Fridays catch

Started by EmicMalta, December 07, 2007, 19:15:11 CET

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Today we done a 8hr dive and this is the result. Also there was 4 kg octopus that are not in the pic.

Later on I will say something more and what fish we saw.  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


Hi Ed! I've had tonsillitis and fever since the last time we met - guess that taking off my suit in that wind wasn't a good choice! Since then I only dived today (still a bit sick, hence, with very bad apnea) and didn't have much luck. But I loved my 7mm jacket - felt like it was summer again! Nice catch you got there but still waiting to hear what monsters you saw!


By the way, how's Mr Carbon doing?  ;)
Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.


i'm sorry for you robert. Thats bad to hear. I went a couple of times but wasn't so lucky. Went last sunday 2nd Dec and brake all my Marea suit. ( If you can see it at the moment its like with a new camaflage. Full of borders with glue but still really good one) When arrived on the place,1st found that broke the termos, 2nd broke the suit (had another spare in the rigid) and finally 3rd after 5 mins broke again the Omer ice fins (and lucky Giovanni had the new carbon fins and made a day using them). Then where we normally leave the rigid on the left side of Comino, I went first, after only 1min, i saw 3 sargi, and as I was waiting for them to go under a rock, I was  surprise to see a 5kg dentex and a grouper of 2kg eating an octopus. Tried an emergency dive, trying to hide by the wall but the dentex doesn't wanted to come more than 10mtrs and so I lost it. Then we done some dives but noting special. About 15 saragi, 1 3kg grouper, and 1 2kg blue runner.

Yesterday was a really nice one. I was with Kenny. First we went on 2 rocks, and no aj around it. Went further outand saw some 300gr ones and went down. Just when I arrived to the bottom (10 mtr), they came a couple of 1.2kg ajs and got 1 of them but where too afraid and the other ran away. Then we on another place furthur out and the see was full of fish bait. tried a lot of aspettoes but noting. Was a perfact place for a big aj but didn't saw one around. After a bit, I went near kenny and told me that under us there was some dentex. So left him doing a couple of aspettos but still i didn't saw them from the surface. Then I went down (20-25mtr). And the first 1 I saw was of around 500g and waited. Then they begain to come from my left side. I was in the sea weed and didn't got all the view and after abot 30 sec iI used to move some of it with my hand, and there it was. A 4kg one just upon my head and didn't saw it. Didn't moved my gun and was waiting for another one caming towards me, and I made the usual mistake. I don't realised how much it was big. Think of about 5kg and I tought it was of 2kg. I shoot him and was still out of rainge and turned away. Then we done a couple of other dives and didn'tshoot again. Then we went in for some saragi but the weather was still a bit hard to stay by the rocks, so re went for the ajs again. at a moment, about 20 mtrs from us, I saw another Dentex 8kg that was on the sand (8mtr) and told Kenny to go for it but the fish doen't wanted and went away.

So when we arrive on the reef for the aj a say a nice one and shoot it on a caduta in the see weed. I think the best shoot I ever done. Was really nice. Then we caught another couple and tought to go on a reef at abot 2km out from shore and at a moment we lost each other cos Kenny was without a float and so I went in again. I just caught 3 saragi and 4kg oct but Kenny had made a feast out there. He found the aj, and he said that at a moment the sea around him was all yellow with the ammount of ajs. He aught 4 and came in cos was without fish keep.  :( :( :(

At the moment its bad weather so hope it will arrange so we go again  :)



Take care with those fins mate - you don't want them breaking when you're at -20m!

Yesterday, as I was sick, I decided to fish in VERY shallow water and as I was using a thicker jacket, I used a lot of weight (I'm not sure but I think I had about 12kg - whereas normally I have 6). I made a big mistake at one point; I was approaching a rock where I know that there are some nice white breams and I just sank to the bottom. After about 3 seconds I saw a huge sargu between the rocks and it was coming towards me - I decided not to shoot as it was very calm and I decided to let it get closer. The problem is that it got very close...but I just did not shoot :-[...happens sometimes! Then, after a while I saw something brown retreating slowly back inside a crevice - as it was very shallow I thought it was a large moray's head but I decided to inspect the crevice. As I was sure it was a moray (which I don't shoot), I didn't approach the crevice well (I decided to have a look just to make double sure it was a moray...) and as my eyes were getting used to the dark, I saw a nice grouper going deeper and disappearing between the rocks.

It's a good thing we learn from our least that's how the saying goes!
Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.


