Marine conservation areas

Started by baghira, June 16, 2008, 21:12:22 CET

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I think that was very nice of you to the 40k AJ with this forum. I see you made some homework on me. :)

Emic it seems you dislike medfish...IMHO it's great.

I learnt so much from it. Ok it's not perfect. There are inconsistancies at times. We are all humans. But you know what? commercial bragging and excessive catches are pointed out at the risk of loosing members like you. That is something I truly respect in a forum.

I can understand and appreciate immensely the fact that you shared a 40k fish instead of turning it into money. As regards the "NEED" for catching 30K parrotfish I cannot agree to that.


Quote from: SPNOTTA on June 20, 2008, 10:10:20 CET
Back to the none of you guys are happy that marine conservation sites are going to be implemented? If things are properly administered will have richer seas. Isn't this good? Regarding using flash lights at night and scuba....isn't it like cheating, unfair advantage?

Conservation...I'd like your opinion about the following;

Don't you think it is wastage to;

catch non-commercially viable fish, give them to the cats, leave them in the sun in a bucket and "recycle" them by throwing back in the sea, in large quantities that one doesn't know what to do with them...maybe one can give them to some Gozitan friends :)

30kg of parrot fish!!!! Why did you that??? May I ask??? I mean it's a known fact that parrot fish are an easy prey. Don't you think that was too much??? Today after 2 years of spearfishing do you still consider  a 30kg parrotfish hunt OK?

When I was a newbie I made some mitakes (which I am ashamed of)...but I am proud that greed never took over.

What do we want to conserve fish for? For people throwing nets everywhere?
Maybe you throw them too! We spearos choose size. But nets. If you want conservation go to Marsaxlokk for example!
Something has to be done for sure, but you need to start from nets and trawling!
And it's a good thing to make reserve areas but not for the sake of tourists to make money from diving! But for all of us Maltese! Because we try to conserve not for our sea but for money!
And what about pollution! And many plastic things thrown in the sea from fisherman!
And what about depth charges!
And the divers that catch sea urchins, what do you say? Go to Ramla Bay, the bottom near the shore is covered with cleaned sea urchins.
Maltese to English Names visit


but thay are recognized as voters, arti!!! i know how you feel. having a good spot and losing it cause it is illegal................

emic, even if you catch 60kgs of fish, if you shared them with friends why not..... don't get fooled by respecting the sea-catching too little..... 30kgs of parrot fish he didn't caught them from 1 reef

the fish are there to be eaten it is the food cycle..... as long as one leaves some pairs in place for breeding and others............ he is saving something for future fishes......and there is no waste. if emic caught 30kgs of parrot fish and in that instant he threw them away..... that is a waste

well with regards to mca, unless a form of petition is organized the spear fisherman will be disrespected
Good season so far.....


I can support the genuine need for a conservation zone to help with the re-growth of marine life in that particular area, but it must apply across the board to all types of fishing, be it for sport or commercially and it must be enforced properly, which it definately isn't. It's relatively easier for the ALE to sit near the shore and fine anyone who comes up that was fishing in a conservation zone, but enforcing it at sea requires a dedicated and fairly expensive resource, police/afm on a boat.

I would even go as far as to say I reckon we should having moratoriums for a period of time for certain species or even certain types of fishing. As you rightly point out the idea behind these things is allow the fish population and certain species to regenerate. Let's face it the Mediterranean is considered as a 'dead' sea and certainly around our waters I think everyone will agree that fish stocks are on the decline as well as species that used to be commonplace in our waters.

Catching fish and wasting them is to me the same as hunters using magnum loaded cartridges and then shooting at stupid things like sparrows out of frustration. I don't go fishing for small fish so cannot comment in this respect, but the Alungi/Tuna and Lampuki that I catch all get eaten. If I don't manage to give it all away to my family/extended family, I go through the trouble of cutting it into steaks and then taking it to the various homes around the island for those who are less fortunate and cannot afford to buy fish.

What annoys me is that locally everything tends to be half-assed and authorities are very selective in what they do and then cite all sorts of reasons why it can't be done properly. In Malta we seem to excel at seeing how loop-holes can be found and laws/restrictions abused, and as everyone tends to know 'people', some are allowed to get away with it, whilst others are easy targets. Most of the time whenever it's something controversial it's not enforced properly at the risk of losing votes at the next election, and frankly that's just pathetic, albeit a reality.

