Federation Meeting with Fisheries Board Sub Committee for new Sport/Recreational

Started by frabel, November 12, 2012, 21:03:22 CET

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Members of the Federation Committee attended a meeting held by the Fisheries Board Sub Committee set up by the local authorities to suggest new regulations governing Sport / Recreational Fishing in Malta.  Members forming part of this Sub Committee include representatives coming from the Fishing Directorate, Transport Malta Small Ships Register Section, Malta Tourism Authority, the Fishing Cooperatives, the Armed Forces of Malta and the Federation representative Dr. Joe Carabott Damato.  The committee is chaired by Notary Tonio Spiteri.

During this meeting a suggested list of fishing equipment to be allowed to sport / recreational fishing was discussed.  It is also being proposed that all recreational / sport fishing vessels would be required to be registered with Transport Malta Small Ships Register Section in order to be allowed to be used at sea.  In those cases where the owner would also like to fish, he would also need to have a fishing licence issued by the fishing directorate.  These latter cases would most probably have an MFC registration number displayed.



NOT ACCEPTABLE.  Recreational Fishing is what it is, recreational.  Why should I need a licence to practice something I do for leisure.  First of all you people who are attending these meetings should put it bluntly to the authorities that given the present circumstances and with a general election around the corner, you should make it perfectly clear that you would rather discuss policy with a new government once the general elections are over.  This is nothing but arrogance of the 1st degree.  We have to unite now more than ever.  
So, what is basically being proposed here, is that if I have a 12 foot boat, which I use to do some costal boating, and dangle a line and hook while boating, I need a fishing licence?, what utter rubbish!!!!

Din MHUX ACCETABLI.  Ghalfejn ghandi jkolli licenza ghal attivita ta rekrejazjoni.  Mhux accetabli, u intom li qed tattendu dawn il-laqghat ghandkhom taghmluha cara li dawn id-diskussjonijiet jieqfu immedjatament,fid dawl li qedin f-sitwazzjoni ta elezjoni generali imminenti.  Diskussjonijiet ta ploicy issiru ma gvern gdid.  Ikun minn ikun.
Jekk il-membri hawn irridu jesprimu ruhhom fuq din, welcome.  Din mhix politika, pero ftit gimghat qabel elezjoni generali, ma jigux diskussi affarijiet li ser jolqtu fil-laham il-haj l-unika rekrejjazjoni l-ghandha ahna is-sajjieda dillettanti.  Qumu minn hemm l-ahwa.  Is siegha tal prova waslet.  Kollox ghaddej baxx baxx.
dan iffisser li jekk jien dilettant ta fregatina zghira ta 12 il-pied, u nohrog dawra mal kosta, u nirhi xlief u sunnara warajja, ghandi bzonn licenza? Dan hmieg l-ahwa, xejn hlief hmieg.
Ghal issa ha nieqaf hawn.  Pero din mhux l-ahhar kelma tieghi.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: caldaland on November 12, 2012, 23:11:44 CET
nippreparaw ghal kazzott kbir.bil-barka tal-federazzjoni naturalment.

U tghid mhux hekk Max.  Kemm int zbaljat habib tieghi.  Kemm int zbaljat.  Dil-gimgha stess ser naghmel dak kollu possibli u nserrah ras id-dillettanti kollha tas-sajd li l-affarijiet ma jsirux hekk tal-ghagla u fl-ahhar mument, bil-barka ta dawk kollha li huma komplici.  Jien qed inhalli spazju ghal Dr. Joe Carabott (GoGo) biex jigi hawn u jaghti l-verzjoni tieghu, imma minn dak li qed nisma u qrajt minn Frank (frabel), l-affarijiet ma huma jghogbuni xejn.
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Versjoni bil-Malti tal-Post Originali tieghi:

Laqgħa tal-Federazzjoni mas-Sotto Kumitat tal-Bord tas-Sajd mahtur biex jipproponi  Regolamenti godda ghas-sajd  sportiv / rekreattiv.

Membri tal-Kumitat tal-Federazzjoni ta l-Ghaqdiet tas-Sajjieda Dilettanti Malta attendew laqgħa li saret mis-Sotto Kumitat tal-Bord tas-Sajd imwaqqaf mill-awtoritajiet lokali biex jipproponi regolamenti ġodda li jirregolaw is-sajd sportiv / rikreattiv f'Malta. Il-Membri li jiffurmaw parti minn dan is-Sotto kumitat jinkludu rappreżentanti ġejjin mid-Direttorat tas-Sajd, , Malta Tourism Authority, il-Koperattivi tas-Sajd, il-Forzi Armati ta 'Malta u l-Federazzjoni rappreżentanta minn Dr Joe Carabott Damato. Il-kumitat huwa ppresedut minn Nutar Tonio Spiteri.

Matul din il-laqgħa giet diskussa lista ta rkapti tas-sajd li ser ikunu permessi ghall-sajd sportiv / rikreattiv. Huwa wkoll propost li l-bastimenti kollha tas-sajd rikreattiv / sportiv iridu jkunu rreġistrati ma Trasport Malta Small Ships Register sabiex ikunu jistghu jintuzaw fuq il-baħar. F'dawk il-każijiet fejn is-sid ikun ukoll jixtieq li jistad, ikun wkoll meħtieġ li jkollu liċenzja tas-sajd maħruġa mill-direttorat tas-sajd. F'dan il-każ, probabbilment ikollhom numru ta reġistrazzjoni MFC murija fuq id-dghajsa.


