Federation Meeting with Fisheries Board Sub Committee for new Sport/Recreational

Started by frabel, November 12, 2012, 21:03:22 CET

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Baghira, that is the reason why we posted on MFF. If you asked me to attend the National General Meeting to be organized by Federation, how can  I not attend when I am secretary of same Federation.
I think if every amateur fisherman informs his friends more and more persons will know. Please pass on what is really happening not what one thinks.  We have to keep calm and united. I have  been on  these boards for over 24 years and have passed worst situations. Initially I was alone as no Associations or Federation existed. Slowly local  groups the first  of Birzebbuga of which I was a founder and President started to form followed by  several others. Finally the Federation  which is legally  recognized  in Chapter 425 of the Fisheries Law.  This made the job easier.
Until a formal draft is  reached one has to wait. The job started three weeks ago and we are only  in the fourth meeting. Hurry will not help. Each  term of  reference has to assessed properly as to its  legal aspects and impact on all stakeholders.
Where possible I will post updates positive and/or hope not negative ones.


Destination Sea

count me in Joe (gaffer) . dawn l affarijiet mhux accettabbli. mela ha noqghodu sejrin hekk f dal pajjiz . jkun hawn xi hadd li jrid jidher jew ghandu interessi ohra  w jibda jbazwar kemm jiflah. NO WAY.
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


To All Amateur Fishermen.

Below kindly see correspondence between Notary Tonio Spiteri (chairman of Fisheries Recreational Sub Committee) regarding my request to divulge issues discussed on fishing gears / equipments that were unanimously agreed to.

Tonio Spiteri <tonspit@maltanet.net> wrote:
Dear Director,
I have just received an email from Dr. Joe Carabott Damato on behalf of the Federation of Amateur Fishermen requesting authorization to divulge certain information to Federation members on the allowable fishing gear which has been discussed and unanimously approved by all committee members. Dr Carabott Damato is being inundated with requests for information since there is a lot of speculation going on and also some adverse comments about the Department in general and the workings of the committee in particular.
Therefore, Dr Carabott Damato is kindly requesting your authorization to divulge certain information about fishing gear which is non controversial, so as to put the minds of Federation members at rest and dispel any adverse speculative comments.
Kindest regards,
Tonio Spiteri.

Dr Spiteri

I have no problem to provide information. The widest the discussion would make it healthier.

I cannot understand the antagonism against the Department. The appointed committee is to discuss recreational fishing and come up with a structured proposal for further discussion with interested parties.

Thus I appeal to everyone to be constructive and come up with ideas and suggestions.


Having received this approval I wish to inform all amateur Fishermen that following accurate scrutiny, the Fisheries Recreational Sub Committee has reviewed all possible fishing gears / equipments that can be used by recreational fisherman. All Fishing gears / equipments that at present are allowed have been approved and others added as rod and reel, rod jigging, forok and imrejkba which were not included before. A limit number of hooks (200) to bottom long lines have been introduced up to a depth of 100metres. In deeper waters in excess of 100 meters, fishing is only allowed with rod/jigging.
I welcome any questions on recreational fishing gears / equipments. Remember at this stage changes can be made provided practical constructive suggestions are forwarded.
Please, we are discussing recreational fishing so no comments, even if legitimate, on gears used by Commercial Fisherman. Now is our chance to voice what we think is beneficial to recreational fishing and get the best.  Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Joe Carabott Damato
Recreational Fishing representative on Fisheries Board and Secretary of Federation



WOW! we can fish with rod and reel? no kiddin? i cant wait to try it!


What I fail to undertstand, is that this supposedly sub committee board, is discussing Recreational fishing activities and fishers and there is only one person - Dr. JoeCarabott, who actually reflects representation of recreational fishermen.  I have been told that the chairman is also a recreational fisherman, but in his capacity as chairman, he is a political appointee and as such, needs to follow policy and procedure as laid down by the body that appointed him to this role in the 1st place.  As for the Director of fisheries stating that the the wider the discussion the healthier, then I suggest the Director acts on these statements by inviting and including the Malta Fishing forum in these discussion, being the largest online representative of recreational fisherman.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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A limit number of hooks (200) to bottom long lines have been introduced up to a depth of 100metres. In deeper waters in excess of 100 meters, fishing is only allowed with rod/jigging.

why there is this 100metres limit?? i looks absurd to me why 100metres ??!??
i agree wt number of hook 200 makes sens, but depth limit is a big NO NO !!!!


