2013 Bluefin Tuna Permit (Proposed)

Started by skip, March 30, 2013, 20:38:30 CET

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I got a call from Fisheries asking me to go pickup the fishing license.
I asked is it the Tuna license?
He said no its the fishing License.
I said I am registered Valletta not MFC.
He said Yes its the fishing License.
I said OK will come today or tomorrow.

Buq.... Has anyone got a similar call?
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Guys, when you do get these calls, can you please ask who is it on the other end.  Most probably its the tuna licence.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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I got mine today... Yes its for tuna. What is strange is he said min catch is 8kg whilst the doc says 30kg. He said its because of a special derogation from eu. Boq? So why did they write 30kg? What if i get a 15 kg and get fined? Any comments


As gaffer rightly said................NAMES!


Well the fish farms can keep 8 kg tuna.......don't see anything special there but I always follow the black and white not paroli



Is it true that the tuna permit does not allow for drift fishing with live bait?
My friend told me that fishing has to be: trolling, rixa


Just got a call from fisheries to collect license. I asked about the fishing methods and he said, rod, rixa and harpoon. I asked how come and he said that this is according to my fishing book, as I don't have a permit for surface long lines...........I have lost hope.....



Quote from: shanook on June 07, 2013, 08:23:26 CET
Just got a call from fisheries to collect license. I asked about the fishing methods and he said, rod, rixa and harpoon. I asked how come and he said that this is according to my fishing book, as I don't have a permit for surface long lines...........I have lost hope.....
Shanook, you know quite well you cannot use surface long lines (kontz tal-wicc) for BFT.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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No I don't expect to be allowed to use surface long line for tuna. ...my comment " I have lost hope" is for the reason given that it is according to my fishing license.  Which is not right. It is according to a special license to fish for tuna. Otherwise if it was according to my license it won't have a restriction for line diameter, and I would be able to use a handling with live bait. I hope it's not going to turn into an excuse to make more restrictions on the fishing license.....
I still don't agree that a tuna permit should carry special restrictions, but should be according to our recreational fishing license and nothing extra.
Because now a person who does not have a tuna permit and goes out to fish and has a line over 1.1 is a breaking the law and could be fined.....how stupid can that be.


Ghadni kemm cempilt lil Fisheries, biex nikjarifika punt numru 1. li jispecifika li l hadt tal hut ghandu jsir f 5 postijiiet msemmija.

Paul Carabott qalli li l hadt hemm biss jista jsir, u officer irid jara l huta nizla mid dghajsa f'dawk il portijiet imsemmija BISS.

Jien fehmtu li fil kaz tieghi huwa mpossibli li nohrog minn san pawl bdajsa 14 pied mutur 9.9hp u noqghod nitla l-Marfa, jew l-Port l Kbir biex nurihom il forsi tonnu li qed nohlom li ser naqbad bil licenzja specjali.  It-triq hi twila ghall xi hadd bhalli, u jekk iqum il-bahar, jien kif ser imurr lura mil belt ghall san pawl jekk jigi majjistral peress li mhux jaghmel rih din sena

Staqsejt ukoll, jekk bsunnara ta tonn wahda u nillixka huta, u nrejjex biha biss hux permisibli qalli ok, u nistghu nuzaw floats bhall fenders.

Ma kienx jaf distanza li iridu nzommu l-bod mill fishfarms.

Jekk jghogobkhom, is-sigurta fuq il-bahar tas sajjieda bhallna dilettanti tigi l-ewwel u qabel kollox, u nipretendi li jkun hemm officers san pawl jew fl akkwati fuq l-art biex nhottu hemm, jien hemm irregistrajt li nohrog fuq l-applikazzjoni.

Vera li din l-ewwel darba , imma biex snin ohra ntejjbu l-affarijiet ta sigurta wkoll.


@Albatross - Hija regola li tonn BFT irrid jigi 'landed' fil postijiet msemmija.  Dik hija regola tal-EU, u ma tistax iddur mahha.  Nifhem il-punt tieghek li b'opra ta 14 il-pied mghobbi b'xi tonnu tkun qed tilghaba jekk tmur il-Marfa jew il-Belt biex tirregistra t-tonn, umbghadd iqum il-bahar.  Imma habib, xini is-soluzjoni?
Insija li jizdiedu il-landing sites.  Mhux ser tigri din. Dawn il-landing sites registrati mal EU, u Malta tehel penali qawwija jekk tazzarda ma timxiex mar-regoli kif miftehma.  

Il-fishfarms huma koperti bir-regolamenti ta' Transport Malta.  Ma tistax tistad il-gewwa mill-konfini tal-kardinal points li jimmarkaw il-fishfarms.  Minghalija din id-darba ha jkun hemm habel idawwar il-farms.  Imma miniex cert.

Ghandek ragun tghid li s-sigurta tal-bahara dilettanti tigi l-ewwel u qabel kollox, u nippretendi li l-ewwel wiehed li jhares is-sigurta tieghu innifsu huwa l-individwu stess!

P.S. Qed naqra xi ktibt hawn, u marridx nigi interpretat hazin habib.  Jien imdorri niehu shieb lili inifsi.  Bl'ebda mod ma qieghed inkun arroganti mieghek, sempliciment irrid nghidlek li dejjem hu hsieb tieghek inifsek l-ewwel, u tistenniex lil haddiehor jiehu l-inizjativa.  Fl-opinjoni tieghi, ir-riskju hu f'idejk...opra ta 14 il pied bin-9.9HP hi naqra zghira ghas sajd tat-tonn.  Forsi zbaljat, ghax jista jkun li tajba...imma dik hija decizzjoni tieghek, ghax kullhadd responsabli ta ghemilu.

Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Xi hadd fehem ezatt x irkapti tista tuza???????

Qasba, imma bil wieqaf? U liska tista tkun hajja jew friska?
Rixa, jigifieri miexi bil lure, imma tista twaddab fender? Mela fuq idejk, u harira 1.1 xi darba ser izzomm tonn jew?
Harpoon, imma bil powerhead? jew b virga normali u bla fender forsi naghmel l-iktar dive fonda f'hajti, u tkun l-ahhar wahda!!
X hin saqsejt ma hadt l-ebda risposta hlief li fenders u tankijiet ma jistghux jintuzaw, u bil brazzol biss ma tistax.

Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh