Winter Projects on The Gaffer

Started by The_Gaffer, November 27, 2009, 09:48:42 CET

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Well Guys, yesterday The Gaffer came out of the water, hauled to Holma Boat storage, got its bottom cleaned and power washed, ran the engine for 20 minutes flushing with fresh water, and now she's ready for some major improvements/maintenance.

Engine (Steyr 246 high power Turbo marine diesel engine)

Some of you who have been fishing on The Gaffer may have noticed the white smoke coming out of the exhaust when the engine is idling.  The Steyr 246 is a common rail diesel engine with six electronic/mechanical injectors.  There is no main diesel pump, as each injector is electronically controlled (via ECU) and the common rail is set to operate the injectors accordingly.  That white smoke is a result of unburnt fuel at idle position.  Spoke to the Steyr authorised mechanic and agreed that the injectors are in need of calibration.  In fact, the mechanic stated that during a recent course that he attended at Steyr's facilites in Austria, my engine, yes the heart and soul of The Gaffer, was discussed in great detail with Steyr engineers.  This is the result of the excellent relations I have with Steyr Motors in Austria.  Well, for this to happen, the engine has to come out, and hauled to the mechanic's garage.  Fingers crossed that the injectors only are in need of local calibration, and there is no need to have the injectors shipped to the Steyr facilities for cleaning, electronic calibration and testing.  Steyr Motors are adamant that this job is only performed by them, as they have the patent on these injectors!.  Steyr have provided the necessary tools and equipment to the authorised mechanic in Malta to perform the calibration, and now, following the course, the knowhow!.  While the engine is out, might as well change the timing belt, the alternator and fresh water pump drive belts,  and get the coolers, sea water heat exchanger and intercooler inspected.  

New AC/DC Wiring  

After 30 years in service, I feel that the AC/DC wiring setup of The Gaffer needs renewing.  I just ordered a new DC 16 way circuit breaker panel by Blue Sea Systems, and since the engine has to come out anyway, will proceed to rewire all the AC/DC installation of The Gaffer.  Been doing some shopping in Malta for Tin coated marine grade wire and connectors.  Went to Strand electronics, who have marine grade wire and connectors by Anchor Marine, but prices are on the highend.  Will pursue the search in Malta, however I already have a UK source which sells at a much cheaper price.  

Inside Cabin Teak/Upholstery

Again, 30years have taken the toll on the cabin upholstery, and since some of the DC wiring passes on top of the cabin upholstery, well, might as well renew that too ;).  Already have a plan how the new upholstery will look like.  The cabin will be a light soft cream colour, with stainless trimmings and spotlights.  The teak too is faded and needs replacing.  This will be my toughest job, as I intend to change all wood panels inside.  

New Electronics

The Gaffer will be sporting new electronics, GPS - Fishfinder equipment for 2010.  I've opted for the Raymarine C90 Wide coupled to a 1KW module trasducer.  The equipment is scalable, so in the future, I will add the radar, overhead and under water cameras and AIS.  

The Hull

The Gaffer's hull is definitely in need of:
1.  A professional cut and polish ......or......
2.  A paint job.

This is where I required expert help.  If any of you out there know of someone who is professional at his job and can determine whether a cut and polish will restore the shine to the Gaffer's hull, please let me know.  Alternatively, if it is determined that the hull requires a paint job, then suggestions on spary painters are most welcome.  I have already chosen the paint I'll be using, which is Interlux Perfection marine paint.  Colour: white...(but that marine blue still haunts me)

Well guys, that's the job list for this winter, and its the reason why the Gaffer was put on the hard so early this year.  I cannot but mention my trusted friend and partner Mundinu, who was there to help out yeaterday, and has already pledged his full support for the upcoming works.  A true friend indeed.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Perla 165

jalla il gid king mela nistaw nedlu li se jkolna " the gaffer" gdid man :). proset u risq al pjantijit tijak
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


Sounds like you wont be getting much change out of a 100 euro note after that lot Gaffer :o I think the lift out & power wash on their own would cost more than my old tub is worth! Anyway the fishing is better here in the winter, well nowadays we dont get a summer anyway!
Good luck with the refit it will be some vessel when its complete I envy you!


