Fishing for Barracuda

Started by kris, June 03, 2008, 15:27:35 CET

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belive me that the one I go with is really orgonised about them. We tryied a lot of reefs these weeks and nothing., Even the places where I know that normally I see by srorkling I m not seeing


to tell the truth i did not go this week.i found a good place near armier.usually i catch 5 to 8 cudas just before sunset.i will try this week but it is going to be very windy
fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl


Cudas spotted @ Sliema around 10 - 11 pm !!
Managed to get 2 strikes but no catches  :-\

Chris  8)


There where shitloads running around the fishfarms near dellimara but they where all small ones less than a kilo


I was there gazzetta that day at sliema...I saw the splashes around that time but I had already packed and was going up the stairs to the car. Yesterday even if it was very windy I retried but no luck.


hey guys....listen, what would be an ideal lure length to catch cudas? ~10cm or ~15cm ones? or somewhere in between..? cos till now, the only time a cuda chased my lure was around 5.30am, with a yozuri pink back with shiny sides, ~15cm. .....but still i tried with the others i have...but with no luck

would the lure better be surface lure or diving? i have a collection of both surface n diving.

maybe the place i'm going is not that populated with cudas.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


Quote from: jeankarl on July 23, 2008, 18:03:11 CET
I was there gazzetta that day at sliema...

I was with my family, spearfishing but had all my spinning tackle with me aswell.
Where you on the left to were I was ??

Chris  8)


Fava this is not a very good time for cudas just a few running about.Tha best lures are from 9cm to 12cm and surface for early morning and divers for when you can see well.


iuse 13cm usually but lately i am trolling also with an 18cm rapala and with good results ghax il lizz jara kbir u anke wiehed ta 500gr jattakka emnunni
fastfisher 17....yamaha 100detl


thnks spitec;

would someone suggest night fishing for cudas during this time of the year? (never did it)

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


i did some night fishing in Ras hanzir....but that was some 6 yrs ago when no one knew about spinning!

we used to have loads of fun! one night i caught around 15 and i had some fun!

it's been a long time since i tried some night fishing for cudas but as i told u they used to bite in ras hanzir as the plcae was always lightened up by ship's floodlights!

this year i caught some barracudas but that was on my boat from freeport area (just under the huge cranes lights). It was during the night.

this time around i notice that barracudas are not biting any more....infact last saturday i didn't get even one bite!

the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


i WAS using the 13cm yozuri redhead spiru until yesterday ax sparat ruha f'nofs ta bahar! No cudas and minus one lure! Xtamel lol?


Went for a walk @ Tigne point and Cudas were there again !!!  Also there was a guy fishing for them with a suface popper but had no strikes at least when I was watching him !!

When cudas starting jumping out of the water it means that they are hunting right ???
So what's the reason they don't point rapalas ?

Chris  8)


The reason is they just came out of Harvard mate :/  they got a diploma in "You no fool me"


today only 1 strike from zurieq (with the boat) and the barracuda was under 1kg