OMG all these years I have been breaking the law.... I was actually fishing with rod and reel.....I have to go to confession...........wait a minute the rod and reel shit has already been discussed and approved years ago.... something is not right.
The letter says what can be use, please can you be specific and state what cannot be used or is controversial as the letter states.
Again in 2012/2013 we have not been given the pleasure of using (and having just one on the boat) a surface line with a limited number of hooks, say 50 hooks.
Everyone knows that fish are not that abundant and with these restrictions the amateur(recreational) fisherman and eventually the retail outlets will face a drastic decline.
last and the most offensive is that those discussing and deciding what is best for the recreational fisherman are not the recreational fisherman themselves (or their representatives).
Is the fishing gear the only issue being discussed by the sub committee?  If there are other issues can we please know what is going on?


Hi Yogi

Thank you for your post.

This limitation was brought up by the cooperative representative. Their reasoning is that since in deep waters fish like Stone Bass (Dott) and Blue-spotted Bream (Bazuk) are the main targetted fish, the use of longlines with many hooks can produce a big catch. Their argument is that since  recreational fishermen only fish for pleasure and cannot sell their catches one can use rod and line and jigging  in these depths i.e. more than  100 meters. They say with rod and line one can catch one or two which should be enough. Catching more will eventually finish on the market.
From our end we did not agree on the depth indicated. We are asking for deeper limit margin for long lines. Any suggestion to contrast their arguments?



Dear Shanook,
Yes there is something wrong. Rod and reel was discussed and approved and I was the representative who was instrumental for that approval but unfortunely the approval was never written down. We are still stuck with the 1934 S.L. 10. 12 legislation which only mentions in article 2 (i) all methods of hook and line fishing, including jigging with gulpara and hiel.
So we decided to specify with its proper name each fishing gear/equipement to avoid any future misunderstanding.
Our proposal of surface longline for lampuki with 50 hooks has been accepted even by cooperative representatives.

The cooperatives and FCD agreed with the recreational representative that the fishing gear not allowed to  recreational fisherman remains as it is now, namely:
All kinds of casting nets (xbieki tat-Tonn, Tkaxkir,Lampara, Lampuki, kahli, includung  parit, xkett, tartarun,gangmu and terrieha), longlines for Tuna, swordfish and alongi.

No this is not the only issue, if one reviews past post one can note eight terms of reference. We decided to start with fishing gear as we argued that if we do not find a concensus on this item then there  is no need to carry on further discussions. As the only controversal issue is the depth of bottom long lines we decided to tackle the other terms of reference.
Now this issue is open to public scrutiny  and opinion. Once a consensus on other items is reached  then again I will post for public opinion. Remember we started on the 25th October.

Tony permit me to remark on your statement "Everyone knows that fish are not that abundant and with these restrictions the amateur(recreational) fisherman and eventually the retail outlets will face a drastic decline". I hope that retail outlets means fishing tackle outlets and not fish mongers etc. I cannot see how approving all fishing gears now in use can influence negatively fish tackle outlets. A drop in fish stock will certainly cause a drop as less person will be inclined to go fishing also considering the cost of fuel.

As to the rest I am not inclined to answer to any personal provocation. All that matters for me is to bring out with your help the best package for amateur fishermen.



Anyone remember that meeting in rabat with fisheries rapresentatives? Remember when they said mrejkba is allowed? According to gogo,it was included now. Where they lying? Are we going to discuss our future with liars? Lets get out of these discussions. Lets make an agreement with anybody who is willing to discard this bullshit!


Freedrive, I already answered that query in a previous  post.
Can you please be more clear as to "particular fishing zone frequented by the big guns"?  As proposed by cooperative representative boats can still be around using only rods.
Remember that this is still not final as we are still asking for deeper waters. This is the only controversal item on amateur fishing gear.



Caldaland, I was present during the Rabat meeting. Yes it was mentioned. However if you can find imrejka in any Fisheries written law or legal notice then all we did we included an already approved fishing gear. Better then ommitting one.

