2013 Bluefin Tuna Permit (Proposed)

Started by skip, March 30, 2013, 20:38:30 CET

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Shanook, I don't agree with you - We are not accepting it so happily but should air our views constructively on the 5th May.
Like you I do not want to keep informing fisheries each time I go out fishing - especially when I take my daughters fishing close to shore and there is no chance to land a tuna as a by catch! Going out for Alongi might be different as there is always a chance of landing a tuna.
I'd rather be fishing.....


Update: got a call from France (fisheries) and he told me that the alternate days have been set aside and the district they need it so that when we call, fisheries will know how many boats are out fishing and from which area.
I thanked him as he called back as he had promised, very good service from the department in this regard.
Lets hope that at the federation meeting we will have good sensible reasoning from both sides.
Sorry forgot to ask Gogo is the meeting with open agenda or is it just the new regulations, or can we submit our queries in writing so that the federation decides which ones are open for discussion as I presume that time is limited.


"This is just me venting with some humour........ - Maybe this year given that we catch OH SO MANY Tuna when trolling all 200 boats will catch one each and we will over shoot our 500kgs quota by 5500kgs in one day hehe!!!"

Statisically I feel FCD should collect whether the BFT from Recreational fishing was caught trolling in open seas or in the vicinity of a fish farm whilst anchored/drifing as that would show how few are caught whilst trolling.

On the revenue side of things I think that the BIG money for Malta is in Farming and not so much the actual tuna commerical fishing.....my understanding is that Commercial fishermen can sell their quota on to others if they chose not to utilise themelves. I believe Malta has a couple of Purse Seiners who buy up the quota from others here.......so really it's just a few Commercial boats benefiting.

We will always be the minority and the lower priority, thankfully we have Joe lobbying for the Forum and The Federation for their members, and good channels with governement who are listening to our concerns.

Once the season opens it is imperative that you all follow the final conditions of the permit you accept, because at the moment there is the view that Recreational Fishers just moan and have no accountability.


Quote from: shanook on April 29, 2013, 10:37:44 CET
Update: got a call from France (fisheries) and he told me that the alternate days have been set aside and the district they need it so that when we call, fisheries will know how many boats are out fishing and from which area.

U dan Frans tal pixkerija xjahseb? li qoxra tistad biss barra l port mnejn tohorg? bhalikieku jien billi nzomm id dghajsa il maghluq mhux xorta immur bi dritt filfla.  Ghadda ghalawidnejja li hafna mil buzullotti t'hemm gewwa dan tal pixkerija qed jaqlaghhom ghax lahquh naqra.  xeba jitkarrab ghal hut biex jaghlaq ghajnejh ghal min jaqbillu? pero mhux hu biss il percimes tafux... hemm dik li ghandhom il bastimenti tat tkarkir ohra.

Kunu afu li jekk hemm 4 ma jdabrulhomx rashom mil hazin ghal ghar ser jibqghu sejrin.


Quote from: Cellikku on April 29, 2013, 16:07:56 CET
Quote from: shanook on April 29, 2013, 10:37:44 CET
Update: got a call from France (fisheries) and he told me that the alternate days have been set aside and the district they need it so that when we call, fisheries will know how many boats are out fishing and from which area.
U dan Frans tal pixkerija xjahseb? li qoxra tistad biss barra l port mnejn tohorg? bhalikieku jien billi nzomm id dghajsa il maghluq mhux xorta immur bi dritt filfla.  Ghadda ghalawidnejja li hafna mil buzullotti t'hemm gewwa dan tal pixkerija qed jaqlaghhom ghax lahquh naqra.  xeba jitkarrab ghal hut biex jaghlaq ghajnejh ghal min jaqbillu? pero mhux hu biss il percimes tafux... hemm dik li ghandhom il bastimenti tat tkarkir ohra.

Kunu afu li jekk hemm 4 ma jdabrulhomx rashom mil hazin ghal ghar ser jibqghu sejrin.

Habib, napprezza hafna dak li qed tghid.  Pero, tinsiex, dan huwa forum miftuh ghal publiku.  Ghaldaqstant, meta taghmel jew tghid xi haga fuq haddiehor, kun lest li tissostanzja.  Importanti din, ghax inkella jintillef il-kredibilta tal forum.  Apparti li huwa nmiktub iswed fuq l-abjad, u allura hemm bzonn li tissostanzja, ghax jista jintuza bhala malafama.  Ma jfissirx li ghax ikun ghadda minn ghala widnejk, iffisser li hu minnu.  Jista jkun li minnu, u lili issibni warajk biex inwwaqfu kull abbuz.  Pero noqodu attenti kif nghidu certi affarijiet.  Jekk int cert minn dak li qed thgid, ibatli private messege, u mexxu minn hemm. Grazzi.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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We are going to have to deal with a new director as Caruana has resigned.


Imma kif f'dan il-pajjiz dejjem irridu ingergru :(
Jumejn ilu ktibt kontra id-direttur ta dak iz zmien u issa ghax irrezenja u ha jahtru direttur jew direttrici gdida ha ngergru ukoll?
Jien qtajt qalbi!!!! ma nafx!!!!
I'd rather be fishing.....


That's why it's Maltese gemgem bry. Seems that things are in the right direction as we were being treated like stupids (cretini).  We have to wait and see how things work out its not exactly easy that one changes 25 years of misuse. Anything new needs time to work out.



Marine biologist who is keen on conservation....goooooood, augers well for the recreational. 



Quote from: FREEDIVE on May 01, 2013, 21:05:24 CET
Wrong number!!! Don`t get the names wrong, one is a previous director of fisheries the other will ban all types of fishing completely :/

I'm a bit slow on the takeup here.  Who will ban all types of fishing? 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Dr. Adriana Vella, Ph.D, conservation biologist - Is known for her Dolphin spotting and strong views on Fishing

Dr Andreina Fenech Farrugia - Former Fisheries Director


Quote from: skip on May 02, 2013, 09:44:59 CET
Dr. Adriana Vella, Ph.D, conservation biologist - Is known for her Dolphin spotting and strong views on Fishing

Dr Andreina Fenech Farrugia - Former Fisheries Director

Time will tell if we will benefit from this appointment, but i believe things are moving in the right direction. I think its high time that certian trawling and net fishing is eliminated.

Time to re-introduce and incentive long line fishing with a twist to fishing tourism - its being done in italy why not in Malta???
Good season so far.....


xi hadd ircieva xi haga minghand il fisheries dwar l applikazjoni?