Marine conservation areas

Started by baghira, June 16, 2008, 21:12:22 CET

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It is obvious that they were intended to  provoke doubt.

that is no reason to act like savages...all we have to ask is for them to be amended.

Why are you addressing me in conjunction with law codes...I am not the one that issued them...I am not involved in anything of this. I am one of you.

I just don't want it to turn out like the bird hunters' nightmare.
I know alot of you have alot of heart but please consider before you act. Each one of us has the reputation of all on his shoulders

Simon G

i have an idea why dont we pose with these signs and then show a fisherman with a parit in a protected zone with police just looking on and doing nothing.

In my opinion we should contact the authourities and place a contact no if anyone wants to report some illegal fishing i think that might make a bit more sense and help curb some illegal activities at sea.
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


Hi guys
I was a couple of days off this forum, and am pleased to see interest in this subject. I can clearly see that we all have the same interest, but some of us look at the actions that can be taken differently from others.
I can say that at the beginning of this thread, spnotta sounded funny to me, but on the longrun we spoke, and i think that he is right not to vandalise. We must excert pressure in someway on the authorities, and I think that spnotta can be a valuable tool. I also tried, and below is a response from the person whom actually did the signs himself (under someone's advice). I hardly think that we can do something to actually stop, and redesign those signs................The authorities are the only persons that can legally abuse of laws.... ??? ???
Here is what I got as a reply::::

Sent: 26 June 2008 19:11
To: Abdilla George at MTA
Subject: RE: Marine conservation areas

Dear Mr. Abdilla

I did a whole research and found a lot of useful information as regards the mentioned 5 points. What I wanted to add is that the regulations that yourself pointed out, specify a large number of illegal fishing activities, and only in one instance they mention spearfishing.
But you answered to half my mail. What about what about this writing below!
(''These signs are creating the wrong awareness to the general public. They are promoting an erroneous impression of us spear fisherman, and are giving us a bad image. Anyone knows about other kinds of illegal fishing activities, but yet, no signs have ever been put.
Writing in large print WARNING SPEARFISHING IS ILLEGAL IN MALTESE WATERS, and also a picture of a spear fisherman cut in half, surely does not put a good image of this practice. I am also afraid that it is somehow illegal to create an erroneous impression.
I am also emphasising on the issue that these were put in places that are not protected areas (like Ghar Lapsi), and thus could be misunderstood'')
Don't you think that I am right!! I think that the highlighted parts in the signs create wrong awareness!!
And why affixing them at Ghar Lapsi, which is not a protected area?

Answer from Mr abdilla:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Subject: RE: Marine conservation areas

Dear Mr baghira

These signs are valid to all Maltese waters, and not as you say to protected areas only.

George Abdilla

To: Abdilla George at MTA
Subject: RE: Marine conservation areas

Dear Mr. Abdilla

Thanks for your misinformative reply.
I would like to add that besides the fact that you were not accurately informed as regards the subject in the beginning, nor you gave me the exact information in your previous mail, and you are also evading my question now.

I am also conscious regarding the fact that tourism is an important factor in our islands, and also regarding the importance of marine protection, but this is not a reason for being biased in decision making.

This shows lack of professionalism, because you cannot create a bad image of me, a person who specially cares for the environment, who does selective type of fishing, and who always preaches (or at least try to) other fisherman to return juvenile fish to the sea.

HE ENDED THIS WAY.......................Profesionalism taz-zikkkkkkkkkkk

Dear Mr

Thank you very much for calling me unprofessional..  may this is why I decided to answer your question rather than decide to bin it.


George Abdilla
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


well done baghira, another example of a person worth for s***  only. Why don't we complie a list of them, it would be endless....... ;D

yesterday, i was near the bbugia in port pens.... you won't believe me guys, the same person(of arti photos) was throwing the parit. i couldn't resist and called his attention for a quick cheese and click-a photo

you could just imagine the end.......... he swearing at me, well actually i also fired back :-\
Good season so far.....

Tim Mucklow

Wow! Seems like you guys have a lot of different ideas on this subject.
Nice to see how concerned you all are .
Thought of the day.
When fighting a battle never let your enemy put unease among your ranks.
Stay united and calm , it is the only way to win.


baghira very good initiative but it would have been better not be gets more when using diplomatic language...In my opinion if one had used reverse cycology...First praise the guy for the conservative act and then slip your opinion and amendments to be made.

It is better to coax a donkey to the carrot then push him towards it. If you understand what I mean.

If the guy does not listen I would not be harsh on him but make him aware of EU regulations concerning misinformation acts. You see the EU directives are a double edged sword.

