Federation Meeting with Fisheries Board Sub Committee for new Sport/Recreational

Started by frabel, November 12, 2012, 21:03:22 CET

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for long lines there is a limit of 200 hooks and with 200 hooks i dont know how much fish you can catch. so this theory that we will catch a lot of fish with 200 hooks is nonsense.  the commercial fisherman with 3000 or more hooks sometimes they dont catch a lot of fish so you can imagine how much one can catch with 200 hooks.

so with their arguments one can not catch fish for the whole family let alone for their friends. family of four will eat maybe 2 fish each, grandparents another 2 fish each so these are already 16 fish without mentioning other relatives and friends. I agree with them they they do not want us to sell fish because they have a very difficult job with lot of expenses but i do not agree that they are trying to impose on us that we have to also buy our fish.

Gogo you dont want us to discuss Commercial fisherman but they are making pressure to restrict our fishing and in previous posts you wrote that the commercial fisherman were not saying anything about us in the committee and The Gaffer was convinced by your reply but from the post you wrote what was discussed it is not true that they are not putting pressure against us in the committee. So Gogo are there more things that the Koperativa are putting pressure against us because at first you  did not inform us well or maybe for you getting a restriction of the 100 meter depth does not make any difference but for many it makes difference



"Remember that this is still not final as we are still asking for deeper waters".
Bir-rispett lejn kulhadd,kif jista xi hadd jinnegozja f-isem id-dilettanti meta ma jikkonsultax ma l-istess dilettanti?


I read and reread my post, I dont think there is anything as personal provocation.

Yes of course I didnt mean the fishmongers, we dont have anything to do with fish mongers. I meant retail outlets, the fishing tackle shops, the electronics shops, the boating equipment, the engine parts and maintenance, the mechanics, the fuel distributors etc etc etc

It is nice to hear that we are allowed to use the surface long lines of 50 hooks (at least for me that should never have been taken away as its recreational.

Regarding the 200 hooks in deep waters is a joke if the commercial fisherman are objecting to it, they should know better.

Are there limits on the number of rods that can be deployed
Can live/dead bait be used
Is chumming allowed
Can outriggers be used


cadaland, no they were not liars. At the Rabat meeting were present  I think two Fisheries officer whose job was to answer question from amateur fishermen and gather information for the process of revising the fisheries law. They referred their soundings then the FCD had to continue the job. As you well know there was a change in Directorship and proceedings stopped. Now things are on again.
Do you know what really worried me during that meeting called, maybe I am wrong, by MFF members? That, including the Fisheries officials ,me and five or six Federation committee members, in all we did not exceed 30 persons. Why MFF never formed a club or  association which Joe (Gaffer) rightly strongly wanted to form and so be a recognized NGO and have all the right to attend with representatives in all doings related to Amateur fishing?  Gaffer knows how much I helped him to set up his wish.
Ending discussions  now means give a free hand to other stakeholders. Do you really think that the process will stop. I am afraid  not,  and I and my colleagues within the Federation committee are not prepared to be run over and be culprits of regulations which curtail amateur fishing.


Shanook "last and the most offensive is that those discussing and deciding what is best for the recreational fisherman are not the recreational fisherman themselves (or their representatives)."
I may have interpreted this statement wrongly but please tell me to whom it is directed?

There are no limits on rods used on a fishing trip. Live and/or dead bait has never been questioned. Of course it  can be used.
Thank you for reminding me the outriggers. I will suggest that this fishing gear will also be inserted. See how these discussions although presented in a negative  attitude can produce postive arguments.

An MFF member cadaland noted "Bir-rispett lejn kulhadd,kif jista xi hadd jinnegozja f-isem id-dilettanti meta ma jikkonsultax ma l-istess dilettanti?"
Can someone tell me to who my post on MFF are directed?
So far only three or four members posted on this issue. I am waiting for the other 2000.

Busumark said "So Gogo are there more things that the Koperativa are putting pressure against us because at first you did not inform us well or maybe for you getting a restriction of the 100 meter depth does not make any difference but for many it makes difference "
No up to now the longline depth has been the only controversal point. Do you know why it is controversal, simply because the amateur representative objected. Incidentally the amateur representative happened to be me who according to your sweeping statement does not effect me.
The problem is that I bother for others, while others, usually a few, tend to destroy what is good for them and unfortunely for their colleagues..



Can we specify what is meant by jigging beyond 100m? Jigging as I know it with a rod/reel and braid tends to be done in 50-60m of water, maybe up to 100m max if setup right.

So are they referring to electric reels with a jigging function, deep bottom fishing ? And then restricting the number of hooks ? It doesn't seem very clear but perhaps am missing something.

The MFF association issues was discussed elsewhere and it was felt that there are already plenty of associations that people could join. The scope of the forum was knowledge sharing and education (Techniques , rules etc and reference point for guidance concerning regulations). For a long time the information on the fisheries site was outdated, then they had no working site whatsoever. If I remember correctly the Federation had no site for a few years and the MFF was the reference point doing its best to collate and establish communication channels.

MFF members are online members of a community, not like paid up members of a club/association. Many either don't want the hassle of joining a club, or have been disillusioned or for other reasons prefer something web based.

You won't find 2000 replies as people will be reading with caution, but you will see that thus topic has been read 800 times, and certainly not by the 10 ppl or so who have posted.

If indeed the Director wants the broadest possible audience, between the MFF, Federation and a Public well advertised national meeting this could be achieved.

I would like to remind everyone that personal comments or insults against individuaks will not be tolerated and you are all cautioned to review your posts carefully before submitting.