Jigifieri min hu bl S registration, jukn jista jistad jew le? Jew hemm bzon jaqleb al MFC (fejn kont smajt li mhux permess taqleb daghjsa min S ghal MFC)


iktar taxxi hux biex imbad trid thallas al permess u trid tiddikjara x'taqbad u kollox...U halluna...DEJJEM INDAHHQU LIN-NIES!!!! jaqaw issa is-sikkatura fuq il-kaccaturi spicca il-buzz taghha issa ha nduru as-sajjieda isa?! ax ma jxommux taht idejhom l-awtoritajiet taz-zewg nahat ax it-tnejn andom xi jxommu u jhallu l-erbgha dilettanti bhali u bhal shabi l-ohra ta dal-forum u ohrajn li mumiex, jihdu ftit pjacir bi kwietna...ahjar jihdu hsieb il-pariti go nofs il port u dahliet ax mifquha pariti malta...dak iridu jihdu hsieb u messom ilom li hadu hsiebom! Thumbs up lil caldaland u gaffer!!


I'd rather be fishing.....


This is the official stance of the Malta Fishing Forum re the outragous decisions which are shaping the outcome of RECREATIONAL FISHING
The Malta Fishing Forum, as online representatives of 1000's of recreational fishermen, strongly object to the discussions taking place between the authorities mentioned above and including the Federation.  These discussions are aimed at introducing new rules and regulations which will govern RECREATIONAL FISHING.  It is evident that no real distinction is being applied when discussing sport fishing and recreational fishing.  Also, The MFF feels that the interests of recreational fishermen should be a prime factor in these discussions, something which is evidently lacking.  
It is no secret that recreational fishing is practiced by 1000's on the Maltese islands, consequently, recreational fisherman should have a prominent voice in shaping the policy that governs recreational fishing.  

The MFF is proposing that with immediate effect, these discussions are brought to a halt.

The MFF will be requesting 3 meetings, one with the PN, one with PL, and one with Alternativa.  We will put forward our ideas and urge the political parties to express their current opinion on such matters.  Moreover, we will urge the PL, PN, and alternativa to include their promises in their respective electoral manifestos, so that the 1000's of people who practice recreational fishing may come to an informed decision when the time comes to chosing whom we wish to elect.

Dan huwa l-istand ufficjali tal Malta Fishing Forum fuq dawn l—affarijiet  tal-biza li qed jigu idskussi minn wara darna.

Il-Malta Fishing Forum, bhala ghaqda li tirraprezenta eluf ta sajjieda dilettanti, togezzjona bil-qawwa kollha ghal dawn it-tahdidiet li qed issiru bejn xi awtoritajiet imsemmija hawn fuq, inkuz il-Federation. 

L-Ghan ta dawen id-diskusjoniet huwa li jitroduci regolamenti godda li ser jirregolaw id-delizju taghna.  Huwa evidenti li mhux issir distinzjoni bejn dawk li jipprattikaw is-sajd bhala delettanti, u dak sportiv.  Nemnu ukoll li d-delettant tas-sajd ghandu jkun l-ghanprincipali ta dawn id-dispussjoniet, imma id-dilettant mhux raprezzentat kif xieraq.  Hija xihaga ovja illum li is-sajd sar delizzju tal-massa, u ghalhekk, id-delettanti tas-sajd ghandhom ikollhom vuci prominenti u sehem shih fit-tfassil ta policy u regolamenti li jharsu id-delizzju tas-sajd.

Ghaldaqstant, L-MFF qed tessegi li dawn id-diskussjonijiet ghandu jieqfu minnufih.

Ser jintalbu laqghat mar-raprezentanti tal-partiti [olitici, PN, PL, u alterntiva, bil ghan li l-vuci taghna tinstema, kif ukoll nisimghu xghandhom jghidu l-partiti politici.  Nessegu li dawn il-wehdi jigu inkluzi fil-programme eletorali tal-partiti biex b'hekk, dawk l-eluf ta delettanti jaslu ghal konkulzjonijiet tahhom meta jivvuttaw fl-elezjonijiet generali.
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I'm happy to include anyone who would like to form part of the MFF delegation meeting the party leaders and their reps.  I suggest that a team of 5 people should represent the MFF.  Anyone who wishes to form part of the delegation please make yourself known now.  I will gauge the enthusism here, and if be will write to the party leaders myself.

Also, in view of past experiece, my boat, The Gaffer, is registered both Valletta and MFC (MFC5769) so I have no personal gain in this crusade.  But Fishing is fishing is fishing. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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The Fisheries Control Division decided to appoint a sub committee of the Fisheries Board to discuss amendments and make new proposals regarding regulations of vessels registration and fishing activity (already in force) which govern recreational /sport fishing activities.

