applaud & Smite

Started by Tatanka, January 27, 2009, 18:09:42 CET

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Could anyone explain why people just decide to smite people's profiles with out letting the user know why he is being been giving negative feedback. If  they do not let the user know why , he is going to keep on doing it. As far as I would like to think this should be a forum & is where we can let each other know so we can learn from each other.
Galia 440 outboard 40 Tohatsu


I think it's stupid ..If someone thinks i said something bad or did something bad just tell me in my face not smite me.Lol how stupid !!


I agree with you since you dont get a "reason" for the smite.

@ lapsi, One of your smites belong to me and the reason was that you once commented on a picture of a catch by a friend of yours, 90% of the fish where very small and instead of trying to encourage him to release such catches you told him " if you catch them dont post a pic in here". Simple matter :) nothing to argue about but at that point in time I tought it wasent something you should have told him.


That's much better freeman because now i will not do it again. A lot of the times we learn form mistakes!


So applaude is positive and smile is negative ??? ???
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Yes kev. Instead of they tell you you did something they dont agree with they give you a - and if it's good it's a + when we where small and they used to give us stars lol


It's a feature that can be removed if the general feeling is that it would be better without.


in my opinion it does not make a real difference. i only used this feature in comments. you earned one in fact from me lapsiboy, when you went with the kons for brieqex, they were undersized.

when i was 10 yrs old and with no education on fishing i would maybe have accepted it, but now that we have a forum and we are sharing experiences and ourselves, i would expect that you give the example, especially when you share some nice lizz catches. you're not the type of guy that needs to go for brieqex in my humble opinion..... :-[
Good season so far.....


Your right mate, Im sure EVERYONE caught a couple of brieqex at some point.Personally i only did it once bil konz and wont again becuase it's no fun.. id rather catch 1 nice fish then a hundred brieqex! but thanks for teeling me il be more careful..I think we should rename this topic to Lapsiboy's Fishing sin's :P (joking)


Not that I want to stand up for LapsiBoy but I think it's quite impossible to practise catch and release with brieqex... Usually they swallow the whole hook very deep down and if you try to release them they don't manage to swim down... they stay afloat and die! Putting them in the pic is however another issue!
I'd rather be fishing.....


The catch and release can be practiced on any fish. If the fish swallow the hook just cut the hook and do not try to pull it out. The hook will be disintegrated within few days.


I dont think the once of my konz will because they are all stainless steel!


Lapsi boy the konz hooks are not made of stainless steel.  The ones of stainless are not suitable for long lines due to their expensive price and they tend to bend a lot.  However mulett not all hooks disintegrate in a few days. eg the mustad used for knuz and the vmc won't in a few days.  there are special hooks that however do corrode in a few days.  a number of the owner hooks do corrode in a few daysm these are the ones mr fish sells in packets.
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


I can second what ganni said ;)

Lapsi boy biex tarma xi 400 sunnara b snanar stailess irid jkellek il flus :P ghalina mhux wertit sihbi plusss niddubita jekk kinux stainless tijek haha


Ganni they are stainless steel..It's a plastic container they are mustad i bought them from especialy for this konz (Tas-sargi)(Mitlaq). And also when a fish is caught on a konz the probability is that it comes out dead or very weak!