New Members - Please Introduce Yourselves

Started by skip, August 28, 2008, 10:19:01 CET

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Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


Hello my name is Errol ,I live at Msida and I'm 22 years old. I started fishing with a reel rod for the last 3 months now and i find it very relaxing since I am kind of a nervous person lol. If someone wants to add me on msn to have a chat u can add me on I would be happy to add as I am still learning some things about fishing and any tips would be great to hear thx.

octo hunter

Thanks mundinu. I ve been spearfishing for years now. Hope this hobby will still be viable in the years to come because as time passes we are constantly finding it more difficult to find fish around. This is a great forum. Keep it up to all. :)
The sea is blue, beautiful and wonderful.Look at it, livein it and respect it.


Welcome to all of you guys.
You will get some nice info here, and some nice friends in a very friendly atmosphere.
The issue here is not to make fun of others, but to learn from each other's mistakes. It will be up to you to practice then.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



Hi. I am also new to this forum. I am not really an experiencced fisherman since i'm 15 but I enjoy fishing especially deep drop for sawrell and "nrejjex"  for dorado especially but also for kahli. Hope I will learn more in this forum!
When i'm not fishing, I'm bored):xD


Hello everyone,
       My name is Alessandro, and starting in August 2009 my parents will be moving to Malta for a good 6 years! For me it?s a dream come true. I am Italian, born in Rome, but at present I am living in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where I am currently studying for a PhD in Pharmacy. My project involves ?Drug Discovery from the Marine Environment? (i.e. new drugs from the sea). Yeah!!!
       I am thirty, and I have been fishing for thirty years. Fishing is my passion, my life, and can I say? My disease. I fish from the coast with anything that ranges from a piece of string and a hook, to ?Bolognese?, Surf Casting, Rock Fishing, Spinning, Fly Fishing and Spear Fishing. I freshwater fish too. Girlfriends, friends and family probably think of me as some sort of freak!!! But they?ve learned to accept it. I don?t have a boat, and I?ve never had one. Maybe Malta is the right place to get a hold of a little speedboat... but who knows, one step at a time 
My nickname is Tracina, ?Weaver fish? in English. I lie low, but if you step on me, it will hurt.
       I am looking forward to meeting some of you guys in person soon! Maybe tangling our lines!



Quote from: Tracina on April 02, 2009, 17:46:17 CET
Hello everyone,
        My project involves “Drug Discovery from the Marine Environment” (i.e. new drugs from the sea). Yeah!!!

Welcome and very, very interesting topic for your PHD!!!!


Welcome tracina, I'm sure you will enjoy your stay ;)


Welcome on board boss !!   :)
Ci vediamo  ;)

Chris  8)


Welcome Tracina

bdw tracina is the name we use for the same fish in Maltese.

I name learned.



Hi guys , my name is Robert and I am a fishing-aholic!!!!

Well I am technically new to the forum, even though i've been registered since June 2008, I actually started using the forum for the past 2 weeks or so. Anyways, a belated hello to :-D
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work
