Possible shark Attack ??????

Started by bigboy, August 09, 2010, 12:18:10 CET

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Quote from: freediver on August 09, 2010, 20:14:04 CET

Thanks for the link in english freediver.
I think he did well in the situation.
Shark or no shark, just the though of it being a shark would put you on gaurd.
We're here for a good time...Not a long time


QuoteDont worry, you teach me how to spin better and I will take you to the spots people report  I will also get the beer  And if we don't catch, we get emic and throw him in, and we relax with the beer  X'tahseb boss
No problem jean! although would we actually need to throw emic in??? i dont think he needs to much encouraging to go for a dive!! or to have a beer for that matter  ;D
Quote from: twoutes on August 10, 2010, 02:35:45 CET
Quote from: freediver on August 09, 2010, 20:14:04 CET

Thanks for the link in english freediver.
I think he did well in the situation.
Shark or no shark, just the though of it being a shark would put you on gaurd.
Your right twoutes! The fact that he fought back and discouraged the shark from attacking further probably,if not definitely saved his life!!


Ma nistax nifhem haga wahda kif bil-gidma il-kelb il-bahar toqba wahda biss ghamel!
Maltese to English Names visit www.renotonna.yolasite.com


I saw the clip of the interview of timesofmalta.com and the person was wearing a t-shirt with an advert of an energy drink - this made me wonder if it is all a marketing gimic! Having said that the person did look pretty scared!


As I was spaearfishing close to shore in that area I was at risk then!
Maltese to English Names visit www.renotonna.yolasite.com


Yes that bite did not look like a bite at all. I know nothing about sharks anyway.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


I only fish on days that end in "Y" ...


no .... that video has been on tube for the last year now
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


as the fish bit the sail,maybe it was not a shark after all but a sailfish!


Quote from: placebo on August 10, 2010, 13:23:34 CET
no .... that video has been on tube for the last year now

Ok than i toughot it was the one if this year
I only fish on days that end in "Y" ...


Quote from: MartinB on August 10, 2010, 01:28:01 CET
Quote from: jean on August 10, 2010, 01:21:48 CET
Martin, re sharks confusing surfing app as surface prey, this usually happens because of the white bottom of the board. The under-belly areas of certain sea creatures which sharks feed on are usually white in colour, and when a person lies flat on a surf board and uses hands and feet to move forward these look like the hands and feet (if so they are called) of seals (or legs of a turtle which sharks feed on too). Hence the confusion. Saw it on Quark a few years back when the alarm was raised over the increasing decimation of such amazing fish.

Re the comments on the times, one guy actually wrote something on the lines that he was surprised why the government was not blamed yet!!! I mean come-on!!! hehe

Also, stupid question but im going to shoot, why does one have to log a report to the police when he spots a big fish? Ax filkas i change job maybe i get some tips on where to go spinning from :D Apart from the jokes, better they report the irregularities like the use of nets in ports and people with boats circling diving buoys!!! 
Yes jean re the colour of the board's and feet/arms splashing,thats exactly what this show on discovery was saying!
If you change your job let me know :)
My boat antifouling is white for this purpose.... NO its not working !!!


when i was young,quite a few years ago,all boats had the bottom painted dark.my father,who was a good fisherman told me that the pixxiplamtu {porbeagle shark}would be inclined to attack white bellies of boats. at those times this kind of shark was very common.


My brother just told me about this. Just another day on the rock hahaha :D

I can't wait to come visit again at the end of September, fishing season is IN!