MFF ORIS Comp: Discussion

Started by skip, May 14, 2010, 18:44:20 CET

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 Fortuna And Baghira call Busu as he is organising the gnejna departure.....


If you're able to handle a rod and on the boat you will need to pay the entry fee. If you have a child with you then you will not be charged. When the boat is checked at the start so are the crew. Will double check how many t-shirts and caps will be provided per boat.


till now we are 3 boats departing from gnejna. busumark fortuna baghira. we have to be at least 5 boats to have a starting point from gnejna

Spirit of Jason

Thanks for that Benri and Skip that is what I thought, just making sure mate. looking forward to a great day. I will have to increase my T-Shirt order.


busu il moonwalker mhux ser jiehu parti????dam minn hemm inizzel le???

busu isnt moonwalker going to take part ..... he lauches from Gnejna No


@ shanook he has still to decide about the crew


Kemm se taqbad mieghi shanook dan l ahhar..... :)
Peress li jien personalment ma nifimx fl alunghi irrid niccekkja ftit min gej mieghi. Il gima li ghaddiet kont marid mejjet u ma hrigx imma issa mhux hazin u din gima niddeciedi x se namel ezatt.

U seem to pick on me lately.........:)
Since i dont know anything about Alungi, I want to see who is coming with me. I was sick all last week and was in all the time, i will see what to do this week.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


eh jekk ma tigixghal competition, jien ikolli cans aktar ghal arlogg le?!?!?!?!
ma tantx hemm hafna xtitallem ghal Alungi Itfa rixa u hallija tigi taqbdek..........
Jekk ghadek marid zomm naqra il boghod man ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:)PPP  Il busu zgur ma jersaqx lejk........

if u dont compete the better chance I have of winning the Oris watch

There isnt much to know about alungi  just troll a lure and the Alungi will catch itself

Oh and if u are sick keep your distance .....busu will not come close to u anyway


 ::) translation please   ::)     :-*

ittraduci jekk jogbok
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


I thought there would be more from the North ?!?!?!?! where is GOTTIE, POOR CATCH..... those are the ones i am remembering at the moment. VISA where are U???


yes right shanook. and there was skip too who isn't yet listed :(
I'd rather be fishing.....


how about valletta fishers is ther any contacts sory for spe


Skip won't be listed I'm afraid guys, in order to help make this event a success and given the level of support from the sponsors I will be out on the safety boat and helping man the floating finish. However I will make sure I have a VHF handy to keep in touch!!

Joe, so far no one from Valletta has confirmed their partcipation.


skip i think we  will confirme soon this week


So, to date we have 27 confirmed entries for the ORIS Alongi competition, organised by the MFF.  This is an encouraging number.  My personal aim is to have 50 boats, yes guys you read right...50 BOATS.  Quite a large number, but considering the prize lineup for this years' competition, I think we will hit that mark.  I am sure you are all discussing this competition with your friends and fishing mates, but just as a reminder, we would ask you to encourage new participants to make known their intentions either here on the forum, or through you as members.  The reason I say this is because as you know, each participating boat will be handed (free of Charge) ORIS branded capos and T-Shirts.  These will be handed out during the mandatory briefing which will be held about a week before the actual competition to all participating skippers and crew.  allow me to tell you this, it is a nightmare organising all the different quantities and sizes to suit all participants.  So please make sure that the message is relayed to all parties to make their intentions known ASAP.

The Malta Fishing Forum ORIS Alongi competition will feature in a Promo this coming Monday on PBS's PAQ PAQ.  The programme is aired at around 10.00pm.  

I saw a facebook comment by Pirotta fishing tackle, asking for more information on the competition.  If anyone of you is down that way, please pop into Pirotta's and provide a quick brief.  Alternatively, you may also forward my mobile number, which is 79441203.  I will try and find some time and pop into the shop myself.

We are doing our utmost to provide the widest possible coverage to this competition, given the fact the rich prize lineup, and the entries.  We are preparing a press release which will be going out to all journalists, to further publicise this unique event in Malta.  

I read in the sister thread that FreeDive is looking for some crew to participate in this competition.  may I suggest that those of you who are willing to join Freedive or any other boat, to list your intentions here please.

In the meantime, thank you all for your cooperation, and good luck to everybody.  Last but not least, thank you all for your support.  :)
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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