Fish On - Hooked on Fishing

Started by The_Gaffer, September 10, 2012, 15:01:12 CET

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We have a mix of fishing related programmes on TV.  Just to name a few, we have cacca & pesce, Extreem fishing with Robson Green, Wicked Tuna, Monster fishing, and locally we have Mr. Fisherman, to a lesser extent 'x'qala l-bahar' and Geo Geo on RAI.

However, in your opinion...
1------What would you like to see in a fishing related programme?
2------Should the series concentrate on local fishing only, or include foreign fishing experiences?, or do we get enough of foreign fishing  experiences on the other channels?
3------Should the series aim to be
entertaining but informative
light humour
ad hoc fishing tips
colourful fishing exclamations

as against narrative, descriptive and follow a fixed, ridged and structured agenda?

More importantly, what do you think?
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I am an avid viewer of Extreme Fishing with Robson Green. I think this programme has all the necessary ingredients for a relaxing TV programme – good catches, various types of fishing and entertaining humour. Definitely my No.1
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Maybe I wasn't clear enough....if you had a chice in suggesting what content you would like to see in a locally aired programme, what would it be.  the Programme would be aired in Maltese.

Ha nghidha bil-Malti, u tistaw twigbu bil-Malti jekk tridu.  Kieku kellu jintwera program fuq is-sajd hawn malta, x'tixtiequ taraw fih.  Ovja, il-program ikun bil-malti
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l affarijiet li  jinteresawni fi programm bhal ma semmejt gaffer huma Nisa sbieh !!! Tips dwar is - sajd, dokumentarju dwar il - hut fejn sajjied ikun jista' jifhem iktar il - hut li jkun irid, nisa sbieh , inqas riklamar , li jkun "light humour" u importanti li jkun fih nisa sbieh!!!
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


Personally I would like to learn more about local fishing. I am told that the program Mr Fisherman is great and many people are enthusiastic about it. Unfortunately it is not aired at a time when I can watch it. I would love to be able to watch the series one day. I want to learn about the type of fish, what bait and lures to use, what rods, lines and set ups, what impact does the weather have, what regulations are there. I'd like to hear about the protection of fish to enhance survival of species, which species need protecting, why and how best to go about it, what new species are being introduced and how are they ending up in the Med. I love to learn about the different habitats of fish species and their behaviour. To me learning about the fish is all part of the fun.


Nice humor ggant hahahahaha........same here......nisa jistadu, etc etc etc...
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Extreme fishing l-ahjar wiehed li nara. Idahhak, isalli, gieli ma jaqbad xejn, jitbazwar, juri kulturi ohra, u ma jurix biss meta jaqbad.
L-ikbar ghadu tas-sajd hija s-sodda.


Quote from: rule3 on September 11, 2012, 12:06:10 CET
Extreme fishing l-ahjar wiehed li nara. Idahhak, isalli, gieli ma jaqbad xejn, jitbazwar, juri kulturi ohra, u ma jurix biss meta jaqbad.

Ezatt, mux kif jaghmel wiehed ta certu programm malti, imur iktar minn darba biex jaghmel l programm
Good season so far.....


Quote from: FREEDIVE on September 11, 2012, 07:47:49 CET
M hawnx nisa jistadu??? Sajjieda daqshom m hawnx. Ara kemm minnha blajna l lixka li tefawlna ;)

Immissek taf int, il-lixka ghadha friska f'halqek :P
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Being a Maltese programme, I would like it to concentrate on fishing in Malta ONLY. I'm not interested of catches overseas when I only fish locally. I would like to see ample catches as in the recent two episodes of Mr Fisherman, but less recipe spots as these we have loads on other programmes.

I would also like the programme to emphasis on various fishing techniques and fishing tackle used, always keeping in mind local shores and seas. But please, if the programme is to show fishing techniques, the cameraman should zoom heavily on what the angler is doing and the angler should proceed at slow pace, example when tying knots, hooks or other stuff.

I think Peprina's comments says it all to perfection.

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Quote from: rule3 on September 11, 2012, 12:06:10 CET
Extreme fishing l-ahjar wiehed li nara. Idahhak, isalli, gieli ma jaqbad xejn, jitbazwar, juri kulturi ohra, u ma jurix biss meta jaqbad.

