Apnea safety and technique seminar

Started by spearerr, April 20, 2009, 21:14:59 CET

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who whants to join us in the seminar pls contact Aquatica Fish Shop .
Tel 21579753! hope to cu !


Please provide more details.
Topics covered?


What course are you going to attend? who is the instructor? Confirm with Umberto Pellizari for the Maltese qualified AA instructors if doing the apnea academy. info@apnea-academy.com

Umberto Pellizari will answer you. I done it. You will be surprised


This is an apnea seminar not an apnea course so no certificates will be provided!


Could be the same thing but they changed it to seminar instead of course for many reasons  ;)
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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andek zball ta habib ilu seminar snin ilu u mhux dan lahhar qed najdlek jien


I, like many others here attended the seminar/course whatever they want to call it. What can I say ....... go and check it out. I gave you my opinion in the PM dude but obviously it's up to you  ;)
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

Visit my Photo Sets @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/buddhagrass


My buddy and I wish to attend a course, in the future, that is

@Buddhagrass, can you please provide an objective review of what you got from the seminar/course attended?

@EmicMalta, Maltese qualified AA instructors... can you list them please and provide a short review and rating if you or anyone you know attended?


Spnotta i'll PM later on. Better not public.
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

Visit my Photo Sets @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/buddhagrass



Quote from: spearerr on April 21, 2009, 10:28:46 CET
This is an apnea seminar not an apnea course so no certificates will be provided!
Quote from: spearerr on April 21, 2009, 13:15:32 CET
andek zball ta habib ilu seminar snin ilu u mhux dan lahhar qed najdlek jien

This is the mail sent to me by Umberto pellizzari talking about a maltese guy on the 15/8/08. Hope he didn t made a mistake

Ciao Edward,
thanks for writing.
xxxx xxxxx xxxxx attended the AA Instructor Course in 1998 or 2000 but He didn't get AA Instructor: so He has never been AA Instructor...this is the reason why He can't release the certifications.
We have another instructor working in Malta and another one will attend the course in October.


Boss you don t know me. When I write something that means that I asked before about it. Go in the web and check it out and see if Apnea academy course stage one is being offered from your source. Can t write a lot about this thing. I just wrote this because I had attended and paid my money and when I needed the certificate they just told me that they are not giving it any more. So have to do again the course

Spnotta: for the AA instructor I m waiting for a friend coming in Malta in May 09. He makes 6 months here and 6 months in the Caribbean. Saw his performance and are really amazing.

Just a note: This is apnea and not spearfishing

modified:  ;) ;) ;) You see spearerr; Umberto Pellizari was right in his email. Pls check again and one can find that there was modifications in the website. Looks like this forum helps to have better information regards where we spend our money and time. A seminar is totally differt thing from what was being offered when i paid for mine. If things change in better way that means that its a good job


this is a freediving seminar. go to google and search apnea academy and you have it.

i would suggest to  wait for a proper aa instructor. there is a qualified person in malta already. he is a foreigner though
Good season so far.....


Quote from: Buddhagrass on April 21, 2009, 15:13:12 CET
Spnotta i'll PM later on. Better not public.

I think I know why Buddhagrass!  Spnotta, if you would like some other opinion you can PM me.  Most people following this post would know why...


vera jiswa dan il forum ax mil gieghma l ohra lil hawn kien hemm min qomos u biddel xi kliem fil website (mhux fdin il forum)


Guys it seems that what's on offer at the moment is just a locally run seminar to "increase knowledge and saftey underwater". This is not an Apnea AA certified course or anything of the like, just a chance to learn some more about apnea freediving.

I think the issue has been well clarified that this is NOT a certification course and as such this topic should focus on what spearerr posted which was that if anyone was interested they should contact Aquatica.