2013 Bluefin Tuna Permit (Proposed)

Started by skip, March 30, 2013, 20:38:30 CET

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I received this notification email from the Federation outlining the proposed regulations for the Bluefin Tuna permit for the 2013.

We would very much appreciate our member views on these proposals, your comments and feedback/suggestions.

FROM: Federazzjoni ta l-Ghaqdiet tas-Sajjieda Dilettanti Malta

On Monday 25th March 2013 Federation representatives attended a meeting with Fisheries Control Officials regarding Blue Fin Tuna Recreational licences for 2013.

For better control of Blue Fin Tuna catches, the Fisheries Control Department is working on the following new system for Recreational Blue Fin Tuna licence.

Alongi, pastardella, dolphin fish (lampuka) and allied species do not fall under this licence and regulations.


   Applications will open around the second week of April for 15 days.
   Late applications will not be accepted.
   All recreational vessels can apply.
   All valid applications will be accepted.
   Season for Recreational Fishermen starts on 16th June up to 16th October 2013.
   All accepted applicants will be grouped in three or four districts (base ports) according to number of applicants.
   Each district will be licensed a number of weeks, e.g. with three districts, each district will have five to six weeks, spread over the period from 16 June to 16 October.

Conditions of Licence:

   A line above 110 mm and specific tuna hook is considered as Tuna gear.
   Such a gear is not allowed on board outside licenced weeks during the period.
   One Tuna per trip
   All accepted applicants going out fishing must inform fisheries control of departure and return to port during the whole period between 16th June 2013 and 16th October 2013, even if they are not going out fishing for Blue Fin Tuna.
   Based on past years reported blue fin tuna catches by licensed recreational fishermen, this year the quota stands at 500 kilos.
   If the above quota is reached, the season for recreational fishermen will be closed at that time even if it is prior to the 16th October.
   The minimum allowable catch size remains at 30Kilos and/or 115cm length.
   Tuna catches cannot be commercialized but used for personal consumption or for charity.

The Federation will be attending further meetings with the Fishing Control Directorate once final dates have been set by the Fishing Directorate.


Another Fu-k up by the Federation in collaboration with the fishing directorate...........Oh well


The weeks per district part is confusing and does not make sense to me. And the 500kg limit is too low since everyone knows that the catches were quite a lot last year.
The other rules can be accepted.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


In my opinion, the following points are unacceptable!
   All accepted applicants will be grouped in three or four districts (base ports) according to number of applicants.
   Each district will be licensed a number of weeks, e.g. with three districts, each district will have five to six weeks, spread over the period from 16 June to 16 October.

This will mean that people/groups having more than one boat, will obviously apply from different districts! Why the f**k do we need to be holier than the pope in this country! Can't we just go by eu rules and stop bloody there!!! One tuna within regulation size limits per trip and f**k all!

also what is meant by this?
   All accepted applicants going out fishing must inform fisheries control of departure and return to port during the whole period between 16th June 2013 and 16th October 2013, even if they are not going out fishing for Blue Fin Tuna.


Please mates lets wake up!
I'd rather be fishing.....


I'd rather be fishing.....


so even if i am going for serran half a mile out i have to tell fisheries.  if they tell me my dates are from 15th Sep to 16th October the sea will probably be rough for the most of that time especially if you dont have a big boat. . and those who have their insurance that expires on the 15 th September and have to take out their boats can not go also.
and also the bag limit is very low. you can not make the conclusions on the past year because last year the applications were not open for everyone but only to those who applied on previous years so if there were only a few people with permits it is logic that a small number of tuna was recorded caught with fisheries.

Yesterday on the news it was reported that a new committee will be formed by the government to discuss the commercial fishing with consultation with commercial fisherman.
Maybe it is time that the Malta Fishing Forum contacts the Government and also asks for a new committee to be formed also for recreational fishing and the forum will be present in this committee. The other Federations have a lot of members that are Part-time so not always they will be truly representing the recreational fisherman.

Joe the Gaffer already started something in his previous posts but we have to give our help if we want our suggestions to be heard


Uzgur... u jekk jien imissni f'settembru u il 500kg ikunu ga intlahqu noqod insaffar?

