
Started by savioursajdbis, October 16, 2014, 19:08:55 CET

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andi bzon nixtri zewg plugs il male ax female andi imwahlin isom dawk ta 16 amp ima grizi u bit tnejn mux tlita ma fijomx ert [ li jintuzaw al rikikel ta fond ]
Regards Saviour


u haga orhra al parpir phala Antifouling xtipreferu ? wurth Antifouling xtahzbu !
Regards Saviour


il wurth tajba hafna


Regards Saviour


Il wurth juza sieheb I u isiba tajba. Jien nahlef bl international marine


@ Shanook  self polishing dawn li qed isemu jew hard layer?  Jien qed nuza Yotun Mare Nostrum (self polishing) u dizastru!  Lanqas jilhqu jadu 4 gimghat li ma tinteliex.  U meta imur noroka biex inehiela layer minhom tinza kompletament.  Nahseb li ha naqleb ghal hard layer!  Opinions?
Im a newbie so be patient and teach me the way!


Jig Harder --->


Im a newbie so be patient and teach me the way!

Kevin G

Wurth u xej iktar. Dajsa tal kugin minn mejju sa hmistax ilu u il.kocli u il haxix todom fuq sibajk.
The Sea Sweeper :D


hard layer is best for 30knots. But to remove it is a real pain and I talk from experience. Self polishing will last less but requires ten times less effort to remove
Jig Harder --->


Very right Redhead. I use Nubian self polishing with 3 coats at the planing waterline.
I'd rather be fishing.....


Hard polishing is for high speed boats, above 10 knots/ plaining hulls. A plaining hull boat sitting in the water will end up with a fouled bottom, but will clear itself with speed

Self polishing is for slow moving boats (below 10 knots) example sailing boats and displacements hulls ( luzzu/kajjik) a bottom with good self polishing antifouling will never foul even if boat is not used.

My boat (plaining hull) 22knots, moored in msida in 2 feet of water since March is not fouled at all. And I use wurth. 

Problem with wurth antifouling is that the mother company buys the antifouling and bottle it in wurth labels. If they change suppliers we will never know and might end up with a fouled hull.
Cabin 16 Ft, 50 Honda four stroke, 5hp aux


You got it quite wrong tankard here! There are different types of self polishing withstanding different speeds! Nubian speed 51 can hold for up to 35 knots.
I'd rather be fishing.....


But is it really necessary to remove old antifouling (hard) at the end of season?  Cant it be worked down to a non flaking layer and a fresh coat applied?  For example, cant i power wash hard type antifouing until i have no fouling left including barnacles and then paint a fresh layer?  What i can say for sure the one im using doesnt last long at all.  From mid-May till July and then i started having fouling problems.  If i scrub the bottom even if just using a sponge (hardly any abrassion) the antifouling comes off.  Driving the boat at speeds doesnt really make the fouling go off!
Im a newbie so be patient and teach me the way!


Icon hard anti fouling is porous paint that releases the agents slowly in water but the paint stays, no matter how fast you go. You have to scrape it down otherwise u end up with thick layers of paint, and that's a no no.
There is self polishing for high speeds. With self polishing you can have first layer in a colour say red...then two layers of say blue. When the red starts to show u know that there is just one layer of paint on ur boat