Since this sub committee derives from the Fisheries Board, the members chosen had to be part of the Fisheries Board as regards Chairman, Cooperatives, Federation of Amateur Fisherman, TM and AFM. As MTA does not have a member on the Fisheries Board a representative was nominated by MTA.

Since I am the only representative for Amateur Fisherman there was no choice. Does anyone think that rejecting to participate a priori is a reasonable action to take?
While I am standing in the sub committee, the Federation will be constantly informed of all issues under discussion. This will allow for feedback about the views of amateur fishermen.

The first point I raised with the chairman was that Federation committee members should be consulted. The chairman agreed and last week such a meeting was held.

I also called for a meeting with harpoon divers Association as this is another issue on the Agenda and there is nobody to represent them.

One should note that these are draft proposals. No decision has been taken. The sub committee is gathering all the information possible to ultimately produce a final draft with the widest possible consensus of all stakeholders. This document will be sent for further consultation within the Fisheries advisory Board which in turn will be sent to the Minister.

The Federation President rightly informed all amateur fishermen about these meetings on the Federation website and Malta Fishing Forum. What would have been the reaction of amateur fisherman if nothing was disclosed and then having amateur fishermen being faced with a fait accompli?

The Federation is not imparting any benediction on anything that may be detrimental to amateur fishermen.

The Federation is in the process of organizing a meeting for all Amateur Fishermen, irrespective whether they are members of a member Association or not. This meeting will take place only when a first draft of the issues in question is drawn up.

I am enclosing the Terms of Reference which the sub committee has to work on.

1.  What kinds of fishing gear can be considered as recreational fishing?
2.  Whether a fishing vessel needs a license?
3.  Whether recreational fishing should have specific zones?
4.  Catches controlled by minimum maximum sizes.
5.  Whether fishing with harpoon should be considered?
6.  Whether there should be distinction been recreational and sport fishing?
7.  Whether MFC vessels and S vessels have same conditions?
8.  Whether there should be different criteria for Tourist Fishing?

Excluding the first introductory meeting, the sub committee has only met three times.
Discussions are in their very early stages, so please hold your horses until some form of draft regulations have been set up.


Again, Dr. Carabott, this is simply NOT ACCEPTABLE.

You don't draw draft requirements, then discuss with all the stakeholders involved, then proceed to enact the law.  Common sense calls for a wide discussion, then and only then, draft requirements are drawn up, discussed with the competent authorities, and passed on to all stakeholders involved for final approval.

Now let us take a closer look at your Terms of Reference.
1. What kind of fishing gear can be considered as recreational fishing?
Certainly not trammel nets, the ones used by MFB's and MFA's, the ones which are destroying our costline, and creating havoc amongst divers and snorklers.
2. Whether a fishing vessel needs a license?
Yes, a fishing vessel needs a licence, since its a fishing vessel.  A pleasure boat does not require a licence to do recreational fishing.
3. Whether recreational fishing should have specific zones?
I thought apartheid and segregation finsihed when slavery was abolished.  Lets look at it another way shall we; Why not have specific zones marked as no go areas for fishermen, such as conservation areas.
4. Catches controlled by minimum maximum sizes.
I thought we already had that.  And once the FD, or TM learn how to use those ribs, it will be even better!!!!!
5. Whether fishing with harpoon should be considered?
No, Spereos will have to learn the art of calling fish by their side, and thumping them with a hammer.  My God guys, grow up.  How can spereos fish without a harpoon, at least they're using harpoons, not nets, purse sieners, long lines, bombs, ect.
6. Whether there should be distinction been recreational and sport fishing?
Isn't this the whole argument.  Of course there is a distinction between sports fishing as opposed to recreational fishing.  Again, if any or all committee, sub committee members do not know the difference, then you are not fit to represent the 1000's of recreational fishermen.
7. Whether MFC vessels and S vessels have same conditions?
Eureka!!!!....I have no opinion on this.
8. Whether there should be different criteria for Tourist Fishing?
Of course, and we should also start reserving large parking spaces, same as we do in Cirkewwa for divers, and lick their ass when the finish doing their jobbies!!!!, and blow them dry so they don't use a towel in case they damage their skin, and ferry them to the best parts of the island, where only they can swim, ect, ect , ect
My God, I had a feeling where all this was coming from!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Ghaziz EmicMalta,

'S' registration tfisser li dghajsa tkun registrata ma TM taht ir-registru tal-bastimenti zghar. Bastiment zghar hu dak il-bastiment li hu taht 24 metru u ibahhar unikament fl-ibhra territorjali ta' Malta biss.
Dan il-kumitat qed jistudja metodu mar-rappresentanti legali tad-Dipartiment tas-Sajd u ta' Transport Malta biex 'S' registration ikollu ukol id-dritt li jistad daqs MFC.

Iva la darba jintlahaq ftehim, l-'S' li irid jistad japplika ghall-licenzja (mhux registrazzjoni) tas-sajd bhal MFC.
Dawn huma proposti li qed jigu diskuzzi. Ma hemm xejn lest.
Ghada hemm laqgha ohra dwar dan is-suggett.

Grazzi tal-mistoqsija

Joe Carabott Damato (Gogo)