2013 Squid Season

Started by Icom, September 15, 2013, 06:43:53 CET

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I have been hearing that squid season has started and quite close to shore.  Any of you guys have had encounters with the species so far? 

Any chance we could start a discussion with regards to the subject?  Things interesting for discussion would be lights used, tendencies of grouping in certain areas, different fishing methods and something which I have been researching lately; the use of a colour echosounder to search for squids.  If there is anyone who can take a photo of an echosounder screen showing squid groups would be ideal!

Hoping we have a great and abundant squid season!
Im a newbie so be patient and teach me the way!


I can confirm that squids are close to shore but not quite good sized. Most of them.arr max 8 cm big. Sometimes u catch a one off which is a keeper
Good season so far.....


Ideal size for bait especially trolling!
Im a newbie so be patient and teach me the way!


Quote from: Icom on September 15, 2013, 08:02:25 CET
Ideal size for bait especially trolling!

Ideal for nothing 8cm squids. A good bait is from 15 cm up
Good season so far.....


leave them be guys! let them grow!...maybe we can catch some biggies sometime!


L-ahwa, jekk hawn min qed jahseb biex jixtri xi tip ta' dawl biex jattira l-klamari, jien nissugerixxi bozoz li juzaw fil-pools tat-12V. Dawn ikunu waterproof, jaghtu hafna u li xtrajt jien anke tista tbiddlilha l-kulur tad-dawl. J'alla jkollna stagun tajjeb :)


Ruzett, kemm huma watts?  Consumption is an issue once on a boat! U kemm qedien jinxtraw?
Im a newbie so be patient and teach me the way!


Hbieb tghaglux.Il-watts mhux importanti ghax dawk ikunu LED u allura l-wattage ikun zighr,generalment min 10 sa 20.Il-prezz huwa rhis ukoll. Biss hemm problema.............Dawk ma jkunux jifilhu ghal certu pressjoni ta l-ilma u allura ma tkunx tista tfondi naqra. Hafna drabi,ma tistax taqbez iz-zewg metri.ATTENTI:ghax jekk jithollhom l-ilma mhabba l-pressa ta l-ilma tafu tghamlu tragedja! Qabel tixtru araw sew li-specifications bil-miktub.


Understandable.....imma hemm ghalfejn tnizel fl-ilma?  Floodlight LED 10w u titfaha fil-genb tad-dghajsa bla ma titfaha fl-ilma mhux tajjeb ukoll?
Im a newbie so be patient and teach me the way!


Dawk maghmulin ghal taht l-ilma inkella jishnu.Jekk jishnu jew jinharqu jew titnaqsilhom b-hafna il-life span.


50w led barra d dghajsa bizzejjed guys... din li tgharraq 5-6 metri .... lol

L klamar mux d dawl jattirah... imma dak il hut zghir li hu jikol li normalment jigi ghad dawl.

Pjuttost d dawl idejqu ghax kiku l klamar jinqabad facilment bin nhar... li mhux il kaz ghax jinqabda fil fond filodu.
Good season so far.....


Good point caldaland, imma l-bozza li semmejt jien ridtha biex kemm innizzilha that wicc il-bahar u narax taghmilx differenza milli kieku hallejtha barra mill-ilma. U believe it or not, kelli rizultati hafna ahjar bil-bozza fl-ilma s-sena l-ohra. Issa setghet kienet fortuna imma jien hekk se nibqa naghmel uwx...


@Icom, il-bozza hija 10W ghax hija LED. Jiena qabbadtha ma battery ta' karozza li tkun 12V u ma tahli kwazi xejn.


Ruzett,ma jfissirx li dik li xtrajt int hija l-istess bhall ohrajn tal-pools. Li qed nighd jien hu biex toqoghdu attenti. Barra mil-ilma,jekk ma tinharakx,ha titnaqsila il life span,ghalkemm mhux xi problema ghax dan ikun twil hafna. U TNIZZILIEX FIL FOND!.


Halli f'idi caldaland, kif ghedt diga, jien kemm innizzilha that wicc il-bahar, dak kollox...