Winter Projects on The Gaffer

Started by The_Gaffer, November 27, 2009, 09:48:42 CET

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Mela sihbi :) Bhal daz zmien sena hemm se jkun xolok inti taddi l wiring ma kullimkien :)


Ikollok bzonni ghal wiring jew pariri fuq DC, Bigboy, no problem, nigi jien.

English Translation
You need any help on DC wiring Bigboy, no problem, I'm available
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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10x Joe :) Qed tara bert mela fej ma tasalx inti issaqsi l gaffer u jejdlek!!!

Perla 165

ghajnuna u parir min and kulhad tajbin big ;)
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


Project Update:
Jsut finished a good day's work on the Gaffer today. 

We delaminated the Heads/shower door and applied a new laminate sheet to the door.  Mundinu sanded down all exterior teak panels and trimmings.  Then we applied 2 coats of West system epoxy to the panels and trimmings.  This job seals the wood once and for all, and is a sort of primer for the 2 part Varnish, Perfection Series by International Paints, which I intend on using for all outside teak.  Sand down and level off the bilge, under the engine, and covered this with West System Epoxy and filler.  We also plugged the hole where the fishfinder stem was, as this was a 2" hole and the new fishfinder has a 1" stem.  Will apply west system epoxy and west system sheets to the hole, sand down, fair to a smooth finish and apply the 6 coats of west system barrier to the outside part of the hull.
Continued to laminate the inside removable panels, which are now complete. Also managed to do some odd jobs which were pending, like removing and refitting the stainless steel railing (port side)...had to dothis job as at one point where the railing fixes to the cabin we had a water leak.  Removed all the teak wood from the inside cabin, this will be sanded and varnished with Perfection Series as well.

Last Thursday we also transported the Steyr engine to the mechanic to get the fuel injectors re calibrated. While the engine is there, it'll get a new timing belt, and the intercooler gets a cleaning. 

Next Saturday, we'll fix all laminate to the inside fixed panels,  this job should take us all day, as there is quite alot.  Once that job is done, in 2 weeks time I'll have the DC cable in hand and commence the DC wiring!!!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Seems to be one hell of a perfect project in the end!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


Project Update:

Last Saturday (16/01/10) continued with our Project on The Gaffer.  Woke up to a very windy/rainy day.  We continued to laminate all the inside panels, and we can safely say that all paneling is now complete.  We still have to trim all the extra laminate off the work we did on saturday.  It was rather a tough task as we couldn't work near the boat, the wind kept blowing away the laminate away so we had to use the garage as a workshop instead.  It was up and down the boat all day. Meanwhile, I also located 3 small water leaks.  2 were coming in from the bolts that tie down the cabin to the deck, the other one from the front cabin window packing.  As it was raining all day, we could not fix the leaks at that time.  However, these will be fixed this Saturday. 
Meanwhile, I recieved the much awaited shipment of cables here in the UK, so when I'm back this week, while Mundinu can continue to trim the laminate, I'll commence the DC wiring of the boat. 
Yepps, things are moving pretty quickly, with alot of coordination between Mundinu and myself.  The Gaffer should be finished fom all major works by April, until which time we still have to complete the cabin upholstery, prepare the hull for a paint job, and probably even change the cockpit window sliders!
Engine Update:
Steyr mechanic called me up and asked me to visit the workshop.  The Unit injectors were calibrated, however the mechanic stated that out of 6 units, 4 did not need calibration, and the other 2 were just slightly off, but within recommended maker's tollerance.  This means that the white smoke during engine idle was not caused by the Unit injectors being dirty or out of calibration.  However, when he proceeded to clean out the After Cooler, this was found to be clogged.  Also, the Turbo fins had a film of black oil on them too.  According to the mechanic, This is the real cause of white smoke during idle.  .  Engine timing belt has been replaced, and while the timing cover was off, mechanic noticed that the fresh water pump and the belt tensioner(which are driven by the timing belt) had a slight 'GGGrrrrrrrr' sound when turned, meaning thatthe ball bearing was acting up.  Mechanic recommended replacement.  So, we're waiting for shipment of the tensioner by DHL, as the local agent hadn't one in stock, as once fitted, we start the engine and bench test.

More updates to follow.......

Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Pauline Tuna

AAw siehbi........alungi alungi alungi alungi & @ chronic alungaitis as same here - we should be admitted to a same new ward at Mater dei Hospital for observation loooool


Project Update:

Well, works are progressing at a satisfactory pace on the Gaffer.  We finished all the panel laminatation, and everything is now ready to be fixed in place.  The present console was cut out to accomodate the engine instruments, as these will be moved from their present position to accomodate the new GPS/FF electronic equipment.  
The original tranducer 2 inch hole was plugged using a proven method by west system, whereby the 2 inch hole was 1st plugged using west system epoxy  ( the hole is bevel filed on both sides to a 45 degree angle, plugged on one side, and WS epoxy poured into the hole at the other end, leave for at least 24hrs to set, fair down to level with the present bottom layers - this way the plug has nowhere to go as it is tightly secured by the 45 degree bevel angle........allow me to illustrate, >____<  ) and then layered with epoxy and WS fibre sheets on both sides, inside and outside,  according to manufacturer's specifications.  Then sanded and faired smooth with 200 and 400 grip sand paper.
The DC distribution box was also fixed in place, and on Saturday we started the long awaited DC wiring of the boat.  All wiring connections and connector butts are being crimped in shrink warp tubing butts to prevent mositure buildup or corrosion.  When the butts are fixed to the DC equipment, silicon is applied for further protection.  

As I said, progress is satisfactory, I have now all teak trimmings in the garage, sanded and smooth ready for two coats of Perfection 2 part varnish, the varnish will be finished off this week, and ready for next Saturday to enable Ray (Mundinu) to start fixing the teak in place while I continue the DC wiring.

Engine Update:  The mechanic called me up today with some interesting news.  Following an individual injector test, he found 3 out of the six injectors were dirty.  
Some injector theory.  Steyr use a 2 stage electro/mechanical fuel injection system. There is no diesel pump involved.  First stage controls fuel flow to combustion chambers prior to turbo engagement, and the second stage includes turbo engagement.  Seems that the problem lies with the 1st stage injection system.  3 out of 6 injectors are not perfroming to their optimum capacity, with the result that unburnt fuel is being expelled from the engine in the form of white smoke when engine is in idle position.  Smoke dissapears as soon as the engine speed is increased beyond the idle revs...(e.g. engine idle revs  @ 635rpm,  White smoke disappears at 650 rpm).  These injectors have been removed from the engine, and will be sent to Steyr motors in Austria for cleaning and calibration.   To simplify matters, all 6 injectors will be sent to Steyr for inspection, better have all injectors inspected, as most probably all will need internal calibration anyway!
For the mechanically inclined, I am attaching a pic of the 2 stage fuel injector.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Project Update:

Electrical Installation
AC/DC Wiring nearing completion now.  All DC wiring at the lower helm is finished, and all connections to DC equipment have been crimpped and tested.  Tomorrow will spend a day finishing off the DC wiring to the Flybridge.

Engine Update
Well, as I said in my previous update, the unit injectors have been despatched to Steyr in Austria for cleaning, servicing and stage calibration.  Still awaiting news from Austria ??? ???

Fuel System
Took apart the Racor filter and it was clogged :-[ :-[.  Just as a reminder, this same filter unit was dissasembled and reassembled only last August, so definitely the fuel tank is coming out and a thorough cleanup of the tank must be done.  Seems I didn't get rid of the gunk in the fuel tank last time I cleaned.  This time it will be different....I plan on steam cleaning the tank to get red of any fuel bugs that might be lurking in the corners...good wash down with either white spirit or thinner, and then a rince with clean diesel....that should do the trick...hopefully....(any more ideas welcome)
The Racor unit filter is also off for a Guido99 for a complete refurbishment at his company.  Well, I noticed that the paint on the inner walls of the unit was peeling off, can't have that inside the filter, as it will compromise the filter carthridge with pieces of peeled paint.  So, get rid of the paint, cleaning and repainted with fuel resistant paint. 

Teak Varnishing

Last Saturday I applied the first coat of the 2 part epoxy based varnish to all interior and exterior teak...the shine is already there guys ;) ;), now weather permitting, I'll apply the second and final coat for that deep gloss only achieveable with 2 part varnish.

Well guys, things are looking good, and we should hit the target date to launch early May 2010!.  Still some work to do, especially on the interior, upholstery, fitting in some collapsable seating at the back, and hopefully The Gaffer will be sporting a new Stainless Steel Radar Arch as well.  Will keep you all updated.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Looks like its coming along nicely.

looking forward of seeing some 'after shots' soon.
We're here for a good time...Not a long time


keep it going The_Gaffer.... some pics when available or you can invite us all to have a look :-)
I'd rather be fishing.....


and a boat warming party would be nice as well, of course drinks and booze on the gaffer............

Destination Sea

Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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