Tumbrell (Frigate Mackrel)

Started by gottie, April 09, 2007, 14:57:04 CET

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Heard that loads of Tumbrell are being caught at the moment. Anyone got an idea of how to catch them ? And how far out do I have to go?


you are a bit late now. january february and first half of march was the best, a lot were caught. if you dont know how to make a rixa for tumbrell you can buy one ready from the mister fish or another shop. you dont have to go far out for them it depends where you are going


Today we trolled with 3 different rixi for 54miles. Started at 6.30 am from portomaso and sailed 15 miles out North, then round Gozo about 10 miles out and back.... 5 tumbrelli and 1 x 4ft Garfish - Imsell Imperial.. Anybody keen to charter??

Dave ...Geisha


A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


HOw much for a group of 4 dave all day?


p,s sailing right no motor
Lets put MALTA on the map with our fishing knowledge.


Are there any tumbrell around this year? Seems to be very scarce for this time of year.


Quote from: Ruzett on March 19, 2016, 14:47:18 CET
Are there any tumbrell around this year? Seems to be very scarce for this time of year.

Kim hawk sijeb Jin Ada Barbra ha nkun nahseb nip prove alijom
Good season so far.....



Quote from: Ruzett on March 20, 2016, 15:40:22 CET
Sibt xi erbgha Granitu?

4 bin-numru qabel dalam pero mhux li tant stadt ghalih - apparti li nhoss li mhux li ghandi tant sengha ghalih!

Bhala daqs sabih pero kien kemxejn qawwi l-bahar.

Ma kienx emm tant dghajjes jistadu ghalih.
Good season so far.....


Ma kienx hemm dghajjes ghax fjakka dis-sena ghalih, is-soltu kulhadd jghaqad go xulxin ikunu meta jkun hemm messa tajba.


Pero, bix nghidu kollox, din is-sena kien hemm missa ajba bejn Jannar u Frar.  Il-qabdiet kienu sostanzjali, fejn kin hemm sajjieda li qabdu l-fuq minn 100 tumbrell kull darba li hargu. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Qed niehu gost Joe ghax ma kull min tkellimt s'issa tgergir smajt. Kieku l-bahar hu naqra iktar kiesah forsi kienu jaghmlu gimghatejn ohra.


Quote from: Ruzett on March 22, 2016, 10:23:07 CET
Qed niehu gost Joe ghax ma kull min tkellimt s'issa tgergir smajt. Kieku l-bahar hu naqra iktar kiesah forsi kienu jaghmlu gimghatejn ohra.

Naqbel ma li qal il gaffer, naf min mar tajjeb hafna. L esperjenza tghallem hafna f din s sajda.

Xorta nemmen li jerga jidhol naqa tumbrell lejn April.
Good season so far.....


tisma hafna tgergir li min qabad u min ma qabadtc. Sa fejn tkellimt jien, min mar kulhad qabad semu, issa jew darba jew ohra. Issa is sena it temp ma ippermettiex, imma meta ippermetta, min hareg, ingabar, nbad wara kollox, is sajd mhux garanzija li tmur u taqbad bilfors


Quote from: EmicMalta on March 22, 2016, 20:10:38 CET
tisma hafna tgergir li min qabad u min ma qabadtc. Sa fejn tkellimt jien, min mar kulhad qabad semu, issa jew darba jew ohra. Issa is sena it temp ma ippermettiex, imma meta ippermetta, min hareg, ingabar, nbad wara kollox, is sajd mhux garanzija li tmur u taqbad bilfors

Ezatt, jien hrigt ukoll...kont ili ma nohrog ghat-tumbrell il-fuq minn 20 sena.  Hrigt, qbadt kemm kelli bzonn ghal lixka, u ma hrigtx aktar.  Pero kull darba, hadt tghammira sew.  Jien bhala rix kelli 15, u mhux l-ewwel darba ghammart ir-rix kollu.  Iggifieri missa kien hemm.  Jien nohrog mill-port il-kbir.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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