2013 Bluefin Tuna Permit (Proposed)

Started by skip, March 30, 2013, 20:38:30 CET

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I also received the phone call from FD department from Frans this morning. As i had written trailered boat in the district part he called me to tell him from where i will go out for tuna. In the book I have written Gnejna as homeport so he told me if I will be using Gnejna. I told him now I trailer the boat since I dont have anymore a mooring at Gnejna. He told me if i dont tell him a place the application will not be valid. I told him sometimes you can not go from Gnejna because of the swell since the slip is not good and so i go from Bugibba. He told me if that particular day those from Gnejna can go for tuna those from Bugibba cannot so you cannot go and launch from bugibba for tuna. I was told  the same things that were said to Shanook. Fishing for tuna will be allocated by district and days. The reason he gave is different from that given to shanook. He told me you are not alone applying for the permit but there are 200 more. He told me how do you pretend us to control 200 boats if they decide to go out on the same day but I dont know what he meant with this.

I told him that the what he was saying was only a proposal and nothing was finalized but he answer by saying that the rules will be as he was saying.


I am uncertain whether I will apply. I have no burning desire to keep a 115cm/30kgs+ Tuna and have to deal with the whole hassle of specific landing areas and waiting. Incidentally I assume we are allowed to gut and bleed the fish out prior to landing?

As I am more than happy with Catch and Release and I don't need any special permit for that, I think most probably I will wait and see what the outcome is for 2014 :(

Indeed Mr Galdes has some unhappy people to contend with and a revamp at FCD is always a healthy thing.

Just read Busumark's update, and you know what........I'm not subscribing to this farce. Each to their own but they can count me out. 500kgs will be gone in a jiffy if it is not all taken up again like last time by the main commercial fleet overshooting their TAC if the fishing is good.

Those with a permit will then ALL be obliged to report their outings for the rest of the season long after their right to land tuna has closed.


Uzgur ma jistawx ilahhqu ma 200 bastiment, lizjed jekk kulhadd telaq min hemm ghax ma setawx jahdmu go dak il genn.


ma jlahqux ma dawk in nies kollha???? x jigifieri, meta tmur tistad sar tikser il ligi? dajes telajn lejn kemuna kulljum jaddu full speed ma jikkalkuwla lil hadt, specjalment bit turisti, u jekk tkun fil ponta ta l ahrax u kemuna kulhad tarah addej max xatt. Ma dawk zgur li ma jlahqux, mhux ax tohrog hemm barra u tiprova taqbad huta.


As agreed, I am providing an update following a meeting which took place at the FCD between reps of the FCD, Federation and MFF.  The meeting agenda item was Permits for recreational fishermen to catch and land BFT.  To date, there are about 160 applications, these will all be granted a permit.  There are no restrictions on days or time when to fish, as long as the terms and conditions below are adhered to.

The following are the agreed terms and conditions:

This year's quota allocated to recreational fishermen if 500kgs.  This quota is based on last year's reported catches, which only ammounted to 70kgs.  

Permit is applicable between the 16 June and the 14 October.  If the quota is reached before the closing date as agreed, then the permit will also be suspended.

The designated landing sites for FCD inspection of BFT catches are the following: Mgarr (Gozo), Marfa, Valletta and M'xlokk.  No other area will be considered for landing and inspection purposes.  However, FCD personnel are still obliged by law to carry out boat inspections as and when needed.

All recreational fishermen holding a BFT permit MUST advise the FCD either via SMS or phone prior to departing on a fishing trip, and likewise on returning - even if not specifically going out to fish for BFT.  This is mandated to all BFT permit holders during the BFT season, for both bcommercial and recreational fishermen.  Failure to comply will forfiet the BFT permit.

Recreational fishermen with a BFT catch need to inform an FCD official at least 2 hrs prior to making port to alert the FCD to carry out the necessary registration of the BFT catch.

Landing of BFT is stricktly prohibited between 11.00pm and 02.00am.  

Terminal lines cannot exceed 1.60mm.  However, a double line of .80mm each line is allowable, or even a triple line of .50mm.  This item is still pending authorisation

There will be on site inspections and controls carried out by FCD at the tuna pen farms in SPB and the pens located just off hurds bank.  FCD inspectors will be registering catches and boats, and they will then expect these boats to register their catches with FCD.  Failure to comply will obviously be referred to the competent authorities for further action.  

MFF and Federation reps put forward the suggestion that next year's quota needs to be increased to the original 1500kgs.  FCD noted this suggestion, were very receptive, however this is dependent on the number of BFT that are registered this year.

One word of caution guys.  Failure to comply with the permit's terms and conditions will qualify for immediate suspension of BFT permit, including any other action by the FCD as deemed by law.  Moreover, defaulters will not be able to apply for a BFT catch permit the following year.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Gifiri dis sena nistghu nistadu mal fishfarms bla problemi ?

