Fishing for Barracuda

Started by kris, June 03, 2008, 15:27:35 CET

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kris that used to happen a lot to me too.... the problem is that you need to stike the fish.... min irejjex bhal bigboy mux bzonn essag ghax d dghajsa miexja u taghti ktar sahha minn reel..... xorta pero plus normalment juzaw hand line li l id m ghandix elasticita....

trid tifhem ix xlief ukoll u ccekkja l memory tieghu

Good season so far.....


Kris bhal ma qallek granitu trid tahsad l-qasba meta tara messa ax l-krapar ma tantx jidhlu sew inkella specjalment jek l-qasba tkun fina.
Goog luck siehbi ;)


Kris adu jkun hemm dawl fejn l-gillieru? u rajt hut zghir?


Hi guys, I've been following this post with great interest. As I was browsing the internet reading about cudas, I found that in the Florida Keys they use plastic tube lures. Has anyone of you ever used this kind of lure?


guys....nahseb me 2 ghandi naqa bad luck....

2 days ilu mort sal mistra....xi 7pm, kanna number 1.
il bierah mort l-ahrax...6am kont emmek. kanna number 2. (tista tahseb kliem hazin..)

using yozuri 13-14cm redhead, .40 line (naqa ohxon nahseb), reel + rod (lol)

no barracuda in site!....why guys??? maybe there were no fish at the moment...?
jew bhal ma qal bigboy, barracuda does not like light?!

from your friend who has a big problem....


Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


Fava jien se nejdilek kif nahsiba. number 1 insa li se twehhel baracuda fid dawl. darba f mitt sena forsi twehhel wahda imma trid tkun vera ghali jekk tmissek. Issa it tieni haga hija li l harira li qijed tuza hija ftit hoxna. Li kont minnek ma nuzax harira ehxehn mit 30. Jekk tmur i lgzira ghand pirotta itolbu harira li jisima 'TAKE no memory' jien nahlef bijha ax vera tajba. arma r rukkel bit 30 u orbot dirett mal lure. li tista tamel iddahlila swivel zghira flisplit ring li jkola quddiem u torbot mal iswivel halli il harira kemm jista jkun ma tinbaramlekx.


ooooooo ok bigboy int! :D

jigifieri filodu qabel ma jizbah!          jew filaxija fid dlam!?
nahseb laktar trick importanti dak! thnks

bhalissa hek kont qed narma bl-iswivel kif ghetli int.

thnks m8
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


hsibtkhom li tafu li l qawl malti jghid....

"min jorqod ma jaqbadx hut!"

tridu tbakkru ras, fis 6.00 kont tard jien normalment sajda ghal lizz nkun hemm xi 4.30 nipprova u alija difficli kienet tkun, specjalment bla karozza......

jekk sejjer filghaxija, ibda fis 6.00 u ghandek qisu sal 11.00

anke qabel, imqar kemm izzom il post ikun ideali

iccekjaw il qamar ukoll, meta jkun full moon hemm iktar dawl, kapaci l ispinners jahdmu tajjeb hafna

gd luck guys
Good season so far.....


today was diving and found thousands of budas. Not only 1 scholl but several around


Usually for barracuda it is best to start off early as possible the best time is just around sunrise (ibexbex) and the opposite at sunset/dusk onwards.
But recently they have been taking lures even in FULL sunlight :) In fact the last time i caught a few was around 10am!!  ::)
So i wouldn't say you'll never gonna catch them in sunlight! but then again they are a very hard fish to 'pigeon hole' and USUALLY you will have more sucess at dawn & dusk/evening...


Big boy, you use .30 for cuda even in the dark from boat? I will give it a try, never went for cuda yet. Do you keep much distance from shore?
Can't wait to go fishing


I usually like keeping that 100m distance away from the shore. i trol lthe lure 25fa away from my boat using 2 x100g weights.


For Barracudas, go to the place called Barracudas in St. Pauls Bay. It is just on the right to Veccia. No wonder the place is called Barracuda!
Seabrave 14 e-Tec 50hp


I know areas in the eastern parts of malta like sliema, marsamxett harobour, grand harobour, xajra, mgieles etc for baracudas.


hey guys!!

I am very pleased to tell you that i managed to catch my first cuda on sat!! :D:D

I went to marsamxett harbour where bigboy suggested. I hooked and lost 2 cuda straight away and as they say...third time lucky :p

The cuda i caught was 66cm and 920g.

I caught it on a yozuri pin minnow with .30mm line

Today i went again at about 4.30 in the morning. Some cudas chased my lure but didin't manage to catch one. At one point i managed to hook something which pulled quite hard but managed to get away. Better luck next time...

Spitec ijwa adu jkun em dawl hdej il-gillieru. skond flim bicca toqod imma. hut zghir ma rajtx dakinhar.

Suffrun ijwa pruvajtom it-tube lures. amiltom jien. sint kif tamilom min fuq site fuq l-internet. ifem...rajf cudas jigru wara t-tube lure imma ma kellix takes. pero li qijad najdlek meta kont mort ras il-hanzir...konna xi 6 nistadu spinning u hatt ma qabat xej kien dakinhar.

Btw guys...meta tajdu spinners...bhal ma juzaw at-tumbrell u l-plamtu al tal-lizz?? bhal tal-halco?

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