Futhermore in my opinion when an authority is to be contacted a spokesman for all should speak for all of us and ideally the spokesman should have the attributes of a spokesman.

I do not mean to offend you in any way Baghira in fact I think you are very proactive and I second your objectives. What I mean to say is to do it smoothly otherswise we'll face closed door.

To be honest I have been a rebel all my life and one thing I learnt is that one gets much more with "diplomacy". Unfortunately that's life. I just wish I learnt it sooner.


Quote from: Granitu on July 04, 2008, 07:55:20 CET
well done baghira, another example of a person worth for s***  only. Why don't we complie a list of them, it would be endless....... ;D

yesterday, i was near the bbugia in port pens.... you won't believe me guys, the same person(of arti photos) was throwing the parit. i couldn't resist and called his attention for a quick cheese and click-a photo

you could just imagine the end.......... he swearing at me, well actually i also fired back :-\

If the authorities go there from 18:00 onwards they will see a lot of them throwing nets. What are police for? A week ago one of them was going to hit me with his boat even though I had a diver's signal buoy!

All registered boats! But take photos for what?
Maltese to English Names visit


SPNOTTA your philosophy doesn't work with those guys! Most of them are savages, so sometimes you can't even talk to them.

Try yourself to be a their worst NIGHTMARE! :}

Or tell us what to do with these guys? Cause you seem to know much.

Probably if you try to tell them something they take out a gun and shoot at you, because some of them carry arms too, in case they see something flying!
Maltese to English Names visit


exactly arti, they are always armed ghax " xi russett, kuccarda tinzerta"

well i couldn't resist to take him a photo- and i was very ironical when i told him "cheese". fortunately there was my father with me, or else he would have beaten the shit out of me.... you know with a big man no one messes :P
Good season so far.....


You might be right spnotta.
But that was not all the content of my mails.
I really tried to persuade him, but all he could say is, short phrases to cut the story short.
At the end I could not resist. I also told him that it is illegal to misinform, but he did not give a sh**
His intention from the beginning was, not to answer my questions, to make me swear, and to leave thigs as they are.

I can give you his mail address. Someone has to start. Since nobody did.
He is the one responsible, he told me quite clearly. I also have his mobile phone.
You sound quite right for a spokesman...................
Why don't you continue what I have started....Are we gonna give up!
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


The following post will feature all the regulations as regards spearfishing in Malta.
So whatever signs are affixed anywhere you go, just keep in mind these regulations, and if you are not in breach of any of them, go on and have fun.

P.S. The pole of these signs may serve us to rest after a nice fishing day, of whilst changing your wetsuit etc ;D The only possibility being, that someone will take you a photo (illustrating only the highlighted part of the sign)and put you on, only in malta. ::) ::) :o

P.S. Information was derived from actual regulations, and was collected by spnotta, and a fine touch from myself.

There are quite a few reg. already in place, so better all of you spearos have a look.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Spearfishing license:
Before the actual purchase of the gun, one obtains license number from Police General Headquarters weapons Offices after a short interview with an officer. One is asked to fill in a form with personal details and speargun specifications.
- For the purchase of any arm which requires a licence and to keep such an arm during the year of its purchase. (reg.1_Police Licences Regulations, CAP. 128) EUR 16.31.
- To keep a speargun during any year following the year of purchase there of, per annum. (reg.6_Police Licences Regulations, CAP. 128) EUR 6.99
- To carry a speargun per annum (reg.7_Police Licences Regulations, CAP. 128) EUR 3.49

Restrictions: Regulation (EC No 1967/2006 reg 4, Art8) which is administered by the Veterinary Affairs and Fisheries Division:
- Spear-guns shall be prohibited if used in conjunction with underwater breathing apparatus (aqualung) or at night from sunset to dawn.

Restricted areas: S.L.425.01
- Fishing is strictly prohibited in the proximity of the sewage outfall at Wied Ghammieq within the area demarcated on the land side by two stone pillars painted red situated on the sides of the drainage outlet, one on Xghajra shore in the vicinity of Ras il-gebel and the other under the Ricasoli Bastion and on the sea side by two range buoys. It is also prohibited to collect by any means from the same area any edible marine products. (reg.11_S.L.10.12 Fishery Regulations).

- No fishing is permitted in the Dockyard Creek or in the French Creek, that is in those parts of the Grand Harbour to the south east of a line drawn from St.Angelo Point to Isola Point and hence to the northern end of Parlatorio Wharf and Corradino Hill without a special licence issued by the Director with the approval of the Prime Minister. (reg.12_S.L.10.12 Fishery Regulations).

Conservation Areas:

- No spearfishing shall be c/o around Filfla.

