
Started by LapsiBoy, September 23, 2008, 12:51:07 CET

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Hey Guys, I have a handheld Vhf (Icom IC-M5) Model. I was doubting if it is legal to talk to other people with this device ?

This is the model i have: http://www.rigpix.com/protrx/icom_icm5.htm


Why should it be illegal? surely it is the most important bit of safety equipment (after your lifejacket) to have on the boat! Provided you dont use channels that are defined for harbour control, pilots etc, & how else are you supposed to contact each other at sea, without the old VHF? ;)


True blueskip! i always tought it as you do. But some people told me its ilegal. I never talk n channel 16 & 12 because they are defined channels.


QuotePlease find hereunder some information regarding VHF radios:

As you may be already aware, the licensing process for VHF radios has
changed. As from 1 January 2008, Government has adopted a General
Authorisation (GA) regime for marine VHF radios installed on board
vessels. Consequently, the licence fee for those vessels having only a VHF
radio installed on board will not need to be paid anymore. The hard copy
licence has also ceased to exist. In last January, we have sent a letter
to each licensee in order to inform them with the applicable changes.

It is very important to remember, that when a boat owner purchase a VHF
radio from a local dealer / from abroad, he/she must get in touch with
this office in order to apply for a Call Sign and an MMSI number, if
applicable. There is a one-time fee of ?55.00 for the assignment of
maritime identities. These identities are being assigned on the condition
that the VHF radio is type-approved by MCA. It is important to note that
if the vessel in question is "Valletta" registered (i.e. with the MMA
Merchant Shipping Directorate), the vessel owner shall contact the MMA on
21250360 to apply for a call sign and/or MMSI number. Until further
notice, the MCA will be responsible to assign maritime identities for
fishing vessels (under 6 metres) and "S" registered vessels. It is always
advised that vessel owners contact the MCA/MMA prior going to apply for an
It should not be illegal but please note above from a previous post.
I'd rather be fishing.....


It's not illegal if used for ship to ship operations or even shore to ship but it's not meant for shore-shore as some people used to in Malta in the good old days. So long as you have a former Wireles and Telegraphy license for the device even though there is now no longer a fee, you're fine.

You can call a station/vessel on ch.16 but as soon as you make contact you need to move to a working channel.


Well there's your answer, provided you have your call sign & mmsi number you are fine to use it, no doubt if you dont have a call sign & mmsi number, you would be delighted to pay any fine they imposed, if the use of your VHF saved your life! ;)
Why would you want to use an expensive marine band VHF to talk to your mates on land, when you can buy 2 way radios much cheaper for doing that?


Ok so Skip if i understand you correctly, Most people will be standbye on channel 16, i call you ''Hello skip come in skip over'' And you reply to that and i tell you so that we move to channel 8 (for example) is fine. Always if we are both On sea or im on sea and you on land (examples).


Exactly Lapsiboy. My VHF has a tri watch so i watch channels 6, 12 and 16 though we usually communicate on channel 6.



Today someone was fiddiling around on channel six as we were hearing infinity and pronto giuseppe loooll very funne ee


LOL Shame i was not in that channel hehe!


Yes bigboy....that's why i told you to buy one like mine cause it has an mp3 :D
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Good one kevin :P We always have something special in our equipment lol


Our lures may have a bit of a problem :-X
Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Quote from: LapsiBoy on September 23, 2008, 20:33:22 CET
Ok so Skip if i understand you correctly, Most people will be standbye on channel 16, i call you ''Hello skip come in skip over'' And you reply to that and i tell you so that we move to channel 8 (for example) is fine. Always if we are both On sea or im on sea and you on land (examples).

Pretty much spot on, call me, tell me who you are and you're there. When we establish contact we move to another channel :)