Blueskip:  The lift out and power wash was completed on Thursday, Mundinu and myself did that as soon as the boat was in the boat yard.
Saturday, spent a day dismantling all connections to the main engine, while mundinu busied himself inside the cabin tearing down the old upholstery.  We also managed to dismantle all the electronic equipment from the driving console, and took off the side panels in the cockpit. 
Hopefully, on Saturday, we'll take out the engine, and start cleaning the bilges. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Holy S**t you guys don't waste any time! Suprised to read you've already got all that done!


yo Joe if u find any fish in the bilges DO NOT COOK IT as it might be a health hazard............u have been warned.


Quick update on The Gaffer project:
Saturday 12 dec the engine came out of the boat.  Took us some manoeuvering as the space between the cookpit floor and cookpit ceiling is only 6 feet.  We had to get the crane jib inside that space and then slowly, bit by bit lift out the engine.  Finally, when the engine was inside the cookpit, we moved the boat away from the engine, and the crane could then lift out the engine away from the boat. With the engine bay clear, we started stripping away the wiring, which sadly, still looks new after 30 yrs!!...
The new DC distribution panel (16 way) and Miniature Curcuit Breakers are on their way from the US.  I've sourced marine grade (tin coated) connectors and lugs from a reputable firm, Anchor Marine, and still deciding on the wire.   All connections will be heat shrink sealed for added moisture protection.
Meanwhile, we've already started applying coats of clear varnish to all the interior teak trimmings.  The outside teak we'll varnish with 2 part epoxy based varnish, for durability.  
The boat now looks very bare, no upholstery, no panels, no engine; just bare fibreglass.  We'll be attending to a water leak we found from one of the railing bolts.  Water seaped in and did some rooting away to the underlying wood.  this has already been removed and will be replaced. 
Still a long way to go, but the winter looks promising!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Perla 165

joe any pic of d engine? u fuq ix xolijit li adejin:)
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


Ghandek ragun Perla.  Will try and get some taken this Saturday....
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Another Update:  Shopping around

Yesterday did some shopping around for teak panelling and marine plywood.  Could not find any outlet which supplies teak panelling over marine plywood, however, from Pace & Mercieca found the thin teak panelling (formica) and from James Camilleri Wood supplies found the 10 X 5 marine plywood.  So, I'll just have to stick both together with glue and start from there.  
Looked around for the water tight marine grade plugs and sockets, and found a good source from the Nanni agent, located at the Zebbug Bypass.  This plug and socket is completely waterproof and rated at 16A.  Ideal for electric reels and Kalamari submerged lights!!
Still pondering  ??? on the inside cabin lights.  Been searching the web and found numerous options, from 12v halogen spot lights to the sexy 2 colour LED's.  The LED's are quite expensive, coming in at around €60  :o, while the normal halogen spotlights are €15!.  I need six  :-\.....
The inside cabin upholstery will be a light biege, which will contrast beautifully with the blue cushions and carpet.  Light blue marine themed curtains will compliment the cabin.

Thats all for now folks... ;) ;)
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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I think that Halogen spot lights vs LEDs emit more light. On the other hand LEDs are cool are very nice.

A few weeks ago I was reading and watching some videos about underwater squid lighting and I saw this video and found it a very good idea for those who own a boat (I don't) -> Take a look at the video at about 1:02.

Anyway goodluck mate & hope to see the before & after pictures soon :).


You may wish to try for your lights. They will ship to Malta as I just ordered a couple of rod holders. These are their shipping rates

"We have inserted a new table for shipping in Malta if you or your colleagues need something:
up to 5 kg. euro 21,
5-10 kg. euro 28,
0-15kg. euro 35, 1
5-20kg. euro 43

by air with italian mail service."
I'd rather be fishing.....


Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Issa nigi nghid lilek ta!!!.....

Kont ghadek b'subajk fhalek u tigri bil-harqa int meta kont naqbad il-hut jien!!!!....tghid mhux ser nigi niehu parir minghandek!!!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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