Winter Projects on The Gaffer

Started by The_Gaffer, November 27, 2009, 09:48:42 CET

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Project Update:

AC/DC Wiring:
Finished the wiring to the flybridge and DC tails to all switches.  All whats left now is to connect the DC board to the Batteries and power up for a test.  From the flybridge you can control the navigation lights, anchor light, search light and horn, while I'll have visuals from both bilge pumps.  Also up on the flybridge I have installed an extra set of trim tab controls.  I have a DC 12v supply for extra radio, GPS and panel lights.

Fuel System:
Went over to MIL Ltd, Guido99 metal-workshop setup.  They run a very professional service there, specialising in blasting, galvanising and recoating of metals for all kinds of applications.  The Racor unit will be stripped of all paint, cleaned and repainted with a 2 part epoxy paint which is highly resistant to humidity and moisture, including immersion in salt water!.  I've also decided to change all supply and return fuel pipes and use copper piping instead.  Tomorrow we'll have the fuel tank out and give it a general super cleaning.  Asked around and it seems the best method is to open all man holes, spray degreaser inside the tank, let it set in for about 30min, and then using a power wash, rinse the inside of the tank making sure all extracts and deposits are flushed away.  Repeat process, and then thoroughly dry the inside of the tank, and rinse again using clean diesel.  That should definitely do the trick.

Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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project Update:

DC Wiring:  
Open the Champagne, we have achieved closure on this important milestone.  The DC wiring and connections were completed yesterday.  The Gaffer now boasts new DC wiring, new Distribution panel, all terminations and wiring in marine grade tin coated terminals and heat shrink sealed for added protection.  All wiring is either in double insulated marine grade coatings, or pulled through flexible marine grade tubing.  Job well doen!!...Thanks Ray!!
Tomorrow will complete the AC 240v wiring to the electronic battery charger, the AC/DC transformer, Alarm system (yes, I'm fitting an alarm system too), Honda Genset and 240v socket outlets.  

Fuel Tank
Took out the fuel tank yesterday, sprayed it with degreaser, and power wash down rinse with water.  The few remaining sludge clinging to the welded plates was removed using thinner, and then power wash down rinse.  The inside of the tank now is sparkling clean.  Tank was re fitted inside the Gaffer, and while the tank was out, we took the opportunity of upgrading the foundation where the tank sits.  Another job closed!!

Teak varnish
Weather promises to be favourable tomorrow to complete the second and final 2 part varnish on the teak trimmings on the Gaffer.  This week with the relative humididy in the 90%, was not ideal to apply the second coat.  Tomorrow, with the wind turning to NW, should be ideal.  

1KW Transducer
RLR have advised that the B260 through hull transducer has arrived at their outlet.  We'll fit that in tomorrow as well.  Seen pictures of this beast, its about 22 inches long, and 4.5inches wide including the high speed fairing block.  Read on some forums that it is possible to flush mount, but you'd have to glass in the ducer for that.  Anyway, Airmar provide a high speed fairing block, and reports suggest that you can still get clear readings travelling at 25knts!

Works in Progress Photos
Tomorrow we'll take some pictures of the works in progress on the Gaffer.  
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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I'd rather be fishing.....


well done Joe, keep up the good work.........
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Anybody who cares to pay a visit to see the works in progress, is more then welcome to do so.  I'm at the Holma Boat storage facility in kalkara tomorrow from 8.30am till about 5.00pm
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Project Update

Teak and Laminate

recieved the last sheet of laminate which we ordered from P&M and replaced all laminate sheets on kitchenette cupboard doors and compartment doors.  All fittings now have been taped with the laminate trimming and ready to be fixed in place.  Will fix them in place once we apply the final coating of the 2 part varnish, scheduled for tomorrow.


As stated above, we are now only one final coat away from finishing the varnish.  Could not apply the final coat last Saturday as the boat next to me was having its hull sanded down, and the air was full of dust and particles.


I recieved the new Raymarine C90 Widescreen last week as well.  We've already cut out the console to fit in the C90W and once all works in the cockpit are complete, we'll just fit it in, wire up and job complete.  The extra wireless autopilot module is also in hand, and I've hot wired everything in the garage just to make sure everything works well.  Will fit in this with the C90W.

Ceiling and Cabin Upholstery.

Yesterday we cut out the boards which will be fitted to the ceiling.  The boards took some time to fit in as they needed to be cut at various angles and lenghts.  We did manage to finish off the job though.  Now all whats left is to stapple on the upholstery to the boards, fit the boards to the ceiling and wire up the inside cabin lights ;) ;).   Once we have that sorted, we'll start covering the hull sides with upholstery.  Bought the upholstery yesterday from O'Flaherty, together with the necessary glue.  Ceiling will be in a cream colour padded PVC, while the sides will be in a beige light colour, which is about 3 shades darker then the ceiling.

