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Ear ache

Started by baghira, November 06, 2010, 20:48:46 CET

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I am very sorry for your health problem Bagira. One can easly see how passionate and keen you are of your hobby from your posts on this forum, which are amongst the most interesting posts. Hope you get well soon and be able to practice again your hobby but in the mean time stay safe. Good luck
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


Thanks guys I appreciate a lot.
It is unevitable to be somehow depressed due to such a situation.

Fabrizio is this the pharmacy  furhter up the road of the eden century cinema, passing under the tunnel and to the right?? Malcolm Ross a profesional underwater photographer mentioned to me this pharmacy.

Do you think it is wise to go to another ENT right now, or wait for the operation which will be held end of month? Would they conflict in their interests!
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


get well soon silv....
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


if there is sinus involved ask about some food that you can t take. For example I used to take an ice cream after a dive, and soon after I started to have problems. As I know that canal of the ear is very hard to clean, so be extra sure that your clean before you dive. Some times I used to stay even 6 weeks out.
Just a thing that I do normally, after havin long surface time I have to clean my nose otherwise I have to stop. Remember that dive at comino and how I blocked. Once I talking with apnea instructor and told him about this problem. He told me due that we breath from our mouth, the body use to move all the dirty to our nose with the conseguence of having blockage even in the ear. Once having dirty in the ear its not easy to get back again, only time


Medications recommended may include:

•Decongestants taken by mouth or by a nose spray
These medications may relieve nasal congestion and allow the eustachian tube to open. Antibiotics may prevent ear infection if barotrauma is severe.

If the tube will not open with other treatments, surgery may be necessary. A surgical cut is made in the eardrum to allow pressure to become equal and fluid to drain (myringotomy). However, surgery is rarely necessary.

If you must make frequent altitude changes or you are susceptible to barotrauma, you may have tubes surgically placed in the eardrum.


hi silvio, i don t think its the same pharmacy you re refering to. Krypton pharmacy you find it by keep going on the way to st andrews, turn left after the lights where jessie s bar is, then after around 100 mtrs or so you find it on your right hand side. but first call for an appointment. if i was in your situation i would go for a second opinion,especially after being treated for a whole year.
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


I also suffer from sinuses. Sometimes i dive 7m and minimal pain in my head, and sometimes I cant even dive 3m. I dont now what can I do. Also, I dont actually know how to equalize the pressure in my ears. Can someone teach me how please?


Hey kurtgurat I think jf you close your nose with your hands. Till you hear a pop you might equalise the pressure


Raise your head as high as possible, tilt it as far back as you can, and swallow as if you are swallowing a large piece of food.