If you report people to the authorities for breaking the law, especially fishermen you're likely to find your boat at the bottom of the sea, or worse still your car or house set on fire. I could be wrong here but to me the biggest group of offenders are our full time and part time fishermen and yet nothing is truly done to ensure they are not breaking the law, followed by people fishing from shore and in small boat close to land. It's a catch 22 scenario because rightly so they want to go out and enjoy their passion - Fishing, but as we've depleted local fish stocks and never give them a chance to grow, then only tend to hook-up very small fish!

From an evolution perspective, our hunter-killer instict is buried deep within us all, and perhaps this is why we don't see many people practising catch and release. KSFA are strong promoters of catch and release, and as I mentioned previously, this is certainly something that we should take here within the forum or at least catch and eat.


May I say just this,

Catch & Release is a vital conservation measure to protect the future of recreational fish stocks. There is a definite limit to the number of fish which can be caught before fish breeding stocks and future catches start to reduce.

I believe that as a forum we should promote catch and release.


I agree with you suffrun but those who use pariti release small fish???

They throw them away!

Personally, when I go fishing with my father from shore, we release small fish like breams, wrasses, parrotfish etc. But those who go with their small children don't do the same. Cause their children enjoy seeing the fish swimming in a bucket till out of air!
So my point is that educating young children is the first step that needs to be done.

You cannot educate older people who have a wrong mentality.
Maltese to English Names visit


arti anyone can be educated, even the most stubborn of all..... when the hunters didn't want to know, the law was implemented, prohibiting hunting in spring.

if one is keeping a fish, it is just inhuman to let it die out of oxygen-just use a needle and puncture its head, at least the suffering is way less, and normally tend to taste better.

small juvenille fish are the future of fishing, just remember that and it should be easier to release fish. don't say cause the other's don't do it, i won't..... you do your part at least, for the skeptical person who keeps any fish, there will be the law to punish them in the future.

incl. pariti, i want to see what will happen when i will try to take photos of fishing in the mca areas. THEN THE MINISTER IN CONTENTION HAS TO ANSWER
Good season so far.....


Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Nice found the proposed plans...I am not being sarcastic. I appreciate people who do their homework. :)

Educating the younger generation is easier to implement, educating the's hard...but not impossible. The real barrier is when you find individuals who are so puffed up that they cannot except criticism and yes the usual phrase..."but....but...look at the others, pariti and all"

Others' wrong doing do not justify one's own.

When I was newbie I got critism, I took heed ...but not that much...(i'M A BIT STUBBORN)...but when I got closer to nature and after reading loads of literature I understood that my actions were harmful to the sea and changed my ways.

Come on 2 year old son already knows that he has to return the fish back to the sea after cathing them with the fishing rod.


As i stated before I am infavour of anything that helps to restore the seas and for that matter our planet back on its feet (does it have any?).
I am against parit BUT my friend is a registered MFB (I am MFC as I didnt agree with the conditions of MFB but we had a GOOD (sic.) representative and thats what we got. All MFB registered boats have to bring in to Pixkerija a certain amount of Fish ( Approx Lm 650 correct me if I am wrong). Now he anchores in Bugibba area, and as everyone knows that is not a very safe harbour, so he fishes from May to October again those are not the best months for fishing. So the only way to make up the amount of fish is to lay parit otherewise he looses his right for MFB. Thats a very intelligent way for the authorities to preserve the seas eh.......they implement laws to make as much damage as humanly possible. Money.. always money.........


I did not read this forum for the last few days. I just posted the photos, and when I was reading it today, I found all this stufff..... I am impressed and happy to veaw all this interest, and promise I did not give up with the authorities, but before I continue to tell you I first have to reply to some of the posts, without any offence to anyone. I raised this issue, and I need to be clear with everyone.