It happened exectly the opposite to me rob. I saw a big dark and taught that it was the usual grouper,which was outside the cave, and I went silently and as I had aproched it I realised that it was a big morey, so surpriced I went back. A thing that also surpriced Kenny cos he saw me doing the strange movoment


Nothing special but had fun in shallow water again! Simon, I think you know EXACTLY from where I got the cuda! ;)
Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.


Quote from: Robert on December 10, 2007, 19:28:58 CET
Nothing special but had fun in shallow water again! Simon, I think you know EXACTLY from where I got the cuda! ;)

I think I know also the place you've been boss ;) ;) ;) ;)

Next time leave the murlini for me, as you know how much I like them :P


There was a huge shoal of terrified bait fish and I saw a bonito of about a kilo chasing them so I decided to do some aspettos but it didn't show up again. After about ten minutes, the cudas came but in very small numbers. I stuck under the baitfish for about 40 minutes in all but nothing showed up again; only 200g AJs.

Had a problem with my sinus today as the cold hasn't cleared totally yet and ended up with loads of blood coming out from my nose and mouth. But all's ok.

By the way, I'm sure you know the place cause the day we went there you had to come with us and ended up taking care of our other friend! ;) ;D
Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.


  :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X

better don't say any words, just a msg at 5am  ;) ;) ;) ;)


It's friday my friends and just back from the peradise.

Here it comes

2 groupers, 1 of 5kg and 1 of 2.2kg
11 Ajs
2 griebel
4 saragi
4 octopus
1 kahlija

5 hrs catch. At first we went for dentex but didn't seen one and got a bit tiered diving at 25mtr so went for 15mtr some saragi but we found these. We have a competition on sunday and so doesn't wanted to be over tired and came back early. We found saragi and gribel but I prefare an Aj instead so left them for another day.



Int tixxala u jien nahdem!!  >:(

Prosit man - prosit ta' vera! Nice catch! Seems like you already got your xmas present!  You used Mr Carbon or Spora?

By the way: how was it yesterday?
Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.


ahdem ahdem, at the moment is better do that thing my friend.

Mr Carbon RULE

All perfact shots, 5 of them dead shots, only 1 missed but was far, just a long shoot as some trials. About 6mtr shoot, but can arrange for that next time  ::)

New spear EFFESUB SANDVIC, good one but saw not so much penitration.

And the 5kg 1 shoot bad in stomack cos of water inside my mask. If you can be free rob, we can do it on Sunday, but we should be all the gang with the dingy, and if so I wil not compete in the comp.

Yesturday simonG had christmas shopping so I went with Kenny at Id Dejji but was too rough, but still had some fish with us. I went for 1hr and came up, and Kenny for 2h45min. I caught a tannuta 1.5kg and a 500gr dentex, and Kenny a barracuda of 1kg, grouper 2.5kg, 1 1kg aj. But was really danger and I hate it like that

NB. I found my problem of the allergie. DIHIDRATION. Before going to dive I use to drink coffie and when I use to be with the float and not with the d dingy, i does not take water with me. Now building a new plancetta so we can have space for fresh water and also a snack




hehe ... Prosit ta veru guys ehh!! nice groupers!! and a great number of AJS!! just amazing seeing these pictures... i just wish i was there!!

that tannuta qat ma rajt bhala jien! qisa sargu u kahlijja f'daqqa...??

next week forsi immorru wahda mela edward :) i would like to settle my weight belt on the day aswell!


Why do fish make men go crazy?


You're right about dehydration; in fact, since I've been diving I totally avoid coffee even though I love it - I only take it after dives when I am extreemly cold and I limit myself to one cup of decaf every day. In any case, taking coffee before a dive is not advisable as it raises your heartbeat and that consumes more oxygen.

On Sunday 99.9% I will be going for a dive but still I won't be spending all day for sure - wouldn't want to spoil your day. To make matters worse, it seems that I haven't totally recovered from my sinus squeeze as I have just been getting some coagulated blood on blowing my nose (sorry it's disgusting...). If you won't be taking part in the competition and you'll be going for a short dive call me but otherwise go ahead and enjoy yourself!
Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.


I will let you know guys. Rob you can also come with  us and when its time to go you can make it swimming to the shore. Its only 500mtr from shore.

Yes john,will make it for next week. And the Tanuta is not common, also for me is the 1st one I ever shoot. It lives a bit deep, but sometimes you can see it eating the jellyfish