqajna tilajn isjed il fuq u waddabna. hin minnom jigi luzzu, u jibda jwaddab il parit min barra (fej tal films) jidhol gol bajja (20 - 25 mtrs mil blat ta) u jibqa gej quddimna bticrita fuq wiccu u jkala.... qbatt najjat u ed titfax daqsek vicin allinqas man. ma kinx isjed min 25 mtrs il barra ul post kin jafu sew. ma kellimni xej dahaqli u baqa ada clikki clikki u kompla. sadattant qbatt il mobile u hatlu naqa ritratti u video u sihbi amel listess. ir ritratti ma gewx sew habba ix xemx u il video indunajt li kont ed nigbed isjed lura minnu.

anyway ndannajt blikrah u cempilt lil owen u adtlu jidhol gol forum u jamel search an numru tal awtorita ax naf li kon imnizzel u nsomma owen batuli. cempiltliom u min qabadni qalli zom minuta ha nqabdek ma chief, u nsomma etlu dak li adni kemm att lilkom, bir reg number tad dghajs. kin vera edukat u professional.

wara nofsija cempilli qalli anna is suldati on the way ed iduru il dajjes. u bil verita kemm kin em dajjes kolla bdew iduru mahhom u jkellmuwom. ic chief qalli li da li tefa il parit ed jichad li tefa insomma u atlu jin nitla nixed u sihbu ukoll, u tajnih il particulars tana u atlu li andi xi ritratti u hekk li jistaw jejnuna. (kiku gew tajbin)

anway wara nofsija ohra rega cempilli u qalli isma, dik larea ta fej konna jistaw jitfaw il partit hlif in naha fejn emm id drainage....... bomba!! ok forsi!! imma mux 20 - 30 mtrs min max xat!!

qalli alijja ma nahsibx li sew. atlu ok, atlu tista tejdli fejn aw malta tista titfa il partiti bil permess, halli alinqas ma mmurx nistad emm u qalli ma nistax nirrispondik jin u trid tikuntatja il fisheries.

sadattant xi jumejn wara batli email:

Dear Mr. awesome :),

Just a short note to thank you for the interest shown and subsequent report filed, from my end I have forwarded your report to the AFM who called on scene and investigated accordingly.
Please find hereunder my contact details in case I may be of assistance when the need arises.

Patrick Pollacco
Principal Security Officer
Corporate Office
Malta Maritime Authority
Maritime Trade Centre
Marsa MRS 1917
Tel: (+356) 2291 4130
Fax: (+356) 2291 4139
Mob: (+356) 9942 1575

dan il persuna kinet vera helpulll sa certu punt, u nheggeg kif qal owen li lewwel hudu ritratti / videos tal att umbad cemplu fuq in numri aw fuq halli forsi titihed azzjoni.

jin mix ezattament kuntent bir rizultat PERO allinqas rapport sar u patrol boat giet.

grazzi owen ax kinet ha tahrabli dil bicca xol min mohhi u kif taf inti xtaqt nipostja fil forum


Let's keep Mr. Pollacco's number handy and try and assist as much as possible by taking some photo's/video's, along with the vessel registration number as was done here.

At least a boat was sent on to the scene and did start checking. I would advise that you contact the Fisheries Department to confirm what their viewpoint is on Pariti, where they can be legally deployed and how far out etc.


The only place where a patrol boat cans stop ypu fromm throwing nets is in harbours and prohibited areas (like xaghara drainage pump, Ras il Qammiegh, Popeye Village etc). It is then in the conscience of the fisherman not to throw the nets so close to shore. By any chance did he have a winch attatched to the boat ? If yes they he must have been greedy cos with the winch he can throw them im far more deep water.

One possibility why he casted the nets so close to land is for Sicc because at night they pass from shallow waters


It is usless to call anyone end to report as shown above, because these fishermen or whatever they call themselves ,are within the law. The law needs to be changed. Pariti should be BANNED!!!!
(Most of the guys that go with pariti are not even fishermen. They just do it to earn some extra cash or to supply friends with some fish).


i 'll take note of this number aswell!! was night fishing at mtahleb yesterday night and when casting far out , i was all the time getting tangled with the bloody pariti!...


Whats the use of complaining and calling, getting the patrol boat to the area (using our tax money for the fuel) when nothing can be done since they are within the law.
Viva il ministru la ix xitan irid hekk..........


Re Rammx: I was going down fishing very early this morning and noticed the "sinjali" of the same f****ing parit all the way from ras ir-raheb to as far as i could see to dingli cliffs GRRRRRrrrr! so i turned back and went home!  >:(
The thing that pisses me off the most is it's always the same guy (i saw his boat coming to pull the net up) & ive NEVER,EVER seen him catch anything fact he once had the balls to come next to me as i was gaffing a nice AJ and tell me (in a joking way according to him!) that i "stole" it from them...i would write what i answered him back here but as its a public forum i can't  :)


fil-port il kbir igergru hafna minn persuna li titfa il-parit. Kemm il darba irrappurtaw u suppost minghjr ir-rapporti ghandhom jarawh mit-turetta imma kollu ghal xejn.


It-Turetta ghalqet siehbi.


ghalqet ???? u issa ? gifiri channel 12 valletta port madux jezisti ?


Lots of tic-tac on pariti....and nothing done. I was at Bahrija last night and at 2am(this morning) the person/s responsible for those pariti came over with a small boat without lights to inspect their pariti signs or whatever.

The first thing you have to do is to ban the display of photos of fish caught with pariti like the ones shown recently by Lapsiboy. I think we should write an official letter to MRRA and ask them to assess the current law and revise against proper marine life conservation. If need be they should suspend the use of pariti until a proper scientific analysis is done and an environmental impact assessment on marine life through the "improper" use of pariti is completed.

I am not very knowledgable on pariti but to my understanding pariti :
1. Are srewing up our HOBBY.
2. They pose a danger to juvenile fish.
3. They can pose a life-threatening situation to speardivers.
4. They upset the coastal eco-system.

Please advise.