For those who got to know me, one thing I really do not lack is sense of humor..... On this hell of a PC, ONE CANNOT PROPERLY ADRESS HIS EMOTIONS AND MAY SOMETIMES BE TAKEN wrongly. I am most of the times found as the clown, and the one who makes others laugh during any occasion. I reacted as I did, because I found that some words were offensivem, and meant to ironically hurt. I do not post is this forum to be clapped by other members, or to raise any anger against anyone. I am not to be associated with anyone else, but myself. In this post I simply tried to make others aware of something that does exist, but many do not know. But I also wanted nobody (authority or company) to abuse . I am a scubadiver, and my weapon underwater is my underwater camera or my eyes to enjoy the beauties of nature. I could have easily opted to do hunting illegally ( as many others), but I do not agree with. For this reason i practice freediving/spearfishing. I did this for years, and it is really hard to succeed ,and many times I go back home without any prey, but still happy to have practiced my loved sport. (I do not practice it for commercial reasons for sure ;D, Ony us sportfisherman know how much does this sport cost us) I selectively choose my target, and I promise that it has to be a mature size for that species being. Many times I went back home full of anger, whilst watching another spearo passing by with a buoy full of finger like creatures.

Skip you're more than fabulously right. Sportsfisherman are in minority and have no count for the gov.

I did not want to search for any regulations. The photos of the Ras ir raheb, I received them at home a year ago from an extremely professional lady at MEPA (namely Carmen Mifsud), I also have information regarding filfla, turtles, and was also sent a DVD (Natural treasures a marine protected area. I simply wanted to know, how informed were the department in question (that came up with these signs). I wanted them to give me the information (like carmen did). And I also wanted to test and see if there really exists this awareness amongs the departments involved, as regards conservation areas. As you will all read, until now the only interest was, pressure that authorities received from private entities. I sincerely beleive that a conservation area is of a benefit to all of us (even if this is done in an area where I went weekly to practice my hobby), but there are many other issues to be taken more seriously beforehand, as other members in this forum mentioned. I am sure that this is just something black on paper, for showing to other countries that Malta has protected areas, and nothing serious will be done.

DJS, You hit the nail right in the head. Amen my friend
I personally spoke to skip, and I truly beleive that my intentions for this post were absolutely intended for good purposes. I also beleive that my objectives in this post are being reached. I wanted to create awarenes, and guys let's help each other so that at least we have some manpower, not to let other commercial activities override us. Guys, it is the authorities you should ask for any clarification, and not your friends!!! If only one person opens his mouth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,useless stuff................

I may also agree or disagree with other comments made by other members, but if they feel they had to reply, they have all right to do so, without being vulgar in anyway

I work in an enforcement authority, and because of this I can abuse to write some statements, knowing of how sometimes turn out to be in reality.

Voters do count beleive me....

In my job there exist pre-requisites, I think these should be addressed to first.

Work hand in hand to reach a goal/objective

(Ps sorry for any spelling mistakes) ;)
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Now lets face reality

I have taken skip advice and spoke to MTA, where I have spoken to Pauline Dingli. Not knowing anything about the issue she directed me to George Abdilla, where he seemed to know about the fixing of these poles. He said to me that there was continuous pressure on his dept. to affix some sort of signs. He told me that he does not know what exactly was written onto these, and did not know of any sl 425, or any other artificial reefs, he asked me that they were only the authority whom affixed and sponsored them, so I asked for who did thes signs. He referred me to PDSA (Professional Diving School Association) and gave me their number and contact persons.

I phoned, and there someone of Maltaqua answered the phone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Simon and agnes seemed to know much more than the authority did,,,,,but how,,,,,,,,,, is maltaqua government owned!!!!!!!!!!????????? These persons are the leading guys for the PDSA. Personal interest see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least they gave me some valid information, telling me that not even them knew of SL 425, and about any artifcial reefs present that are restricted. They stated that in the near future there can be the possibility that they will be put on paper but not until to date. She also mentioned DR Stephen muscat, and Dr Gruppetta, but I do not know what was their involvement.

I then phoned again to Mr abdilla at MTA and he requested me to write a complaint and gave me his e mail. He assured me that if there are any false statements written, or any other irregularities, these signs will be removed. I emphasised on the issue that these were put in places that are not protected areas, and thus could be misunderstood.
These signs are creating the wrong awareness to the general public, they are creating an eroneous impression of us spearos, and are giving us a bad image. Anyone knows that some other kind of fishing activities are illegal, but no signs have ever been put.
Writing in large print  WARNING SPEARFISHING IS ILLEGAL IN MALTESE WATERS, and also a spearfisher cut in half, surely does not put a good image of this practice. I am also conscius that it is somehow illegal to create an eroneous impression.