Thanks Skip


"An MFF member cadaland noted "Bir-rispett lejn kulhadd,kif jista xi hadd jinnegozja f-isem id-dilettanti meta ma jikkonsultax ma l-istess dilettanti?"
Can someone tell me to who my post on MFF are directed?"
Gogo,inti bdejt tinnegozja il-fond fejn jista jigi kalat konz,hafna qabel infurmajt lil membri ta MFF.Jien l-ewwel wiehed,ma kont naf xejn xhinu jigri,avolja membru fl-ghaqda tal-gzira,membru fil-federation u membru MFF.


Quote from: Gogo on November 20, 2012, 22:07:35 CET
Shanook "last and the most offensive is that those discussing and deciding what is best for the recreational fisherman are not the recreational fisherman themselves (or their representatives)."
I may have interpreted this statement wrongly but please tell me to whom it is directed?

There are no limits on rods used on a fishing trip. Live and/or dead bait has never been questioned. Of course it  can be used.
Thank you for reminding me the outriggers. I will suggest that this fishing gear will also be inserted. See how these discussions although presented in a negative  attitude can produce postive arguments.

An MFF member cadaland noted "Bir-rispett lejn kulhadd,kif jista xi hadd jinnegozja f-isem id-dilettanti meta ma jikkonsultax ma l-istess dilettanti?"
Can someone tell me to who my post on MFF are directed?
So far only three or four members posted on this issue. I am waiting for the other 2000.

Busumark said "So Gogo are there more things that the Koperativa are putting pressure against us because at first you did not inform us well or maybe for you getting a restriction of the 100 meter depth does not make any difference but for many it makes difference "
No up to now the longline depth has been the only controversal point. Do you know why it is controversal, simply because the amateur representative objected. Incidentally the amateur representative happened to be me who according to your sweeping statement does not effect me.
The problem is that I bother for others, while others, usually a few, tend to destroy what is good for them and unfortunely for their colleagues..


Joe, if everyone of the 2000 comments, i doubt you will read them all :P

However, I think skip can give you an actual click and view rating.

We may setup a poll with gaffer and skip post and do a click counter that shows how much people agree with the matter. And i think you would see numbers, believe me.

I applaude your efforts you do Joe and as I know you for a long time, I am more than sure that you do what you are doing out of passion and you are not expecting anything in return (I hope :) )

But do not write off this forum gaffer, you cannot underestimate the power of internet. This media is stonger than any physical association Joe, as it is available live and Free at everyone's home.

This forum should participate in any discussion, it has the RIGHT of the people it represents. Lasty, Gaffer and SKip, should you need any immediate help or assistance let me know.

Good season so far.....


"We decided to start with fishing gear as we argued that if we do not find a concensus on this item then there  is no need to carry on further discussions"
This was stated by yourself Gogo.
"Ending discussions  now means give a free hand to other stakeholders. Do you really think that the process will stop. I am afraid  not".
This too was stated by yourself Gogo.
                IM TOTALLY BAFFLED!


What can I say Gogo, 'The Heat is ON' if I was you, I would call that blessed national meeting.  There are a number of people here represented by their various clubs which make up the federation who have not been informed, or ever heard of, the discussions you are having in this sub-committee...I for one am a member of the B'buga fishing club, but no one asked me for my views!...So, Dr.Joe, why don't you call the national meeting?
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: caldaland on November 20, 2012, 23:31:11 CET
"An MFF member cadaland noted "Bir-rispett lejn kulhadd,kif jista xi hadd jinnegozja f-isem id-dilettanti meta ma jikkonsultax ma l-istess dilettanti?"
Can someone tell me to who my post on MFF are directed?"
Gogo,inti bdejt tinnegozja il-fond fejn jista jigi kalat konz,hafna qabel infurmajt lil membri ta MFF.Jien l-ewwel wiehed,ma kont naf xejn xhinu jigri,avolja membru fl-ghaqda tal-gzira,membru fil-federation u membru MFF.

For long lines, bigboy can tell you that this rule is ridiculus.

So, if you deploy your longline say in 90m, do they expect that the long line is deployed in an even depth?

Depth varies and sometimes reefs go down to 130m.

So I would be breaking the rule???

If pro fisherman hear the rules being discussed, they would laugh in your faces or think you are taking them for a ride.

You either allow me to deploy long lines at any depth, or nothing.

And the best part in my opinion was that there is no consideration for the practices that do harm most.

Fisheries should revise recreational fishing law, true, but what about other practices like trawling? DOESN'T that NEED REVISION???

If law in respect of recreational fishing is revised SENSIBLY and FAIRLY, it is good. But Other MORE IMPORTANT ISSUES SHOULD BE TACKLED.
Good season so far.....


Granitu,there is absolutely nothing to be revised re recreational fishing,except discarding some very stupid laws.Namely but not exclusively:prohibition of the "hgiega",registration of the "kopp",200 hooks for longline and others.
Ido agree with you on "You either allow me to deploy long lines at any depth, or nothing.".


or an option is to deploy long lines of just 100 hooks but any depths ,. one more question is can we have a long line winch on an S registerd boat??
because once i was stopped by a AFM and they made a panic ta vera about long line winch tal qih !!
legali ikolok wihed iva jew le??

ma jistax ikun tohrog fuq il bahar tistad u igibuk qisek kriminal !!!!
u min jamel hsara ta vera hadd ma jkelmu!!
u bi delizju nistad ax qatt ma bihejt xejn!