The ORIS National Big Game Tournament in aid of the Puttinu Cares Foundation

Started by skip, March 25, 2011, 22:39:05 CET

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To continue with what Skip was explaining further up, it would be beneficial to note that:

Here in Malta we do not enjoy the luxury of having a fishing inspector present on each participating boat throughout the tournament.  So the Tournament committee needs to organise things in such a way that boat inspections need to be done on the day the tournament is held.  We had suggested a later start time, but a number of you did object to this.  Also, in international tournaments notice of registration takes place days before the actual tournament, with participating teams turning up a day before and completing the registration then.

The sheer number of participating boats warrants also some attention to detail, and I can only commend Dr. Joe and Nick for coming up with such a plan to minimise as much as possible the risks associated with having a number of boats all leaving at the same time.  

As for the permissible catch to include a limited quota of BFT, it really depends from which angle you look at it.  This is a competition after all, and an element of competitiveness plays the part with the limited quota.  True enough, 300Kgs is not that much, but we could have ended up with nothing, which simply means not having BFT included in the permissible catch.  Thats one option.  We could have just included BFT on a catch and release basis, but the controls of such an option outweight the benefits of including catch and release.  The way I see it, and as Shanook quite rightly explained, the first 10 boats (I really doubt this) that land a BFT are elligible to include these in the total catch.  Again, an element of competitiveness!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Skip / Gaffer,

First of all thanks for yesterday's meeting and well done to all the organizing committee!

I have some doubts on the BFT issue.
If we are lucky enough to catch a BFT greater than 115cm I think we should have an adequate scale to weigh it.
Otherwise how can we report the weight to the organisers?
Having an adequate weighing scale should be obligatory since the quota is in weight.
Suggestion maybe for next year: The quota should read "Maximum of 10 BFTs greater than 115cm".
The APPROXIMATE quota would be between 200 kg to 400 kg.



What most of us are not aware of or not realizing is that the quota is not something that the Tournament organizers decided on but as far as I know is stipulated by the fisheries take it or leave it. Have no doubt that the organizers tried to gamble for more. It is up to the fisheries to allocate BFT quota in relation to the quota allowed to local commercial fishing community. 
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


Quote from: skip on June 22, 2011, 09:48:43 CET
Shanook, when we didn't have BFT people moaned and were upset. Now that we do with a limited quota, we still have upset people. If we managed to get 500kgs instead of 300, people would have still been complaining that....ONLY 500kgs, even 800kgs etc etc.

Until recreational fishing is given importance we will continue to be a minority when compared to commercial fishing interests and we have to make do with what we get, whilst continuing to lobby in order to get more.

Last year we didn't even have Catch and Release for Rec fishers but we managed to sort that out, there wasn't a quota made available to Rec fishers as it was used up in a few days by the Commercial Fishermen.

This year they issued 18 permits at 100kgs each, although I was not at all happy with the system they used. And next year we are adivising that the quota for Rec fishermen is held generically, each interested person applies for a permit and then reports as they catch. Not a fixed allocation per individual.

As to the 300kgs for the tournament, well may the best fishermen get there first. It's basically on a first come, first served basis guys. At the end of the day if you catch a BFT it counts as 1 fish within your overall catch, and yes you do stand a better chance with a BFT of getting the biggest fish prize vs another species.

However we are all starting at the same time, so it's a level playing field....skill and luck are the key factors.

Skip at least you got a small quota... We having an MFA couldnt even catch 1 so consider yourselves lucky guys!


Hi Skars,

We have discussed your issue with Fisheries and as no scale is accurate on the water to the extent that on the water it could read 30.01kgs and be valid, yet on land it weighs 29.99 kgs given the motion on the water, and therefore you would be in breach of EU regulations and subject to a fine.

Given that the regulations call for 115cm/30kgs it has been interpreted that providing the fish measure 115cm or greater, then that is fine, and we will be working on a basis of the first 10 valid BFTs caught. I'm sure that Fisheries have a contingency quota that they hold back in case, due to a stroke of luck, all the 10 BFTs landed are much heavier than 30kgs.


