HELP.. spent a lot of money but no fish yet!

Started by Blaze, May 11, 2010, 21:30:51 CET

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Hi Members. I started spinning a few months ago, but till now I caught nothing. I have every type of Lure, floating, sinking, big, small, minnow type, jointed... every type and almost every colour. My rod and reel are for spinning too. Also, I go in the morning when it is still dark.

I have seen barracudas following my lures, but they stop short and do not grab.

I would like to ask whether I can meet up with a good spinner to see if I am doing something wrong, or I'm just unlucky.

I like going out early, and breathing in the fresh air near the sea.. but I am starting to feel embarrassed that my wife tells me lets go to M'xlokk to buy some fish!!   :-[


Hey mate,

welcome to the forum first of all. I started spinning about a year ago and have caught very few fish. It is a known fact that spinning compared to the other types of fishing is a bit difficult.

I go with a friend of mine who told me that all that i needed was luck. I am a spinner but i don,t believe i am that experienced to assist you

Goodluck to you and tight lines



try find out some maria lures red head ,  i ve been spinning for 6 years and only use these lures.  I'm not saying that others are not good but , i only catch the barracuda with this type of lure.  From my experience it also depends on the moon which type of lure you use !!


Hi Guys

I have tried a lure that is white and yellow with a red head. It is 13cm long.. maybe to big???

I would like to ask you both Ken and Markus if its only Barracudas you caught by spinning.

A friend of mine trawls where I spin, and he almost always catches a plamtu or a cuda. My casts reach where he trawls but I really cant understand why I never caught anything yet.

How shoud the retrieving be.. fast constant speed, slow constant speed,  variable speed or with pauses.

Thanks Guys.


my wife doesnt call me a nutter cos she gets to sleep more thanks to me being out.

but now I don't tell her im going fishing.. i tell her im going near the sea.


Be patience my friend I started spinning a few months ago and I caught nothing as well.spinning is not like bottom fishing, you catch a lot of fish,spinning you catch a few fish but they are nice catches.Patience is all you need for fishing, do not give up man.


Seems I'm not alone... but I must have went from 20 to 30 times.. Now all I need is that I hook something and it cuts.


Thanks Freedive re lure size. I have quite a few that size.


When the Cudas are just following, put on a bigger lure.
it works.
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


Cudas sometimes get tricky to catch,.I ve been fishing for cudas for quitr a lot time.They are becoming intelligent and spook easily .From my expereince if you go to an overfished place,the more chance you will find a good teached cuda that knows what a lure is.
You need to have some patience and experiment with retrieves.
i also experiment with lines.sometimes it is more effective than changing the lure.
However when the cudas say no they really mean it. :)
Barracuda catcher


A few weeks ago when a big cuda was following my lure, I starting changing my lure and experimenting with different lures every so often. The amount of lures I changed in 10 minutes was as if I was making a show for the cuda...
Its the big ones that interested it the most as clutch kick said. But maybe I was using the wrong retrieve speed or it was to damn clever. Most probably clever cos where I was spinning there were a lot of boats trawling.


I m thinking that i may have been fishing in the place you were mentioning.I can rwll you that it is not easy to catch a cuda from there.Certainly oy s possible but with great patience.
When you will be fishing you have to keep in mind that it s not easy as the big fish eats the small fish.Only a stupid cuda is caught up with the lure.]
That s how fish stocks survive by the way.
Barracuda catcher


Barracuda02, I can assure you that you can catch a barracuda with a Phd, on a lure.  It is all down to meterological conditions, time of the day, and your skill as a spinner when choosing lure size, colour and action.

If the fish is hungry, and it is hunting, it will bite.  You just have to be smarter than the fish.
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


It does seem that somewhere i am making a mistake. Don't know if its lure size, colour or retrieve speed, but certainly some thing is wrong. But as you said that is how fish survive. The stupid ones get caught and don't breed but get cooked, and the clever ones don't get caught, but breed and pass their clever genes to their offspring.
But where i go i'm sure there are no stupid ones.


This thread could not have been better!!  We could all do with more stupid fish in the sea, to have more fun.  If you catch a fish and think it is stupid, just let it go back!  So it will breed and we can have more stupid fish in the sea!

Seriously guys, think about catch and release. More importantly, try to educate others about it.  This is our hobby, let's take care of it. The sea is not a limitless resource, but it has come very close to it's limits.  The hardest bit is letting your fisrt fish go.
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.