Ma ninsewx l-ahwa...Robson Green li jipprezenta Extreem Fishing huwa primarjament attur, muzicist, kantant/awtur u prezentatur Ingliz.  Wara ghomru quddiem il- camera, qed jipprezenta programme tas-sajd ghal National Geographic.  Nimmagina l-iscript tal-programme huwa miktub lest minn script writers, location sets, photography, kollox 1st class ala National Geographic.  Apparti, kull fejn idur madwar id-dinja, qed jiltaqa ma uhud mill-aqwa sajjieda tal-lokal.  Li qed nipprova nghid hawn huwa li l-aspetativa li xi programme tas-sajd f'Malta ser jersaq vicin l-ispettaklu li jofri Extreem Fishing - Insewha!!  Tinsiex, Extreem fishing huwa kollu finanzjat minn National Geographic.  Hawn Mala, tmur stazjon tat-TV, l-ewwel ma jitolbok huwa eluf ta Euros + sponsors + reklami!!      
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OK guys, moderation in effect
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OK people! (ladies & gents).  lets keep the discussion healthy. 
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Mela lura ghas-suggett. Nahseb li TV programm lokali dwar is-sajd irid jikkoncentra dwar sajd lokali tad-dilettanti. Teknici ta sajd differenti, armar etc kif diga gie ssuggerit. Sajd bil-qasba mil-art u sajd bid-dghajsa. Sajd tradizzjonali (rixa tal-idejn, forok etc) u teknici aktar moderni.

Tajjeb ukoll li jekk possibli (ma nafx hux feasible ghax ma nifiemx akka fil-marketing) programm ma jintrabatx ma sponsor partikolari u per ezempju nibqghu naraw u nitkellmu dwar l-istess outboards programm wara l-iehor. Per ezempju illum nistghu naraw xi dghajsa tal-petecraft, darb ohra xi haga tal-mecca jew tal kaptan jew hitec - insomma mhux dejjem l-istess suppliers.

Tajjeb ukoll li nuru kemm id-dilettant jonfoq flus fid-delizzju tieghu u kemm jaqbad ftit paragunat ma kemm jitfa fl-ekonomija tal-pajjiz, il-preokkupazjoni tad-dilettant dwar sajd mhux sostenibbli bhal pariti max-xatt etc. Programm tajjeb jista jkun mezz ta edukazzjoni ghal sajd aktar responsabbli - qisien tal-hut li jista jinzamm, catch and release jekk il-hut ikun undersize jew mhux ser jittiekel.

PS sorry imma l-post giet bil-Malti. La nbdiet bl-ingliz suppost bl-ingliz izda hemm posts bl-ingliz u bil malti u gietni ftit twila wisq biex noqghod nittraduci!


Quote from: The_Gaffer on September 11, 2012, 15:34:08 CET
Quote from: rule3 on September 11, 2012, 12:06:10 CET
Extreme fishing l-ahjar wiehed li nara. Idahhak, isalli, gieli ma jaqbad xejn, jitbazwar, juri kulturi ohra, u ma jurix biss meta jaqbad.

Ma ninsewx l-ahwa...Robson Green li jipprezenta Extreem Fishing huwa primarjament attur, muzicist, kantant/awtur u prezentatur Ingliz.  Wara ghomru quddiem il- camera, qed jipprezenta programme tas-sajd ghal National Geographic.  Nimmagina l-iscript tal-programme huwa miktub lest minn script writers, location sets, photography, kollox 1st class ala National Geographic.  Apparti, kull fejn idur madwar id-dinja, qed jiltaqa ma uhud mill-aqwa sajjieda tal-lokal.  Li qed nipprova nghid hawn huwa li l-aspetativa li xi programme tas-sajd f'Malta ser jersaq vicin l-ispettaklu li jofri Extreem Fishing - Insewha!!  Tinsiex, Extreem fishing huwa kollu finanzjat minn National Geographic.  Hawn Mala, tmur stazjon tat-TV, l-ewwel ma jitolbok huwa eluf ta Euros + sponsors + reklami!!     

Mitt darba w'elf... li qieghed tghid kollu minnu.

Jien naqbel ukoll ma lazyfisherman... li l-programm m'ghandux jintrabat ma sponsor partikolari. (specjalment dak it-tip ta' sponsor) <--- skuzawni imma ma nistax ma najdiex :(

L-ikbar ghadu tas-sajd hija s-sodda.