Quote from: fisheye on June 22, 2011, 11:25:20 CET
What most of us are not aware of or not realizing is that the quota is not something that the Tournament organizers decided on but as far as I know is stipulated by the fisheries take it or leave it. Have no doubt that the organizers tried to gamble for more. It is up to the fisheries to allocate BFT quota in relation to the quota allowed to local commercial fishing community. 

You hit the nail on the head, this is what we were given by Fisheries Control. Actually it was less than 300kgs initially!

And no one has commented positively on all the hard work that went into getting the official landing site at M'Xlokk for Swordfish moved to St. Georges Jetty with special permission for the day of our tournament!


I'm usually one of the silent majority [a tree-hugging fan of Gaffer's afticles especially]; but wish to congratulate the 'team' who put all this act together.  In today's day and age, few people work voluntarily as time is money and rarely is the case when such volunteers do a very good job as was done in this case.  My heartfelt thanks for giving it your best shot and for giving us this opportunity.


As a member of the Oris Tournament committee I thank everyone for the positive comments that are being posted. Thanks to all.
As to BFT quota, at first there was no permit however with some adequate arguments and somebody pledging to be responsible for the running of this permit, The Director General of Fisheries conceded a 200 kgs and later pushed to 300 kgs quota. The landing site had to be at M'Xlokk  for BFT and Swordfish but was changed to Buga jetty provided the responsible person is in continous contact with the fisheries officer during all the fishing period and once a tuna is caught will be reported to the FCD officer.

So considering that for the first time ever a permit has been issued under these conditions, please make treasure of this opportunity and follow all the regulation s and instruction that may be imparted during the Tournament and help who is responsible for BFT permit. Remember that years to come who is responsible today will not be present so gain your honour and reliabily so that in the future the Fisheries Department will have not problem to issue similar ,possibly better conditioned permits.

A big thanks has to be forwarded towards the Fisheries Director General and Fisheries control Director.

Hope for good weather and very hungry Alonghi, BFT so on so forth.

Good Luck


Prosit guys and the organizing comittee for the well planned fishing tournament and the very well planned regestration, very well done . Could someone now please explain again how one is called for inspection when i am already in the sea and when do i get to know my colour to follow ? sorry for asking for a repeat i know it was explained , and most probely its written somewhere but can you explain once again, tks .
RASCALA 24ft. with DF225 hp SUZUKI v6 4 stroke


John, your designated colour is indicated on the ID card, the laminated card which is clipped to your registration form. you will be called via VHF ch 67 to approach the pier for inspection, or you may be inspected at your designated holding point.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Support Boat   Puttinu 3   Group No   3   
Support mob   77773474   Colur    White   
Coordinates   N 35-49-822   E014-32-066      
Start Course   185 degrees   Insp. Time 02:45      

Here is a sample from one of the reference cards. This boat is assigned to Support Vessel Puttinu 3, Group 3. There is the contact mobile number of the Support boat skipper and the ID colour of the support boat. In this case White (which will be a flashing white strobe above the radar arch). The GPS co-ordinates where the support boat will be anchored for inspections, the latest time the whole group can come and wait for inspection (on the jetty, slipway and at sea) - in other words they must be present in the holding area by then, and the starting course this group will be following.


Very well done organisation Guys. Briefing was very clearly and very pro.
Fantastic job from all the comitee members. I was impressed with organisation at and thanks for giving it to your best  and for giving us this opportunity.



Table No 1 didnt have the ID tags and GOGO sent me one by email. The problem is that I dont have the inspection time on it. I am moored at B'Bugia.


Hi Shanook,

Your official time is 3.15 am. latest. All Group one competitors are due latest 3.15 a.m. Since you are berthed at Buga I suggest that once you are on board your boat call me on mobile and as soon as the Pier is free I will call you. Still the earlier the better.