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Started by Reelin, November 01, 2009, 10:11:35 CET

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Qed nithajjar nuza il maggots....jien qatt ma uzajthom...tistu ituni pariri ta kif izomhom hajjin..tiliskom...x tip ta sajd tista taghmel...u x hut imissek fuqhom?
Gone fishin', be back at dark-thirty!


mur ghand pirotta tal-gzira u jurik kollox. ghandu lesti fil-kaxxi u irhas hafna.


but are they any good? any1 landed fish using maggots?
Gone fishin', be back at dark-thirty!


please translate origanal question, and yes caught thousands of fish using maggots, both real maggots and artificial, and both sea fish and freshwaterfish, there are also diffrant kinds of maggots


i use maggots all the time, now i can use the artificial ones thanks to noz,allways catch fish with maggots no problem


with maggots i managed to land a good sized "sawrella", quite unusual but i caught it. By the way in my opinion don't ever go to pirotta in my opinion all he sells is crap. My friend used to buy bait from him and for some reason they were ALWAYS half dead.

To keep maggot alive just put them in the fridge and shake them once in a while, they should stay alive for 2 weeks (but only if not bought from pirotta).

If you never used them don't try to hook them like you do with worms, hook them from their rear/front and leave them hanging and hook more than 1. I usually put at least 5-8 depends on the size of the hook


Owenbullu, so from who do you suggest to buy them?
A Bad Day Fishing still beats a good day at work...


i always buy them from mister fish as he is the nearest to me, and they were always in good shape :).

But you have to book them as they are sold faster than bread of cheese cakes


i smell something fishy here!!


i always bought them from mr fish,i know a guy who makes them himself from rotten meat...well for me i didn't like them that much,still prefare shrimps or worms as bait!!
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Quote from: caldaland on November 01, 2009, 23:03:34 CET
i smell something fishy here!!
depends what you are smelling mate. I don't get any commition if that's what you are thinking. It's only my opinion and the experience my friend had from pirotta's bait


simple question. if pirotta" all he sells is crap",how come he has been open before i was even born? btw im 51 year old!


just for us mortals who is pirotta please  ??? ??? ???


lol @ mike.d... pirotta is a leading tackle shop
Gone fishin', be back at dark-thirty!


mike.d what are artificial maggots?
Gone fishin', be back at dark-thirty!