Engine Update

last update 3 weeks ago was that the injectors were sent to Steyr in Austria.  Well, knowing my luck, as soon as Steyr were going to start the ultrasonic cleaning process (a process by which high ultrasonic sound waves are directed at the injectors which hit the carbon deposits on the nozzles and clean them)...the machine malfunctioned >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( :'( :'( :'(
That was last saturday, haven't had an update since then.

Project Deliverables against Planned Timelines

What can I say.  Progress is on track to achieve closure of the project as planned.  The delay in the engine does in no way effect the works being carried out.  Tomorrow we finish off the varnish, and some odd jobs like fitting in the new 240AC panels, fitting in the new bilge blowers and fitting in the new genset.  All electrical connections to these are in place.  Saturday we'll upholster the ceiling, and fit in all side panels which will support the ceiling.  Then, we'll start the inside cabin upholstery.  Once that is finished, we'll start the works on the outside hulls, alot of prep work involved to get the hull ready for the paint job.  meanwhile, we'll start work on:

The new S/S radar arch
Exchange the engine controls to new Morse controls
Change all fuel lines to copper piping
Repaint the engine gears
Fit in and align the engine into its bay
Modify the cockpit canopy to stop water from entering the bilges
Glass in the keel hull to prevent rain water from entering the bilges
Fit in a pair of retractable seats at the back to accomodate 2 persons each

And 101 other odd jobs which my mind does not stop reeling about.....

Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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your dedicated work sounds like bad news for the poor alungi! lol!


Engine Update

BAD BAD Bad news guys!!!.  just got off the phone with the seems that 4 injectors are not servicable.  The bad news gets even worse!!!!....Steyr have discontinued the injector model I sent in for servicing, and there is a newer model in service now.  So, bottom line is I have to replace all 6 injectors.  but it gets even worst....Not only must I change the injectors, I even have to replace the engine ECU, as this is programmed to be compatible with the original injectors, and has to be replaced to control the new ones!!!!So, my life savings...yes, it'll cost around 4000 Euros....are being invested in new injectors and engine ECU.  all donations are welcome:P
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Further to my previous post, I got in touch with Steyr motors in Austria, and requested a detailed explaination of the situation with the injectors.  Unfortunately, being a high end manufacturing company, their core business is producing engines, and not repairing injectors.  The injectors are servicable, however, the cost base in Austria is too high and not feasible for them to be serviced there.  So, I asked again how much it would cost me for the new injectors?

Steyr, knowing the goodwill that exists between us, and the high exposure the engine receives on this forum and elsewhere, have been kind enough to grant a generous discount on the purchase of the new injectors, to which I finally agreed.  I am now looking at alot less than quoted in my previous post.  Still expensive, however, the Steyr engine will have new improved injectors, new ECU programming, and more efficient service ;D ;D

Guys, it pays to be a member of this forum, and is beneficial to have goodwill in place when one requires help from a leading manufacturer.  

more updates to follow......
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Destination Sea

Joe check with  them if the ECU can be reprogrammed. Most ECU are now of the Eprom (erasable programmable read only memory)type which can be reprogrammed/ updated instead of "having the chip replaced". there are other versions such as EEPROM/Fprom Flash  erasable etc or electrically erasable etc.Just programming will cost less than a new one.
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


Well done from me too! Obviously you expect a few hiccups when you take on such a mammoth project,but hopefully this will be the last 'major' hiccup you encounter mate :)!
You make a very valid point about the exposure companies receive too,as speaking from the 'lay' mans point of view,i would have never even realised that Steyr continued too make engines!!..Tbh previously the only way i would have associated them before you started the thread on this project,is through the Steyr Aug (assault rifle).


Good point though Steyr make engines that were used in tanks like the Scorpion, Steyr Motors also have a brand new serial Hybrid Propulsion System for pleasure boats.

They were previously part of Steyr-Daimler-Puch, their military division was sold to General Dynamics but the company we are referring to are Steyr Motors GmbH which in 2001 became an independant company producing Diesel engines :)


Correct guys.  Steyr still do a number of marine/land and air engines to serve the military around the world.  The MK 246 high power diesel engine (the one fitted on the Gaffer), is the engine on thew famous scorpion Tank.  There is a WAR BUTTON on the panel, that is activated, will give you 5600rpm instead of the rated 4200rpm, however, once activated, the Guarantee is void!
Also, Stery are the first company in the world to produce the Hybrid engine for marine pleasure use, which switches from piston driven (diesel) to electric. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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wow the gaffers new name THE TANK......... i kinda like it.......go for it Joe