Why Buy a VHF?

Started by skip, May 05, 2006, 22:34:31 CET

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Destination Sea

I have a ray marine 101e hand held. From tarxien when testing i managed to get ships about 2miles away from the freeport (what they stated to port control). I use recharable batteries and keep a set spare. I do not use that often so cannot tell how long will they last.
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


my only suggestion with hand helds is if u can buy a separate battery pack, there are some radios that have a blank frame and u can insert rechargeable batteries these can be charged with a cigarette outlet on board ur boat. Its amazing that when u need to use these items like a mobile, or vhf radio etc they die on u.
The power of a handheld is also limited due to that fact that if u are sending with a 5 watt power (max for a handheld) and someone else is ending with a base unit (25watt) then u will be overridden and whilst thinking that u are sending a msg (hopefully it wont be an SOS) nobody will be hearing u.
This also happens with base units but not as frequent as with a handheld.
Just things to consider when choosing ur unit.
those who have not doen the course in radio transmission, please do ask around how to a distress call and how to contact port.
Happy fishing


destination hearing ships 2 miles away is ok, but the most important thing is for u to be heard ............


I have a simrad handheld (besides the base unit) from Mgarr port i manage to get to Valletta port very clearly. i bought off ebay last year as a secondry vhf and paid some 50euros including postage
A Bad Day Fishing still beats a good day at work...


HI guys, why do you need to register a handheld VHF????
Any particular reason.!!
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


it is not just registering it but you cant even have a VHF unless you own  a boat. Because the vhf has to be registered on the boat and the call sign belongs to the boat.
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


Before you buy a vhf the seller will give you some papers so one can go to the MCA ( Malta communications authorithy) where one has to show the registration document of the boat, a photocopy of id card of the owner of the boat and pay a one time fee around 50 euros.  Those buying them from e bay or abrouad have to present their vhf at the MCA. 


yes but only in Malta......in italy they use them in the streets and when I was in USA we didnt have to register anything. You buy it and use it..........here we have to make a big thing out of nothing.
Back in time they had the excuse of thieves using them........this doesnt hold any water as we have mobile phones. So why all this ado about nothing. We used to pay the licence for its use as well another rubbish (instead of encouraging u to have a safety factor they make it more difficult. A hand held can save lives and should never be taxed or made difficult for a person to have one on a boat.
I kept mine from USA and since I had a base unit i thought i didnt need to register it. WRONG i got a LM100 fine and the unit was destroyed........NICE.........for keeping a spare radio just in case something happened to my base. I also keep a spare handheld GPS apart from the compass.


i agree with shanook where it comes to safety the equipment should be without a tax or licence as the main use of such equipment is to save lives at sea,

can we try as a forum to stress this point and maybe remove any taxes from life saving equipment including lifejackets, epirb, sarrt & flares


Good idea okuma.
Shitty government.....
Taxes taxes taxes..........Money money Money

So It they find you on board a handhel vhf that is not registered, would they fine you??? Really shanook? Did it happen to you lately?
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


not lately about 5 years ago i think, just before we joined the EU i had a water proof box with handheld VHF and GPS and flares and the policeman was one who goes on the dinghy on sea. He should know better as he is used to sea navigation and knows what can happen and the importance of safety equipment.


Shanook i agree that every boat should have a VHF, and it should be free of charge but do not blame it on the police or AFM as they are only doing their job!  Some regulations are not fair ...  :-X


mmmmmmmm YES I do blame the police, AFM or whoever doesnt use logic, doing their job is one thing, being A--holes is another.


ezatt.. fejn hu s sens kommun..., tghid mhux ha noqodu nisimghu r radio tal puluzija, x ghaxqa!

kollox taxxa, ikolok delizzju trid thallas t taxxa talli ghandek delizzju.. halli thallas ghal inkompetenza tad dipartimenti tal gvern...... din malta

Exactly..where is the common sense....As if we are going to listen to the police radio, how sweet!
Evferything taxes, u have a passtime and u have to pay taxes on it...we pay for the Gov dept incompetence.......thatsd Malta
Good season so far.....

Perla 165

nies  kif tkun taf jek hux jahdem tajjeb il vhf ? ez li andi jien nitfaw scan jamel hin twil ifitex u ma sib xjn, jew inkella gili jiqaf on ch 16 u jkun mtextex gili qas tifmu sew, u dan ma lart. xtahsbu li andi namel bix nicekjah daqxejn ? jista jkun mil arial ?

How can one know that the VHF is working? ex: i make a scan with my hand held and it doesnt lock onto a channel, or else it locks on channel 16 but I dont hear well enought to understand what is being said, and this from land. What do u guys think how can I test it? can it be from the airial?
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!