Hairline/Spider Cracks

Started by dgal0021, May 05, 2014, 09:44:20 CET

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What is the best method to repair hairline/Spider cracks inside the boat? Is there an underlying problem or is it just related to ageing/stress of the gelcoat?

Is it worth doing myself or is it relatively inexpensive to be done by a professional?


Recently, I had a hairline crack in the fibre on the bottom of my boat on each side. It was caused by stress on that area when I was launching it in the sea from the trailer. What I did was to remove the gelcoat all along the crack and then I covered it in fibre several times after letting it to dry.

Is your crack in fibre or another material?


Cracks are inside the boat, and I believe in the gelcoat only  - did not sand it down yet so I am unsure.

I dont know if i should sand it down or fill the cracks up with some filler... I need tips :)


If in the gelcoat only, you don't have problems. Here is and advice The_Gaffer had given me when I had the same problem :

Hallat il-gelcoat u ipprova qabbel il-kulur kemm tista, zidu il hardner, u imla ix-xaqq sew, u halli l-gelcoat imqabbezz u hallieh jinxef sew.  Meta taccerta ruhek li nixef sew il-gelcoat, aqbad sandpaper tal-ilma 400, u xkatla bil, mod il gelcoat fejn kien hemm ix-xaqq.  X'hin tara u thoss li fejn kien hemm ix-xaqq issa gie fin, ibdel is sandpaper ghal wahda ta 1000, u bl-ilma, kompli xkatla.  Bhala finish, ghaddieh bil G3 u wara polish sew.


Thanks Ruzett!!

I will try it out... matching the exact 'white' will be the problem I guess   


No problem dgal0021, good luck for your work :)