Jien illum ghamiltu ax qas cans ma kelli


Quote from: EmicMalta on April 25, 2013, 08:58:18 CET
ma jlahqux ma dawk in nies kollha???? x jigifieri, meta tmur tistad sar tikser il ligi? dajes telajn lejn kemuna kulljum jaddu full speed ma jikkalkuwla lil hadt, specjalment bit turisti, u jekk tkun fil ponta ta l ahrax u kemuna kulhad tarah addej max xatt. Ma dawk zgur li ma jlahqux, mhux ax tohrog hemm barra u tiprova taqbad huta.
X ghandu xjaqsam il ksur tal ligi hi? mela ma qrajtx sew. jekk tirraporta li qbadt tonna mhux in nies tad dipartiment iridu jigu biex jirregistrawa. U int tahseb li jekk jinqabdu izjed min tnejn se jlahhqu.   


Quote from: bigboy on April 25, 2013, 12:51:20 CET
Gifiri dis sena nistghu nistadu mal fishfarms bla problemi ?

Jien illum ghamiltu ax qas cans ma kelli

Ser ikun hemm hbula marbuta ma baghi madwar il-fishfarms.  Tistu taslu sal hbula.  Hadd gewwa it-territorju gewwa l-fishfarms.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: Accjolaman on April 25, 2013, 13:08:42 CET
Quote from: EmicMalta on April 25, 2013, 08:58:18 CET
ma jlahqux ma dawk in nies kollha???? x jigifieri, meta tmur tistad sar tikser il ligi? dajes telajn lejn kemuna kulljum jaddu full speed ma jikkalkuwla lil hadt, specjalment bit turisti, u jekk tkun fil ponta ta l ahrax u kemuna kulhad tarah addej max xatt. Ma dawk zgur li ma jlahqux, mhux ax tohrog hemm barra u tiprova taqbad huta.
X ghandu xjaqsam il ksur tal ligi hi? mela ma qrajtx sew. jekk tirraporta li qbadt tonna mhux in nies tad dipartiment iridu jigu biex jirregistrawa. U int tahseb li jekk jinqabdu izjed min tnejn se jlahhqu.   

It-tnejn zbaljati hbieb.  Mhux huma jigu, pero intom tridu tmorru fid-designated landing sites.  Huma 4 dawn is-sites: Mgarr (Gozo), Marfa, Valletta (hdejn il-pixkerijja) and M'xlokk.  Huma dis-sena ser ikunu 8 minn nies.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Thanks for the update Gaffer and thanks for your patience and input! I know it is not easy to say the least! I am totally against the following:
"All recreational fishermen holding a BFT permit MUST advise the FCD either via SMS or phone prior to departing on a fishing trip, and likewise on returning - even if not specifically going out to fish for BFT."
I am even considering refusing my permit if it is not changed.
Lets meet the Federation on the 5th May and discuss CONSTRUCTIVELY. Also, the quota was left way too low considering there are 160 applicants!
I'd rather be fishing.....


another thing which is not stated is it one fish per trip???


Quote from: benri on April 25, 2013, 13:39:32 CET
Thanks for the update Gaffer and thanks for your patience and input! I know it is not easy to say the least! I am totally against the following:
"All recreational fishermen holding a BFT permit MUST advise the FCD either via SMS or phone prior to departing on a fishing trip, and likewise on returning - even if not specifically going out to fish for BFT."
I am even considering refusing my permit if it is not changed.
Lets meet the Federation on the 5th May and discuss CONSTRUCTIVELY. Also, the quota was left way too low considering there are 160 applicants!

Thanks for your feedback Benri.  I purposely left out the why from this statement, as I must confess both myself and the Federation reps opposed this statement until it was clarified.
ICCAT mandate that all fishermen holding a BFT catch permit, irrispective of whether they are commercial or recreational, need to alert the authorities when leaving port to fish during the BFT season.  This requirement is applicable also to fishermen who will not be going out to fish for tuna, but still enjoy the status of a BFT catch permit.  The commercial fishermen in Malta with a permit for BFT catch are obliged to notify the authorities when leaving port to fish, even when not fishing for tuna during the BFT season.  The FCD insisted that this needs to be extended to the recreational fisherman also, as there should be no distinctions between commercial and recreational fishermen.  Everyone is free to do as they wish.  However, in the case of BFT permit holders, this rule is mandated by ICCAT for control purposes.  Malta is just following rules, which are applicable to all BFT permit holders, irrispective of whether they are commercial or recreational.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Quote from: shanook on April 25, 2013, 13:46:09 CET
another thing which is not stated is it one fish per trip???

Yes, it is one fish per trip. These are the items as discussed.  We are again meeting to finalise matters, though I doubt there will be any major changes.  Once we have that sorted, we will post the ful regulations here
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Again Benri - I totally agree with you.  We need to demonstrate to the competent authorities that recreational fishing is a force to be reckoned with.  Our strength is in our numbers.  I will try and secure TV coverage for the Federation event.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Has anyone ever considered the implications once you register for the BFT permit, whether you go out fishing for BFT or for any other fish? Once you are registered, they have the boat's registration at first hand. When a patrol boat or any other authority boat is out at sea and notices your registered number, they would surely head to your boat for inspections, whether you are fishing or not. Imagine how annoying and frustrating it would be to be stopped every time you are out at sea!!!!
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