- No spearfishing is permitted in zones which are designated to be conservation zones by MEPA* and wherever artificial reefs are built for the purpose of scientific studies or as an attraction to tourist divers.

*Designated Marine Protected Areas: A marine site that has recently been selected and designated as a marine protected area and a Special Area of Conservation of International Importance is the marine area between Rdum Majjiesa and Ras ir-Raheb on the northwest coast of Malta. MEPA.ORG
(A picture of this area has been illustrated in a previous post. Note that: red area = no entry - no take, yellow area = entry - no take (guided access), green area = entry no take (free access), blue area = entry ? take.)

- The Veterinary Regulation and Fisheries Conservation and Control within the Veterinary and Fisheries Affairs Division (VAFD) has set a number of conservation areas around wrecks.
Spearfishing is prohibited in the following areas. Only surface fishing is allowed including trolling lines (rixa) and angling for pelagic fish.
Location: Wied iz-Zurrieq; Wreck: Um el Faroud
Location: Off Xatt l-Ahmar; Wreck: MV Xlendi, Cominoland, Karwela
Location: Marsascala; Wreck: Tug St.Michael, Tug 10
Location: Off Qawra point; Wreck: Imperial Eagle
Location: Off Cirkewwa; Wreck: Rozi, P29
Location: Off Xrobb l-Ghagin; Wreck: Blenheim bomber
Location: Off Exiles Point; Wreck: Bristol Beaufighter
(These areas have also been illustrated in the photo gallery.)

Fishing implements carried on boats:
Persons carrying in their boats any fishing implement shall
be deemed, for the purposes of these Regulations, to have used
such implements. (reg. 13. S.L.425.01 Fishery Regulations)
Meaning that: if you carry both aqualungs, and a harpoon, on a boat, you are guilty of an offense.

Minimum size limits:
It shall not be lawful to sell or buy or be on land in
possession of any fishes or cephalopods of a size less than is
prescribed in regulation 38, with the exception of transparent goby
(makku) and of whitebait (srajdna and nemusa), for which no size
limit is prescribed. (reg. 37. S.L. 425.01 Fishery Regulations)
The minimum sizes of fishes, measured overall, shall be according to the following schedule:
Name                                                                                   Min Size
Voparella and Vopa (Box boops)                                                90mm
Arznella and Munqara (Smaris vulgaris)                                       90mm
Trilja or Red Mullets (Mullus barbatus and Mullus sarmuletus) including Triljet   100mm
All other fishes except transparent goby (makku) & whitebait (srajdna & nemusa)115mm
Cuttlefish (sicca)*                                                                   75mm
Squid (klamari)*                                                                      100mm
*Cephalopods, measured from the anterior side of the eye to the posterior end of the body
1. Fishes
Dicentrarchus labrax Sea-bass 25 cm
Diplodus annularis Annular sea-bream 12 cm
Diplodus puntazzo Sharpsnout sea-bream 18 cm
Diplodus sargus White sea-bream 23 cm
Diplodus vulgaris Two-banded sea-bream 18 cm
Engraulis encrasicolus * European anchovy 9 cm
Epinephelus spp. Groupers 45 cm
Lithognathus mormyrus Stripped sea-bream 20 cm
Merluccius merluccius *** Hake 20 cm
Mullus spp. Red mullets 11 cm
Pagellus acarne Spanish sea-bream 17 cm
Pagellus bogaraveo Red sea-bream 33 cm
Pagellus erythrinus Common pandora 15 cm
Pagrus pagrus Common sea-bream 18 cm
Polyprion americanus Wreckfish 45 cm
Sardina pilchardus** European sardine 11 cm
Scomber spp. Mackerel 18 cm
Solea vulgaris Common sole 20 cm
Sparus aurata Gilt-head sea-bream 20 cm
Trachurus spp. Horse mackerel, Scad 15 cm
2. Crustaceans
Homarus gammarus Lobster 300 mm TL
105 mm CL
Nephrops norvegicus Norway lobster 20 mm CL
70 mm TL
Palinuridae Crawfish 90 mm CL
Parapenaeus longirostris Deep water rose shrimp 20 mm CL

Note also that it is illegal to sell fish that have been caught by means of spearfishing.

Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Hi guys, I have one question. Does it mean, for example, that it`s prohibited on Um el Faroud only, or in the whole Wied iz-Zurrieq area, incl Blue grotto area. Thanks.

Simon G

Note also that it is illegal to sell fish that have been caught by means of spearfishing.

This is not true if you have a fishing licence that can cover this and believe me it exists,but a bit hard to get you can sell the fish and give a recipt.
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman



You may have a look at the gallery and find the pictures that emic posted, they illustrate exactly the boundaries of this area.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh