The ORIS National Big Game Tournament in aid of the Puttinu Cares Foundation

Started by skip, March 25, 2011, 22:39:05 CET

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Participants being vetted at Msida kindly make your request. This information is important for logistics.

So far these have registered:

Skipper -- Mike Agius   
Boat Registration -- MFC 6723   

Skipper/Owner : Raymond Zammit   
Boat Name : Nicole   
Reg # Valletta -03711   

Skipper    Ivan Busuttil   
Boat     Venere   
SSR 138203   

Skipper/Owner: Michael Albanozzo   
Registration: ON. 1233 (M.V. Princess Claudia)   
Pontoon M (Ta Xbiex)

Skipper:  Vincent Bugeja
Boat Ele
Registration MFC 6197

Skipper Frank Azzopardi
Boat  MFC 1546

Skipper   Jesmond Debattista
Boat   MFC 5791

Skipper      Emanuel Arpa
Boat   MFC  1485

Skipper      William Arpa
Boat   MFC 1543

Skipper Raymond Zammit
Boat     Carla

Skipper   Joe Grech
Boat  ? Saucy

Skipper   Massimo Drago
Boat       ON 10197


According to long range weather forecasts for week commencing 20 June, wind/sea conditions are looking very much favourable for the tournament day.  All we need now is some good catch reports.

Also, during the tournament week, we had discussed the possibility of taking out some children from Puttinu Cares for a 1/2 fishing trip.  Rene from Puttinu was delighted with the offer, and we will do everything possible to oblige.  I know some of you have already pledged their support for this initiative, but if there are any more volunteers who would like to take out these kids for a fishing trip, please come forward and contact me.  I have asked puttinu that preferably, we would need the kids to be accompanied by one parent or carer.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Joe a half day on the sea is way too much for certain conditions. I would recommend that we meet all togther at designated place (see where the most interested boats are berthed) and we proceed outside port and do a spot of bottom fishing, the bite is practically guaranteed and I am sure the excitement of catching and releasing fish will be more than an excitement.
If there is need to group form differnet parts of the island its also a good idea.
More than willing to take my share if i am here I can take to sikka tal Bajjad St Pauls Bay. I will try to ask the Bugibba comittee to see if there are members willing to participate in this FANTASTIC idea.
I have done this with a layman and it is a once in a lifetime venture for certain Kids.
Please make sure you cover the legal implications as sometimes we do things out of good heart and we end up persecuted.
To be egoistic I enjoyed it more than they did and it gave me a lot of satisfaction.


if the boat is running ok after my exams i can take 2 parents and 2 kids....... can accomodate 3 and 3 as our boat can take up to 7 persons, but to fish comfortably, its a little tight :-/ thus best is 2 and 2 and myself......
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work




Inspection time starts at 2.30 am, latest 4 am. Inspection of boats and gear has to be carried out prior to departure or you cannot participate.   

Vessels on trailers should call at Saint George's slipway as early as possible. Following launching of vessel, Tournament Officials will perform the inspection and lead the trailer to a reserved area.  Participants should follow the indications of the Tournament Officials.
At the looks of it many participants (at 3 per boat it could be running into 100's) will either be sleeping for a couple of hours in st georges bay or not sleeping at all  ;). Does anyone know whether there are any facilities close to the pier/bay? in which case it might be a good idea to rent a mobile toilet and maybe some bins to avoid littering the place. Just a suggestion!
I'd rather be fishing.....


MSIDA INSPECTION - Gogo - MY Nicole, owned/skippered by Dr. Raymond Zammit reg # Valletta 03711 is berthed at Pontoon "L" in Ta Xbiex opposite the British High Commission.
Seeing that with his large boat he cannot maneuver or berth near pontoon A he would like to have the inspection carried out at his berth ,which 1 of the 2 inspectors have offered to carry out.


Seafox---- no problem. The inspectors responsible for vetting at Msida, knowing the area , divide the inspections according to their needs within a reasonable time. At least at 2.30 am inspectors should have started.
Yesterday I contacted Marsamxett participants, six in all. They need vetting at Msida. I posted their entries in above post togheter  with another five berthing in Msida.

It is mandatory that vessels having been vetted at Msida do not leave to Birzebbuga on their own but in one or more groups. No return to their habours, moorings or any where along the coast is permitted but straight to M'Xlok/Birzebbuga Port. Support boat will be waiting at the entrance of Birzebbuga Port.

Benri is right. I am afraid that close by there is no such facility. A mobile toilet will do the job. Maybe placed either close to the winch room or at the far end of the pier. I do not know what is the cost maybe considering the event a reduced price can be achieved.

Anyone knows who rents mobile toilets? 


Gogo- please add this boat to Msida vetting:

Boat name: Larnic
Skipper: Massimo Drago
Berth: pontoon A
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: skip on June 10, 2011, 09:49:29 CET
People have ample time to ensure they have a working VHF on board before the 26th.
It is very important to have a VHF on board as tournament directions are broadcast on channel 67 during the tournament.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Ladies and Gents,

The official rules in both Maltese and English are now available for download. Please review them in advance of the briefing to avoid questions that are already answered in the rules and regs. Please note that where possible, there will be no changes to the rules governing the The ORIS National Big Game Tournament 2011 in aid of the Puttinu Cares Foundation.

Skip - Tournament Official o.b.o. Dr. Joe Carabott Damato - Tournament Director


Hey, what part of "Bring your own Beer" didn't you understand ?


As far as I know, during the initial Press Conference, the following was stated:

Permissible catch
This year's permissible big game catch will include Albacore Tuna (Alonga), Skipjack Tuna (Palamit), Pastardell (Mediterranean Spear Fish), Dolphin Fish (Lampuki) and for the first time ever, with special permission and under the scrutiny the Fisheries Control Division, Swordfish (Pixxispad) will be included.  For Swordfish catches, the Fisheries Control Division will temporarily move the designated landing site for this pelagic species to the Birzebbuga jetty, which has been earmarked as the finish point of the tournament. 


Well said Frabel. At that time, we still had no definite confirmation from FCD on bluefin tuna, so I refrained from mentioning BFT in the permissible catch. Now we have confirmation.
So the permissible catch is:
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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to be more specific:
BLUEFIN TUNA of not less than 115cm, anything under 115cm found on board and not in the process of being measured shall result in immediate disqualification of that boat. MUST NOTIFY Tournament Director of the Catch a.s.a.p.
SWORDFISH - MUST NOTIFY Tournament Director of the Catch a.s.a.p.

Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work