Guys I will not give up and let you informed. If anyone is mature, and has good ethics ;)
let's protect both nature, and our beloved sport, and yes why not, they need voices, yes them, the authorities.
They said it themselves, they need pressure to act....At least let us try
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Quote from: Arti2 on June 20, 2008, 13:16:46 CET
Quote from: SPNOTTA on June 20, 2008, 10:10:20 CET
Back to the none of you guys are happy that marine conservation sites are going to be implemented? If things are properly administered will have richer seas. Isn't this good? Regarding using flash lights at night and scuba....isn't it like cheating, unfair advantage?

Conservation...I'd like your opinion about the following;

Don't you think it is wastage to;

catch non-commercially viable fish, give them to the cats, leave them in the sun in a bucket and "recycle" them by throwing back in the sea, in large quantities that one doesn't know what to do with them...maybe one can give them to some Gozitan friends :)

30kg of parrot fish!!!! Why did you that??? May I ask??? I mean it's a known fact that parrot fish are an easy prey. Don't you think that was too much??? Today after 2 years of spearfishing do you still consider  a 30kg parrotfish hunt OK?

When I was a newbie I made some mitakes (which I am ashamed of)...but I am proud that greed never took over.

What do we want to conserve fish for? For people throwing nets everywhere?
Maybe you throw them too! We spearos choose size. But nets. If you want conservation go to Marsaxlokk for example!
Something has to be done for sure, but you need to start from nets and trawling!
And it's a good thing to make reserve areas but not for the sake of tourists to make money from diving! But for all of us Maltese! Because we try to conserve not for our sea but for money!
And what about pollution! And many plastic things thrown in the sea from fisherman!
And what about depth charges!
And the divers that catch sea urchins, what do you say? Go to Ramla Bay, the bottom near the shore is covered with cleaned sea urchins.

I definatly agree with ARTI2.
What are the conservation areas for?
I think I have the answer, the conservation areas will be there so the SCUBA SHOPS can make more money, and those who don`t give a F**K about laws will go catching bigger fish from these CONSERVATION zones, while the law abiding spearfishers will have to go in some dead zones to practice their sports.

What I want to say is this, as we live in Malta, no conservation zone will serve for its real purpose, but only for other facts that only some top people can know, so I don`t agree with conservation zones, especially by the coast.


Quote from: baghira on June 21, 2008, 20:23:27 CET

These signs are creating the wrong awareness to the general public, they are creating an eroneous impression of us spearos, and are giving us a bad image. Anyone knows that some other kind of fishing activities are illegal, but no signs have ever been put.
Writing in large print  WARNING SPEARFISHING IS ILLEGAL IN MALTESE WATERS, and also a spearfisher cut in half, surely does not put a good image of this practice. I am also conscius that it is somehow illegal to create an eroneous impression.

Guys I will not give up and let you informed. If anyone is mature, and has good ethics ;)
let's protect both nature, and our beloved sport, and yes why not, they need voices, yes them, the authorities.
They said it themselves, they need pressure to act....At least let us try

I think that this is going becoming like the hunting issue...
Instead of addressing the real problems about the maltese environment, the hunters were always selected from all others who can harm the environment and now it seems that it is going to be done to the sport fisherman.
Instead of contolling  pollution, pariti and the other REAL activities that harm the sea, they will just point at the sport fisherman just to be seen doing something!


Like it or not that is where we are heading. Malta will issue some marine conservation areas and of course some parties will benefit from this.. like scuba divers (why not :) ) and non-law abiding citizens (catch fish from rich niches) :( . Actually the goverment might give some consations to some "friends".

In some EU countries spearfishing had been totally banned whilst trawling and other harmful fishing methods were left untouched. The governments had to do something "ecological" so it turned to a minority.

Apart from that Malta also needs/requires to adopt/amend the current fishery laws for the allowed fish sizes and size of catches. Which is a very good thing, if it applies to all, that is. Maybe fishing seasons will be adopted also.

Now take into consideration that many individuals read these threads and some information might be used it as an excuse to enforce the law. So even if you don't care about the ecological impact of your catches, the least you can do is not to brag your unethical ways. That is if you want to continue with your hunts in the future.

The real activities that harm the sea are very to hard to stop, for the simple reason that they are money rendering.