Din farsa tad districts biz zmien, ala dahluwha?  La hemm il kwota ta 500kg x'sens taghmel?
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


500Kg jinqabdu qabel ma jkun imissek! Ghax ma ssirx per ezempju 1 tuna per trip (confirmed and measured/weighed by fisheries), 3/4 tuna per season per boat?
Il-Kaptaaaan bil-piiiipa f'halquuuu


Indeed we always have to try and reinvent the wheel and I'm sorry to say get it horribly wrong. We proposed two years ago and again last year that rather than messing around with ballots or groups, do like they in the rest of the world!

- Allocate a fair TAC for Recreational fishers (RF TAC)(500kgs is not fair)
- Indicate Season (OK)
- Issue permits to all those who apply (OK)

- Allow ALL those WITH permits to fish during the season using the mechanisms already in place to report and land your catches. From those catches the RF TAC starts reducing and this can easily be displayed on Fisheries website, the forum if they so wish or an email update indicating the current remaining TAC left.

Once it is used up, season is closed. As others have stated the proposals with 3 groups are unfair, past years reported catches are a useless method of comparison because the system in place did not work (Almost a secret the first year, 16 people via lottery the second year, and last year those of the previous year etc etc). There is also no reason to have application open for only 2 weeks, leave it open for 1 month and utilise all channels to communicate this information.

- Ensure that the RF TAC is protected and reserved for us and not utilised by Commercials fisherman who overshoot their quota as in previous years. Whilst Tuna Farming is very lucractive, commercial fishing is on the decline with many fisherman handing in their boats against EU grants etc. If it doesn't already the recreational sector supports a much larger area of commerce: Boat Builders, Boat Importers, Engine Suppliers, Trailer Manufacturers, Upholstery Makers, Marine Equipment Suppliers, Mechanics, Fishing Tackle Stores, TM registrations and moorings, etc etc


I would also suggest that they (fisheries dept) stop harassing those who report a Tuna catch and stop their phone calls months after the catch. Once you report the catch and it is verified then thats it the job is done


Shanook can you elaborate a little or drop us a PM so that perhaps this is something that we can raise with the Director when we meet. I vaguely remember Pauline Tuna mentioning something similar a while back.


Nick I would suggest that once a person reports a caught tuna and it is registered........Although we can discuss the locations where one has to go to report the tuna... for example if I am fishing on the west side off Gozo and I catch a tuna I have to go to Msida to report it... Ha as if. I leave from Gozo go down to Msida and then back to Bugibba........no way hoze.... thats like a 4 hr trip for me.
Back to the original... once a person reports and the tuna is registered then that is the end of it there is no need for the fisheries to check what is left of the fish, whether its been eaten or whatever...

Pauline Tuna

Skip / Shanook...all I mention is based upon facts...Skip thanks to quote me.....just a question.....from the tonnes of tuna caught by the farms by us ameuters....how many were declared according to our allocated quota !!!...check and revert with an answer.....the answer is very minimal....thats why our quota has been reduced drastically cause abuse brings regress and this regress is now applied to us directly...once we can say we had a proper quota, thanks to the full time and part time schemes !...thanks for our opportunity which once we had and we have lost it !!!.....I dont agree neither how this years allocation is being given and shared amongst us and upon some direct orders....as Ganni said...what happens if the quota is reached before the next district is reached....I have to end up that the main koperatives, are always the last to smile and smile with a good feedback being given to them...why us ameuters dont have this say......another thing ....be eyes open for the fish4tomorrow.......I can say that till today I have this hobby as a priority to my life.....once we have to say that once we did this and once we did that...PAROLI FIL VOJT MA JASAL GHAL IMKIEN...we have to act responsibly...and judge and quote with a high perspective just to sustain and keep this f*** hobby alive and to let our passion be a part of our live..which i have to say that with all the talking done inside here everybody talks for his own sake !!!!!!!!!!


If anyone would like to detail their views on how this permit should be, I have aired my views a few posts above but certainly would be good to get a cross sections of people's opinions on the matter.

Pauline Tuna

Whats the use Skip.....if it was at leaast 8 yrs ago...i would try to suggest some assumination...though assuming nowadays is a saying like making an ass of you and me....and this is whats happening to us ameuters !!...i will tell you that if everyone leaves his that and this we end up discussing anything but not this subject .......